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how to nat run. What are miith seeds.


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For the world; check the themed worlds thingy. It works you give p ess to the crafter and he'll give you 2 nats in return. (I don't precisely how much, etc. You have to check yourself, it's very easy.)




And mith seeds are seeds which grows flowers, you get them for some quests and you can buy them in the legends guild.

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I don't belive there is a nat running world, I think most people just use the abyss.




Mithril seeds are seeds that can be planted prety much anywhere, they grow in seconds and earn no farming xp. They grow into flowers that can be weilded in the weapon spot.

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It is World 36 for 2x nats.




The mithril seeds are given from the waterfall quest? The one that gives the ability to fight the Fire Giants at the waterfall. You just plant the seeds anywhere and different colored flowers grow that you can pick and wield as a weapon... If you get a black colored flower they can sell for about 100k.




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