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Gears of War


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My favourite 360 game, played online multiplayer to death. With a group of friends it's actually really fun and only gets more fun when you're "good" at the game and playing against other good people. I'm in a clan and Gears is our main game, we play it pretty much every night, everyone is at a similar level with certain people being better at certain things, in fact our clan has even been featured in a 360 Magazine 8-)




In my official clan games at Gears, I'm unbeaten. Only played two mind you, but one of those was on Warzone while my clan normally play execution, so new tactics had to be used




I don't understand all the hate for the game <3:




Did you read my post? The shotgun with the random damage (X-factor-Gnasher) is enough to make this game... well, I don't know, unfair.

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Not 100% so, there might be a random factor involved (As there is with most things in all games) but if you generally know what you're doing you should be getting the kill when you should. I've put hundreds - if not thousands of hours into gears online.




The most random parts of the shotgun are when you're standing a fair distance from your opponent, then obviously the spread is going to be "random" and sometimes do more/less damage than expected.

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Not 100% so, there might be a random factor involved (As there is with most things in all games) but if you generally know what you're doing you should be getting the kill when you should. I've put hundreds - if not thousands of hours into gears online.




The most random parts of the shotgun are when you're standing a fair distance from your opponent, then obviously the spread is going to be "random" and sometimes do more/less damage than expected.




The key word there is "should." How is it fair to me if I shotgun someone, but they're only damaged instead of killed, so they turn around a shoot me once and I die? You can't possibly believe that a random shotgun is a good idea.

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My favourite 360 game, played online multiplayer to death. With a group of friends it's actually really fun and only gets more fun when you're "good" at the game and playing against other good people. I'm in a clan and Gears is our main game, we play it pretty much every night, everyone is at a similar level with certain people being better at certain things, in fact our clan has even been featured in a 360 Magazine 8-)




In my official clan games at Gears, I'm unbeaten. Only played two mind you, but one of those was on Warzone while my clan normally play execution, so new tactics had to be used




I don't understand all the hate for the game <3:




hey wats ur clan, i can join?




yah man shotgun is random i knot know how many time i shoot a guy point blank and he not die and end up killing me. but game is still cool man cuz it is so original

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Great single player, meh multi for me. Only played 1 online match, kinda fun, but not really. Story is not that great, but passable.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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hey wats ur clan, i can join?







Project Echelon, we're an 18+ UK clan, and to apply you need to have played atleast a few games with us to get referrals.




aww i only 17 but not from UK. oh well do u guy have website i can check out?

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I would say that Gears of War is ranked in some of the better more recent games. I don't think I could call it "the new Halo" or "game of the century" but I certainly think it's a great game. Campaign aspect of it was pretty good, although it could be easily completed in a day on the easiest difficuly but turn it on to Insane difficulty without going on co-op and you're definitely in for a long, bumpy ride. Now, the main reason I believe this game is so popular is because of the online play. People like to get the achievements for this game but many still go back to it even after obtaining all of them, including myself ::' . Even though there are only 4 game-types, the re-play value far surpasses the need for more game-types (in my opinion). Gears of War online is just a fun and even very addictive game. If you just start playing this game I'd say it would definitely take a while before you got bored of it. Don't get me wrong though, this game is definitely not without its flaws, glitching being a big one.




One thing I don't understand is why people would expect a world devestated by war to be so vibrant with colour. There could hardly be bright blue skies without a cloud to be seen if the right mood is to be conveyed. With this kind of game I would have thought more people than not would have expected a dark outlook from any perspective.




On a side note, there are 5 Acts to complete in the campaign mode with each act consisting of a number of different chapters.

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