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Gah, I hate these free mmo's, screw them!




I downloaded Anarchy, and the bloody thing dosen't know how to patch. It patches some parts, then for certain files says that my computer denies them access because i'm not on a admin account (except 90% of all software is installed by me).




WoW is still looking like the best thing out there....


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Gah, I hate these free mmo's, screw them!




I downloaded Anarchy, and the bloody thing dosen't know how to patch. It patches some parts, then for certain files says that my computer denies them access because i'm not on a admin account (except 90% of all software is installed by me).




WoW is still looking like the best thing out there....




Yeah, WoW looks good, but paying for a subscription, only to play an hour or so a night due to 12+ hours of work a day doesn't seem worth it.




Ragnarok was good when I played it, I played on the real easy servers so you can get a top level character in a matter off hours/days. But the problem is free servers are always doing stat wipes/closing.




Lion, check their forums if they have any and FAQs or install guides, alot of the free games, theres a nack to installing it.

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I'd honestly say that my experience is next to nil in this. Hellgate: London looks pretty good to me, and Rappelz looks good for a no-cost game. I don't find games that need major cash to play continuously very appealing. I'd love it if some of them had single-player or LAN abilities, but the Almighty Dollar is too powerful. <.< :wall:

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I'd honestly say that my experience is next to nil in this. Hellgate: London looks pretty good to me, and Rappelz looks good for a no-cost game. I don't find games that need major cash to play continuously very appealing. I'd love it if some of them had single-player or LAN abilities, but the Almighty Dollar is too powerful. <.< :wall:




$15 a month isn't major cash. A large reason for subscription fees is that when you have to pay all the server fees that they do you need to have a monthly fee to continue on. Add in the fact that many subscription based games are adding in a lot of content (WoW adds in a ton of non-expansion content in form of patches, and Lineage II has just released their sixth free expansion pack) the $15 a month adds up.








Hellgate london was fun for a week or so but got old quick.








Btw, even if you were just playing an hour or two each day I would still give WoW a shot. You could still probably group up on weekends, and its one of the most solo friendly MMOs out there. Any others you'll probably end up having to waste a lot of play time finding a group.

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If you have $15 a month I know the perfect game: EVE-online




Best game ever... I played, then ran out of cash :(

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Try Dofus, its mostly p2p but its got a small f2p area, its sorta fun even though it would take less than a week for someone to completely finish f2p.




The fighting style is sorta like final fantasy tactics, it also has some skills outside of battles like farming and alchemy.




It gets boring quickly for those who play for hours a day, but it may keep you occupied seeing as you have very little time to play.




They have another game called dofus arena in which you fight other players teams for ranks, it can be very laggy, but its completely free.




They have another game in the making called wakfu, which is basically Dofus 2 I guess, I'm unsure whether it will be f2p or p2p but they seem to be making quick progress on it and may have the open beta here in just a few months.



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My favorite i think it will be Tales of Pirates, its great, Its wow style but free.




I also extremely recommend warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne(Expansion) both of them can be played online and has a great story for single player, and great minigames

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