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A good example is tripsis <3....






1.Help people without negativity


2.post often


3.dont break rules


4. have good grammar




thiose are some things that will help you on your way














[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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You have to be chosen by the TIF Crew.




The best ways to put yourself out as an eligible candidate:




1) Don't just post 1 line responses all the time.


2) Offer a real discussion


3) Don't spam


4) Don't flame


5) Be nice


6) Report Posts! We can't be everywhere at once. (Just only report things that need it!)




It's just general things like these. Your posting style and the kind of person you are will reflect on whether you may be one day eligible for modship.



[Tip.It Mod][Retired][Add your Steam name here!]

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nvm not for me i dont have good grammer, but i think ud make a good one man!


Kind of a weak excuse, don't you think? ;)


Just simply make an effort when you type, use spell-check, etc. I'd understand if you weren't from an English-speaking country, but if you are, then you can type with good grammar. You just have to actually try.



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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Don't expect to become one overnight either, it takes a fair bit of time.




Exactly.. ive been here 2 year and have over 1300 posts but im not a mod (most likely due to my additude.. which im improving).




Just try not to spam *cough* the forums and work on your grammar and help others positivly.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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