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Requesting New Rule for Tip.It Forums ---


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Sorry if in wrong area, but I am SICK of people just saying in their topic title "SUMMONING UPDATE - DOGS & MONKEYS"




I wish to have a new rule in Tif, and that being "No Spoilers". If there was a no spoilers rule, either we should not let the Topic Starters have the actual spoiler in the name, maybe "Summoning Proof - Spoilers"




Or maybe have a subforum under General Discussion being "Spoilers Board - Please post spoilers here"




Agree or disagree?




I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Sorry but I really would not like to see this implemented. Tip.it does not need any more specific, restrictive rules for its users (on this type of thing, anyway) and adding more subforums for the purpose of organization is just a "no." Please do not take offense on this, Ray, but it is very easy for users to suggest things like this - if a topic isn't what they like to read, they think it should have its own subforum. The Tip.it staff have sometimes acted on these ideas and most of them have been reversed due to an overall negative effect on the forums.




Now, this idea may not be exactly the same as it has to do with spoilers. I do think it would be nice for people to maybe tag their thread with

but wanting everyone to do that is just unreasonable. It's a new update, information is being gleaned from the website/news items every day, and people are enjoying discussing it. You'll experience the update first hand soon enough anyways - I don't see a reason to inhibit discussion about that in the meantime.

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I completely do understand your point there, Sith, but I don't really get why we cant just put a spoiler forum/subforum. I mean, it would be easier for the


MANY people who like surprises :)




EDIT --- Admittedly, even though we are getting the Summoning thing out very soon, I still find it a tad annoying, Jagex update 1 thing majorly atleast every month. And I dont want spoilers straight away.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I understand, Ray. It is, however, very naive of you to think that you can avoid spoilers for something big like this when browsing RuneScape-based websites. ;) As hard as I tried when Harry Potter 6 was close to be released, I still used the internet and low and behold, I saw the biggest spoiler of the entire book.




The reason there should not be a spoiler subforum is that it would detract from the discussion activity on the main board. Subforums do poorly in that regard, especially when the topic of the subforum is something as minimal as spoilers. Mods will be forced to move what could be popular threads to a dead board and in turn, General will take a hit of activity.




We can't take a poll on every issue but I think saying that the majority would prefer not to have information about summoning early is incorrect. If it were true, there would be a lot more complaints about the topics on the General board. Most of the spoiler topics contain information that was officially released by Jagex in the first place. There is a lot of discussion value in these big updates and by forcing people to not talk about them because some people do not want to read it is unfair (again, especially when Jagex has already released spoilers of its own).

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