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My views on Honor


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Well I think many people have a very warped view on honor so I thought I'd post mine and you can post yours.








Luring - perfectly acceptable in my eyes, why shouldnt you be allowed to lure someone into a trap and kill them? Its their fault if they take the bait, and plus its fun and gets you kills, its also a good strategy to use right before a clan war or so on.








Pk trip crashing - perfectly acceptable as well. Why shouldnt you be able to jump a clan? IMO if you think jumping a pk trip is "wrong" then you my friend are a [developmentally delayed].








Crashing wars - stupid, don't ruin the fun for everyone else. let them fight instead of being a jerk and screwing it up.








Crashing mini wars - same thing ^^








Teleporting - newbish, plain newbish, i can see why people do it cause they are scared to lose their rune and are poor but if you are in a clan and do this then you are just making your clan look poor and people will look at your clan in a different way.








Logging - I don't really care if someone logs on me, its my fault I can't get to them.








Flaming - grow up its a game, but I also see why its fun, [cabbage] talking a clan after you own them is fun and its just part of the game and people should just deal with it.








I've suddenly gone blank and have forgotten the other stupid things people call "dishonorable" I'll try and remember them and post my opinions later.












I know there are a million topics about this, but there hasnt been one for awhile, so what is your opinion on honor and use examples like pk trip crashing and so on.









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On the topic of teleing i don't see how them not teleing is gonna help they just run with like 5 food and make it out easy. If you can't pk someone before they tele you are my friend the noob.




maybe cos u tele my friend :lol:

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Well in the past few months my opinion has changed vastly. It used to be Black and White for me, but I now still consider myself a decently Honourable person (Even though its Bs in the game lol)








I now Log. I used to never Log, but I don't find it fair when I have to fight 5 or 6 people when I am teleblocked and have a whip and make 3 of them ladder. If I manage to get far enough away from rangers and magers I deserve to log.








Also I think Teleporting is ok when you're doing a clue or training or something, however this rarely applies to me because I am always in 20+ Wildy anyway.








I think a 'Dishonourable' person would be someone who complains about Teleporters and Loggers etc, but also does it.








I can Teleblock so Teleporters don't bother me, I sometimes Log. Only thing I complain about is X'ers, because thats against the rules.








I am in complete agreement with you on Pk Trips, Mini and Large Wars.








Mal :wink:

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golf67 is a ex dku member, some of it i agree golf :lol:








hey gohan its be bakay :D old from dku i'm in clan jaguar now with guitar1

ex: Gladiatorz, The Dynasty, Damage Inc.

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On the topic of teleing i don't see how them not teleing is gonna help they just run with like 5 food and make it out easy. If you can't pk someone before they tele you are my friend the noob.




maybe cos u tele my friend :lol:








no he doesnt telli, he 3 hits them before they have the chance to telli..

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There is no honour left ... You could say that logging when being teamed badly, I don't know whether to agree with that statement or not but we could argue about that for months. I personally don't care either way because what is rune worth these days anyway?








If you would define 'honourable' as not praying in single, not teleporting and that kind of things I'd say I'm a honourable pker myself because I never do any of that. However I don't think anyone cares about these things anymore ... Praying in single combat is very lame, but apart from that, everything seems to be generally accepted by people.

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If you tele when doing a clue it's perfectly fine IMO. Why take 1 hour to do a clue, waste pray pots and food, only to get a robin hood and get pked in level 15 wild by a small group of pkers who ran into you by chance?








However teleporting during clan wars/pk trips/miniwars is dishonourable. By bringing tele runes to a war, it means that you did have the INTENTION to run away from your clan, leaving them to die and you don't. It's like deserting your group so that you might survive and they will die

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However teleporting during clan wars/pk trips/miniwars is dishonourable. By bringing tele runes to a war, it means that you did have the INTENTION to run away from your clan, leaving them to die and you don't. It's like deserting your group so that you might survive and they will die












if you have 20hp with no food would you stay and fight? the outcome of the war wont change just because someone whos about to get 1 hitted stayed and died...




your not dying FOR the clan, you are dying WITH the clan




now if you just saw the enemys and teled without a fight, then well...








the only thing i find lame is flaming... people can get so weird over a game sometimes, breaking jagex rules is bad, other than that, its all part of the game

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I would and have. It does make a difference. Every hit that you can get on the enemy counts. Even if you die..You wasted his food and he will most likely also die. You are only dieing WITH the clan if your clan isn't good enough to win in the first place.

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Teleporting - newbish, plain newbish, i can see why people do it cause they are scared to lose their rune and are poor but if you are in a clan and do this then you are just making your clan look poor and people will look at your clan in a different way.








I've suddenly gone blank and have forgotten the other stupid things people call "dishonorable" I'll try and remember them and post my opinions later.








i agree with war crashing and that, teleporting.... thats pretty stupid, only if ure on a pk trip or war... if ure in the wildy training, i think its acceptable. so if ure pking, warring or wutever.... teleporting is noob, training its ok.




u forgot praying.... i think praying against a team is ok in sum cases, i myself will never protect prayer in the wildy unless its 1 on 1 and the other person is using it.












AND XING IS JUST PLAIN NOOBISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

personally i dont like to tele.. i think its noobish to let ur clan die and just leave .. anyways if i was dieng i would look at any mage.. hit him and call his name.. they would die fast and then i got his food.. so no need to tele at all.. and if i died at the war zone its better than dieng at lvl 30-1 wildy... to die with my clan.. or win.. lol once i fought with 23 hp and then we won.. its way better than running..

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If you're not prepared to accept surrender or agree not to attack someone because they're defenseless, don't babble about honour.








A lot of you confuse "honour" with "idiocy," and it's your own fault if your victims always escape you. There's no dishonour in teleporting away or logging out - if you couldn't kill them first, then it's within their rights to escape.








Besides, there aren't any rules in the Wilderness. Don't yammer on about honour when there aren't rules to adhere to.

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If you're not prepared to accept surrender or agree not to attack someone because they're defenseless, don't babble about honour.








A lot of you confuse "honour" with "idiocy," and it's your own fault if your victims always escape you. There's no dishonour in teleporting away or logging out - if you couldn't kill them first, then it's within their rights to escape.








Besides, there aren't any rules in the Wilderness. Don't yammer on about honour when there aren't rules to adhere to.








if u tele away, ur still admiting defeat. they jsut dont get a reward (apart from satisfaction, which is pretty damn good if u ask me).




i only see one solution to the honour debate that could actully work. honour points. not like in WoW where u lose them from "lack of playage" which is dumb (jsut making people play more, creating more nerds who in tern, become obsessed with the game and society goes even further down the toilet).




certain rules r made to get these 'honour' points and u can lose them from other rules. the details ill leave to jagex tho.



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Personally I don't care what people do in the wild. The wild is no place for things such as honor, however I do hate those who complain about teleporting people and so on. I just want to yell at them, GET OVER IT! That's all I have to say. Thanks for reading. :)

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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There's no dishonour in teleporting away or logging out - if you couldn't kill them first, then it's within their rights to escape.











I'm a non-PKer, and I agree Zonorhc . I've only been to the wildy twice in the last year, but teleporting and/or prayer are absolutely within my rights. After all, you weasels can now teleblock me, so what more do you want? :) As far as you clanners go, it seems to me that teleporting and prayer are within a PKer's rights, too, because JAGeX makes up those rights! I also don't understand why you say PK trip crashing is OK but crashing wars is not. Maybe my clan vocab is not perfect, but If JAGeX allows these things, that seems to be the final word. Is one guy running from ore to ore silly? Sure it is, but he got their first, and that is often what matters.









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