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Am I crazy?


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One turn deserves another. His father used a sarcastic quip, it is only fair he uses one back.




I laugh at all the people that act all high and mighty and how they treat their parents so good all the time, don't worry, puberty is a [bleep], write me a postcard when it kicks in, kthnx.




Either that your your a mommas boy and probably won't move out of home until your 30 something and going bald, but hey, to each his own.




Wow, and I thought you were mature too

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Just like someone said earlier, being a parent does not equal instant respect.




They earn it, with the actions they take on you, I respect my mum a great deal as she raised me by herself, and is a very good mother. But to say you should never say bad to them, thats inhuman. It's called testing the boundaries, growing up, puberty.




If by your reasoning my Dad = instant respect? I hardly know the guy, so no, I don't respect him.

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Just like someone said earlier, being a parent does not equal instant respect.




They earn it, with the actions they take on you, I respect my mum a great deal as she raised me by herself, and is a very good mother. But to say you should never say bad to them, thats inhuman. It's called testing the boundaries, growing up, puberty.




If by your reasoning my Dad = instant respect? I hardly know the guy, so no, I don't respect him.


Exactly. What you're saying Shadow (in slightly exaggerated terms) is that my Dad should have my instant respect because he had sex with my Mum. Why would I respect someone just for that? In fact, if anything, it's a cause of disrespect, although obviously not in that case.




I have respect for my Dad because he's raised me and provided for me for the past 17 years as well as two other siblings, eight of which on his own after my Mum died when I was 9. Even then, however, this doesn't stop me questioning his decisions as a parent. I'd never mouth off at him, but I've every right to challenge him on how he tells me to live my life. That's part of growing up, and if you took that away from an dolescent you'd probably do that person more harm in the long run than you would solve in the short term.




And occasionally we do trade the odd sarcastic comment with one another. He doesn't mind - after all I got that sense of humour from somehere. It'd be deeply hypocritical if he gave me a sarcastic comment and didn't accept I can give one back. So long as it's not disrespectful, I really see no problem with that.

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I want to hear that laptop story. drop me a pm if you dont want everyone else to see it.


Yeah, and me pl0x! :P

I wanna hear it to drop me a pm about it. If you don't i'll do this




:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

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