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It might sound cool with having minimal homework and whatnot, but the social aspect that highschool provides is non-existant in homeschooling. I'm not saying people who are homeschooled have no friends, just that they don't get to experience highschool. As far as I'm concerned highschool is a crucial thing in the development of normal-seeming adult.








That depends on how you see normal, and what school you're in. My fellow classmates ended up as stereotypes, unaware about the world. Im glad i didn't.

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Another thing to take into account is what echelon of society you want to fit into. I'm not sure... are you talking about being taught by your family, or by private tutors? If the latter, then you're still bound to fit in amongst a certain group of people; if the former, then perhaps you'll fit in well with the people in your own little community, I don't know.








I suppose it's all about what extremes you take it to; for instance: I saw, on a documentary one time, a group of neo-nazis who were teaching their children about racial issues (according to their own, rather unique beliefs) at home. They are going to fit in with their own type (can I generalise racists like that? I mean, being racist, they'd be hypocritical to object to my stereotyping them), but not with the rest of the world.








On the other hand, you've got the sort of person who is taught at home for educational purposes; this usually (to my limited knowledge) is more about the standard of education and not the subject matter, so the people are still likely the sort who can get along with normal people, given the correct circumstances. If these people are alienated, then it's their own fault, if you ask me (which, of course, you don't), as they have ample oppertunity to meet people through extra-curricular activities.








I, myself, am glad I'm not home-schooled (by which I mean both taught by family and privately tutored), as I wouldn't have become as socially adept as I am (and I'm still not very socially adept); this is not to say that all people are like this: I am just not the most social person, so wouldn't likely meet people through other means. Perhaps I would have recieved a higher level of education (and I again mean by both methods of home-schooling), but I can go and get that for myself later in life.... if I don't get it already.








Nor would I likely decide on home-schooling for my children.. but if they turned out to be the sort of person for whom it would be best, then I'd reconcider.

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I'm just going to say...Maybe the reason why I don't mind not going to public school is because I've never been, therefore I don't have the longing to attend such things. Also when I think of homeschooling, I usually think of being tought by parents. No, my family doesn't have CRAZY RELIGIOUS IDEAS. though Yes We are Christians,but besides going by the bible we don't add our own things(like the NAZI thing someone mentioned). My Parents didn't FORCE us to be Christians. It doesn't work that way, but since they were christians the atmosphere was extremely open and not alot of conflict. Our family is pretty close, thoug were not perfect and we do have our moments.My parents didn't make us to be anything,but rather they showed an example by the way THEY lived.The biggest thing was we felt accepted and loved no matter what we did.

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honestly, I don't think I could spend a full 24 hours with my parents... Therefore, I'm not homeschooled :P












I'm glad you like it, I've never known anybody with homeschooling experience. It would be intresting to try, but I'll have to agree with Peter, high school is a critical part of a teenagers development.

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I don't think I could ever have given up the highschool experience - friends, sports, etc. I love it all and it's such a good experience!











Why do you morons keep saying you feel sorry for me? It's everyone, not just me. You just don't know it yet. Like I said, everyone has that "That one friend that stabbed me in the back" story. If you don't, you will.











As Eludia said, that is a large generalisation. If you had a bad experience with some people, alright.... not everyones that bad ;).








I agree though, some people aren't the greatest and may stab you in the back. But the key thing that you said was "that one friend"... not everyone is bad. All of my friends are pretty down to earth and we're all very close. I hope you end up with friends like that some day:).

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I'm glad most people are content with how they learned.




I'm glad to see that those who went to highschool(for the most part) enjoyed it and wouldn't wish to change it, and that being said for homeschoolers as well. But I'd like to say that people should keep an open mind about both ways. There are flaws with both ways of teaching,but there are also positive things about both ways. It just is a matter of what kind of person you are and what kind of teaching you need or prefer, And what is more important to you. Everyone is different, therefore don't go around bashing those who don't do as you do,and assuming that just because they don't do things how you do that they are FREAKS. ( they probably think the same of you... :lol: )

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I've got no experience about homeschool, so I don't really know what it's like. But I've got to agree with some people on this thread, most people become really stupid and moronic somewhere around age 12-14. And by that, I mean really stupid. I don't really regret having normal education, it was sometimes fun. But the number of morons far outweighed the number of cool people (maybe it's just my school then, which sucked). The thing I hate the most is kids who do drugs or alcohol because "it's a part of being a teenager". BS. It's because you're a stupid spoiled brat who can't think on his/her own, else you'd know what's good for you and what's bad.








Having friends is not a value of it's own, the quality is everything that matters. 5 good friends you can depend on with your life are better than 50 people from the school who are unreliable and can't keep their promises. I've never had more than maybe 15-20 real friends at most, and a lot of other 'buddies' (but they pretty much just fill my SIM card memory and I see them very seldom or they're just linked through my other good friends).








It depends on your personality, if you want to accept the fact that most kids will be idiots in high school, go for it. There's still a plenty of nice people though, and you should have fun playing sports at least. If you can't concentrate with all those brats shouting all the time even during class, go for homeschooling.

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yeah im homeschooled, kinda for the same resons as Merry.... my parents wanted me to get a Christian education. Now most people I meet dont give a rip about me being homeschooled. Others are like, really? Thats awesome, how does it work?! But then, there was a guy today that crossed himself (the Catholic respect to the cross thing) when he heard I was homeschooled :lol: . I like it because getting done with school early is awesome, because i think i get a better education, and also because I dont wanna be influenced by others doing drugs, etc. I have lots of friends. Some wish they could get their parents to homeschool them..... and they go to the best school in the state of georgia, too. About sports? Well there are many teams that are for homeschoolers. And its not like they do bad, one of them (soccer) got 2nd in the state in 2003. One football team got 1st. And that kid with the glasses? He probably had special ed, and the parents wanted to do it themselves? Just a guess. Yeah, there are a few things i think would be nice about public school, but all in all, homeschool rocks! You cant have all the good things and none of the bad.... you have to pick whichever outwieghs the other in the good parts.








my $.02 :lol:

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