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Has this ever happened to you? happens to me alot!


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alright im hungry, so i go to get something out of the fedge. well theres nothing to appetizing. so i decide to make myself a bacon, cheese, egg sandwich.








alright i have all the ingrediants! i cook the bacon first (bacon hold heat better than eggs). then i cook the eggs! while the eggs are cooking, im really hungry, im snacking on the bacon! i try not to but its so good!




by the time the eggs are done i dont have enough bacon left...so take it from me cook the bacon last! you cant snack on eggs!








i have to go cook somemore bacon....



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that sucks....but u kno wat else sucks...when ur gonna make a egg sandwich and u get all the ingrediants out....and u start cooking everything when u notice theres no eggs to cook.... :shock:









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I have a problem im to lazy to cook or prepere ANYTHING.








As a result I just go in and eat it AsIs my most common victim is the large block of cheese in the fridge.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Everything I get really hungry I want to throw something in the oven, but by the time it's done (about 10 minutes), I've already ate something else (or most of the time in plural) and I no longer want to eat the thing I baked. :P



Member of #darkwebz.

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Also, do you ever look at your watch or, even more annoyingly, get your phone out of your pocket to check the time, but actually don't do it? And have to do it again? Hate that.




I do that ALL the time and hate myself for it lol.








I do that too sometimes. Not too often but still annoys me when I do it. Takes me about 10 seconds to realise I still don't know the time even if I looked at my watch :? . Then instead of taking two seconds to look back, I try to remember what I saw when I looked at my watch (even though I know I didn't pay attention and I'll never remember). What should of taken a fraction of a second takes me a minute and leaves me really confused :x

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dont forget cookie dough, i always eat it all b4 i can bake them :cry:








lmao , yah and then u gotta take a sh*t after...









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Yes i do the time thing, look at my phone vacantly and put it back in my pocket without knowing the time. Makes you feel better though, sub-conciously like it comforts you because you think you know the time lol!

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I hate when i eat breakfast and afterwards i put the cereal in the fridge and put the milk in the Pantry... :o








and then i start smelling something wierd... It shock's me how forgetful i am even at my young age...

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Also, do you ever look at your watch or, even more annoyingly, get your phone out of your pocket to check the time, but actually don't do it? And have to do it again? Hate that.








Oh lord yes. Threw my phone in a few walls because of this, god I get annoyed when stuff like that happens.

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