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A Janitor's Dreams


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good idea, i dunno why people dont get this. To me it looks like a janitor sweeping up symbols of what he could have been (small plane:pilot, University hat:Teacher? and those ear thingies doctors use to listen to our hearts:Doctor).








I love it. man id wear it, theres more to it than just a janitor.. it shows how easy it is to loose your dreams through life and not even realise till its too late.








Well thats what I got from it :D








(I wrote this before I read the other posts!!)

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The idea behind this picture is deep (ish) if you think about it. =P I didn't really understand it eithe runtil it was explained, but now I see what you mean.








Good job, but I suggest making the items he's sweeping up more noticeable, because I just glanced at them and thought of them as trash. Make them bolder or brighter, something to make them stand out. =]









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