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Wildy Help


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Where r the best respawning items in wildly name a bunch and give piks and visual, description on where i can find em. I heard earth staffs respawns (sells for 1kea)










Level in wild:


Advice/monsters around it/how to get to it/ directions:


Visual (maps)


Item selling price




Remember i am F2P

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theres big bones at the graveyard, i'm not sure if the nat respawn is f2p or not, and i think there's a cosmic rune respawn next to the ice giants in the ice plateau. that's all i can name off the top of my head.


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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The staff is i'm pretty sure in lava maze (35-45 level wildy) along with a steel plate. The monsters are lessers, hill giants and black knightsa around the entrance. Steel plates alch for 1.2k and normallly sell for 1k.


There is a saph in level 46 or 47 wildy near denomic ruins and it is near red spiders and this sells for 200-500 gp.

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K Thx so should i sell this stuff in Bandit Camp or r there too many pkers there w8ing to kill me. I calculated that Bandit camp buys for high alch price so if i sell 28pl8body for 1200ea that should be 33.6k then i go to bank and i start all over again is that good or bad? give me advice ppl.

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In the Dark Knights Castle (lvl8 wildy), runes respawn there at 5 each. They come every 90 secs i believe. All the F2P runes except nature, law, and death come there. But the lvl 9 warriors are aggresive.

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I remember when i start to train my mauler in F2P i runned to wildy for Iron Scimitar and Iron Med with 3 combat and without any stuff or food :)




then i been proud then using weapon and helm from wildy:)

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


Visit my exp track

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Where r the best respawning items in wildly name a bunch...Remember i am F2P


First, look at the Tip It map of the wildy.


It has many of the items on it.




Second, a few that I can think of:


Nw corner, 3x Cosmic rune spawn


Deep North, Sapphire spawn


NE corner on island, 3x, 4x Nature rune spawn. Need tele grab


North central, used to be a telegrabable item on Red dragon island.


End of Lava maza: Steel plate, muddy chest, staff


Central, Chaos rune spawn


Central, Chaos dwarves. Kill for the muddy key for the muddy chest


Central, Bandit camp store and pizza supplies


Central graveyard, planks for Dragon slayer quest


Central East, Big bone and regular bone respawn


Central west, Dark warrior fortress, most lower level runes spawn in castle


Central west, worthless tile respawn (lol)


SW corner, (worthless) skull respawn


SW corner, Zammy wine in house


Lower level wildy, various coins and some trash gear.




If you wear no gear at all then you can grab 3 items and take them with


you to Lumby when you die. Then bank in Lumby and repeat.




Hope this helps

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