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BsK vs TBL Iron with rune weapon war


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BsK Starting opts: 114 w/o assist


BsK Ending opts: 99 w/o assist




TBL Starting opts: 60 w/o assist


TBL Ending opts: 0




Was a well fought war, which kept BsKs unbeaten record of 5-0-0. The war was over in a couple of minutes after some excellent CC and public chat spamming from both sides. Great job BsK.




War Breakdown




Some of arent too happy about this war even though we still won. Because while waiting at the member gates a group of about 15 people in full rune crashed our war and started attacking one of our leader's Stingroo (lucky he wasnt leading war). Luckily for us, we managed to kill them quickly, but it still cost a food and a few kills. Only then did TBL arrive, and it was probably the quickest fight ive ever been in. Because we all know Rune Scimmies cuts through iron like butter.




We quickly overwhelmed them, Their first pile was our General Viz44, which they didnt even manage to kill but i believe they got a few succesful snipes. The war lasted less than 1min lol. Even though we were crashed, we still pulled a victory (and a magnificent one too). Afterwards we went pking around gdz, People were like wtf? a whole group pking in iron? hahaha good fun.




Written by Penn_42 (Jackal)
















Thanks everybody for the sigs | 3,956 to 99 fishing | King of BsK 18/09/08 - 18/10/08

Chelsea Supporter | CD Supporter | AfterShock Member

Xbox LIVE Gamertag: Cotton Traders

Now what the hell are you waitin' for? After me, there shall be no more, so for one last time, make some noise.

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Another win for BsK =D>




BsK should try a matched ops war; in this one & the last one, BsK had many more ops.




We have a matched opts war coming up. 20vs. 20.






Anyways it was an awesome war. We even had some crashers come but we fought them off.

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Agree, if we outmatch them it simply means we have more members than them making us the better clan. They CAN and DO check our runehead, so if they are outmatched its their loss :/.

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