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I Need Advice: what skill should i train over vacation?


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Hi everyone,




I'm looking forward to power training over Christmas vacation. I'm looking for input on what skill I should train.




Here are some things you should know:




I have about 2mil




I can make 250k an hour




Currently, I'm interested in training:




Crafting-lvl61 (lvl 65 banked)






(Other skills are in the hiscores link)




Please help me if possible. Thank you. :D

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Do hunter since summoning is coming out soon :P

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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Make as much money you can through christmas break and burn it on summoning in January :twisted:




If that is unappealing to you, then I would suggest doing something that would normally take you "ages" to complete. Maybe do some major questing or combat skilling (maxed combats are always hawt) Either power level or train it with slayer. But be prepared, if you power-level your combat without slayer, people of your combat level will crack jokes on you :roll: due to your lower than "average" slayer level. Not that it matters, but I am sure it will get quite annoying, I'm sure.




That way when you're back to your "routine" and less hours of play, you can do 99 cooking since its a relatively quick and painless skill to get out of the way :wink:

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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Crafting is a Scapers best friend :D


It's easy


And if you plan it out correctly,


You won't lose money,


And maybe, just maybe,


if you're lucky enough,


You'll earn some money :)


Go 70 crafting


Then for 93 cooking (Just over halfway to 99 :thumbsup: )




Best of luck in whatever you do :D




Samari <3:


Help me starting out again - Give YOUR advice!

If you're collecting in game "hyt's" send me a message here or in game :D

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After reading the new Development Diary on summoning.




You can kind of forget about saving money to "burn" on Summoning. It's looking like its not going to be "buyable" soo you can either make a huge pile of cash or train something that takes more time than you usually would have.. meaning don't waste your free vacation time on "fast" skills such as cooking and fletching.

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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