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Anyone suggest some PC games for my tastes/needs?


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Now, I'm not a "gamer" by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like to pick up a game every now and then. Lately, things haven't been going that great for me so I figure maybe I could try playing some computer games to get my mind off things? Eh, it's worth a shot. :P




[Realized I made kind of a long post, cliffs at the end in bold :-#]




I heard about Need For Speed: Carbon, and I thought "hey, I like cars, I like racing" so I gave it a go. As mentioned before, I am not a gamer whatsoever and so my dexterity with the keyboard/mouse is not the best, so to say. And this game was way over my head. As much as I liked the cars and the concept, I completely sucked and lost interest quickly. I'm not looking to become a heavy gamer, but rater to find something to distract me from real-world troubles, and I don't feel like investing too much time into getting good at controls.




I tried playing Hitman: Blood Money, and it was fun for a while, but it got kind of boring quickly. I had all these weapons at my disposal, but I couldn't do anything with them! I had to kill people silently and make them look like an accident. Pfft, forget that. Let me go in guns ablazing. :D




Then I found Max Payne. Freaking. Amazing. I love this game. Everything about it is great. The storyline is well written and executed very nicely through the cutscenes. And it takes place in NYC, so that's a total plus (NY represent homies :thumbup:) The shooting didn't take great precise aiming, so it was very easy to pick up and get into. I beat that game and went onto Max Payne 2. Not as good, mainly because bullet time got a little messed up, but still more than decent. And the best part is, you can save anywhere, anytime, and so you basically have infinite lives. ::'




Also tried Grand Theft Auto III. Another amaaazing game. I went to three first because I heard it took place in what is basically supposed to be play on New York City. I love it. The car control is nowhere near the level of expertise needed for NFS and it's just a lot of fun to play. Doing those missions was great, and even the difficult ones, no matter how frustratingly annoying, were not so impossible. Some admittedly took me days, but I was always getting so close that I knew I'd eventually be able to do it. I got to the third area (Stanton Island) and the map just got so complicated to navigate, that I kind of started to look for other games, and I found Max Payne and got addicted to that. I'll go back and finish GTA III probably sometime soon, and try out the other ones as well.




Semi-cliffs: So yeah, I'm looking for a game to entertain me. I really liked the Max Payne series, and the whole GTA thing. Those aren't my only tastes though, I like my N64 games that occupied me for so long like Mario 64 and Kirby 64 and the like. Basically, I'm willing to try anything. I'm not getting anything that requires a subscription, or massive time invest, so no WoW or anything like that. Just something that I can pick up and play when I'm not feeling that great, to get my mind off my troubles and escape for a while. And it'd be helpful if it didn't take a mastery of the keyboard or mouse to play. Anyone recommend a game for this noob? :anxious:

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Hmm... Are you looking for Multi-player as well?




But, I have a ready suggestion that I think will fit your needs: The Orange Box. It's got almost everything. For guns blazing, you can try the Half-Life games included, or go for the mother-of-all Online FPS's and play TF2. Or, if you're looking for humour and challenging puzzles, try Portal. They all come in the Orange Box.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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Yer the Orange box is definatly worth alook.




But even if you dont play your games to often dont worry you going to learn all the buttons and controls eventually so I wouldnt give up to quickly.

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u can always try another GTA


I think San Andreas is the best one, it all about gangs if ur into that sort of thing


Vice City i think is second best, thats more of a hitman/mob type of thing, also great




Orange box is pretty cool too, TF2 looks amazing and i saw a video of portal today, looks sweet, really fun


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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