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Range/Mage Combat Familiars?


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I'm currently 54 Summoning and doing alot of Slayer Tasks for the new updates to Slayer. I've found myself being very un-efficient when it comes to working other combat skills lately. I'm currently just using melee on EVERYY task it seems, so I've decided to look into Combat Familiars that would help with Range/Mage EXP.




Anyone tested any of the ones under 54 Summoning? Only interested in RANGE/MAGE Familiars.




EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I will not be using Blue Charms. Those are for later down the road and hard to come by.

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I agree with xSxqPowerx. Ive used out the overlord and it works decently.


Edit: If you dont want to use blue charms just buy the pouch you need.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Don't you have to have the Summoning level required to use them? I'm only 4 Levels off from using them, but I'm also broke as joke (hence, no more further leveling until I get some cash-ola)

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