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World 50??


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yeah the parasites oops sorry pures do clutter up 50. Its all the ones with the noob pink skirts or brown aprons. get around 60 opts and you can decimate them




Well last time we were there we had around 30 opts and we killed a bunch and forced a bunch to run away. Prayer + rune FTW!




So its not the same clan? its a whole bunch of pure clans?

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They're called Aprons, well mainly the aprons go there. Masser pure clans, such as V0p(sorry its true), Aprons, and a few others not worth naming(teleing, logging, and running, no respect?).




These massers get around 200-300 opts, then try to control w50 before getting massacred by a low level main clan, 70-90s, or a good respectful pure clan like AAO, T, or TPF come, or a team of 10 people come, and organization is better then disorganization+numbers so the outcome is obvious. 60 opts? More like 30. =)




Also, I hate to tell you, but the defense clans do have a large number of massers, who do dominate w50 every once in awhile since their defense, and mass opts could only be taken by the top 10ish defense clans.




W50 isn't always active with massers as well. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

It could be any number of pure clans, but what was their uniform? Priest top could be ds (death onsite) or 2kh, red cape is V0p (v0ltage pkers), orange cape is kp (kamikaze pkers), aprons is either aps or dc (death corner). The name of the clan hardly matters, it will have the same generic base- a few loyal members plus a load of massed opts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, there's a lot of pure clans you could be running into @ w50.




Here's some of the more known ones:




DS: wears leather tops




PD: wears pink skirts




V0P: wears red cape, usually with a black top




GPZ: wears brown aprons, and red cape




APZ: wears white aprons




That's all I can think of atm :-k




Oh, and another note: All of those clans listed above aren't permanently "bser clans" or "nooby". It usually depends on the leader, and how many loyal members there are.




I've heard good things from a friend in GPZ. Apparently, they pwn pretty hard when it comes to typical pking, when they have their usual leader.




Personally, I'm in V0P (on my pure), and I've been to a handful of wars. Once we did a double-header (two wars back-to-back) at the maze against DS, and won both times. Another time, we attacked a clan called "Epidemic", who were defending the Gdz. We won that one too. Our leader was good. :P




Attackers usually win, idk why, but that's besides the point.




Other than that, most of what I've heard about PD and APZ is... well basically either the leader gets bs'ed by his own men, and then everyone attacks each other, (LOL), or all the opts attack passer-by 1 item-ers when instructed not to, and it's a big unorganized mess...





Check out my Aviansies guide, going back to February 2008! viewtopic.php?f=180&t=772125&p=6254788#p6254788




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That might not have been ds you warred... I have never seen them wear leather top while warring (or lose to V0P for that matter). Who was leading ds? And btw, aps are pretty good when they have their good leaders online, I have allied and pked with them so I can tell you that firsthand.

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