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Building Auschwitz


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I desided to start building the notorious death camp Auschwitz... (Actually Auschwitz camp 2)




( http://activeworlds.com )




I allways wanted to see the layout, and what it looked like in 3D, since I can't afford to go to Poland any time soon, I'll build it using historic pictures, and maps.








What do you's thinck? I have the enterance allready ruffed in, and am expanding on the women's side of the camp.










One of the old guard of RS.

RS birthday = Feb - 27 - 2002

Proud member of the original forum.


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Hope you stick with historic authenticity...




cuz some people might find that issue offensive.








On the lighter side, happy building! :wink:

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from what i could remmember there was a jewish based world in AW when i was on it about a year ago, they might take offence to it







Its not like he is making fun of it so I dont see why remaking a historical (not a good history but still historical) site like this would be offensive

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The famous "Arbeit" poster was on the gates of AW I, which was for the majority of time a political concentration, not an extermination camp.








The much larger and more famous complex of AW II (Birkeneau) which you have modelled, didn't have that sign.








You can find detailed information here:
















P.S. I really hope you are doing this for some serious purpose, like research or a school project about the Holocaust... That's not the kind of thing you model for fun.

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once you figure out how to build, it isn't that hard to do that...








....and thanks for the info.....I need pics of buildings, and were they are in relation to the train tracks....so very few pics of the complex it's self.


One of the old guard of RS.

RS birthday = Feb - 27 - 2002

Proud member of the original forum.


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