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need prices and barrows help


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well, im merchanting to 20 mil!!! after that im gonna splurge on a long list of items. Here is my list. i am getting 2 of everything






Head- addy full, Rune full, fighter helm, helm of neitzoit,archer helm, torag helm @ lvl 60 def, drag med.




Neck- gnome d ammy, power, glory, fury.




Weapon- Mage shortbow, hunter xbow, crystal bow, dds, d scimmy, abby whip, d hally, d battleaxe, guth spear, dharock gaxe.




Ammo- 6k hunter xbow boklts.




Hands- snakeskin vambs,penance gloves, Highest RFD glove (steel)




Body- addy platebody, Rune platebody, granite body, torag, penance torso,snakeskin vambs




Legs- addy legs, Rune legs, @ 60 defence, dragon plateskirt,torag, snakeskin




Feet- Fancy boots,rune boots, boots of lightness,snake skin




Cape- Spotty, Spottier, 2 obsidian




Ring- Rings of recoil, then rings of wealth.




Shield- Rune kite, rune defender,obby shield (toktz-ket-xil) 4 zammy page (1234).






ok i know that is long, and no doubt someone will tell me to go to the marketplace, but some of this stuff is not in there, so i need help.




Also is full torags and a guthspear/ dharock gaxe good, what barrows set is better?

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Also is full torags and a guthspear/ dharock gaxe good, what barrows set is better?


Depends on what your plans are:


Guthan: best for slayer tasks ans melee training


Dharok: good for str training and pk/duel arena


Karil: Good ranger armor


Ahrim: good mage armor


Torag: good cheap defensive armor


Verac: Great prayer armor and usable for KQ killing




As far as your first question, are you looking to buy or for prices?


Geaux Tigers ! Congrats on a great year !

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umm...i dont think u will be able to get 2 of everything with just 20M...2 spears, whips, furies, dh greataxe should easily exceed it already...suggest getting on of every item instead...full guthan and dharok is good to train together :)

maxed out melee on 10/10/08, current goal: 94/99 cooking

life may be unfair, but why can't it be unfair in my favor?

my fake plant died because i forgot to pretend to water it


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