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abuse consequences

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wouldn't it be nice if you see what consequences the abuser gets, you get a message in your mailbox when they have read the report and decided, after you've reported him, else you don't know if they really understood you, or it has effect








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Constanti is a friend of me and he stopped playing about 2,5 years ago...


Post created 2005, he still got my support, but I think Jagex don't want to do this.


1: Because they don't want you to know or the other person is actually banned (lets report zezima, one week later wow he actually really received blackmarks thanks to me !).


2: To much work for them






Jagex doesn't even tell you your reportquality if you ask for it ;).

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They wouldn't have to tell us exactly what they did with the report. I mean, that would pretty much be violating the "privacy" of the player. Though, they could give us a general idea about the reporting quality. Like a percentage or something.

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It's a valid thread. It still makes sense and applies to today's runescape.




As for making them public, I think this goes against Jagex's privacy policy where all the actions are between the player and Jagex. It would be a double standard for jagex to do this.

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Violation of privacy.


The coding wouldnt be too hard to do.


Think of each black mark as a case. They have who reported the person, which is how they pick moderators, so, there is no reason they can't give us a percentage of abuse reports that turned out positive, negative, etc. If its not dealt with/false report it would fall under another category.




But nothing regarding names or the offense.

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