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woot, check my first level 3 clue..


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im no mod but shouldnt this be in slues section|? :roll:



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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Gah! I've done like 8 and all I ever get is rune plates,legs and picks..




one time I did a really long one involving 3 trips into wild where I almost got pked, ALL for 45 nats,black chaps and a rune dagger..:x :cry:












very nice loot for you though.. :D

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A small quesion about wildy clues - when you dig, does the wizards always appear, or is it just at the last clue?








All as long as its lvl 3 coordinates.




and sara wizard comes for all non wilderness lvl 3 coordinates.

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A small quesion about wildy clues - when you dig, does the wizards always appear, or is it just at the last clue?








in wilderness u always get zammy wiz as far as i know..

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A small quesion about wildy clues - when you dig, does the wizards always appear, or is it just at the last clue?








always appear


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A small quesion about wildy clues - when you dig, does the wizards always appear, or is it just at the last clue?








All as long as its lvl 3 coordinates.




and sara wizard comes for all non wilderness lvl 3 coordinates.












Other than the Co-ord which takes you inside the duel arena :D

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A small quesion about wildy clues - when you dig, does the wizards always appear, or is it just at the last clue?








All as long as its lvl 3 coordinates.




and sara wizard comes for all non wilderness lvl 3 coordinates.












Other than the Co-ord which takes you inside the duel arena :D








Oh ya I forgot lol

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A small quesion about wildy clues - when you dig, does the wizards always appear, or is it just at the last clue?








always appear








There are some co-ordinates where wizards don't appear. I've had 2 co-ords that lead into a duel arena that has obstacles. I dig in there and get casket straight away, no wizard.

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