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Call of Duty: World at War


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@Ray You can still get easily get a 2.0 K/D ratio if you play in objective games like War/Domination/HQ in Hardcore or Core with fireworks. I'll try out the bazooka. Might be fun.




And my [bleep]ing brother is on Hulu watching his shows and using up all the bandwidth that I can't play online multiplayer without it being choppy. Especially when I'm trying to be a stealthy ninja with Nambu...

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@Ray You can still get easily get a 2.0 K/D ratio if you play in objective games like War/Domination/HQ in Hardcore or Core with fireworks. I'll try out the bazooka. Might be fun.




And my [bleep] brother is on Hulu watching his shows and using up all the bandwidth that I can't play online multiplayer without it being choppy. Especially when I'm trying to be a stealthy ninja with Nambu...




I do it because I love the RPG in CoD4, so I was just so used to running around with it I kinda carried on doing it when I got WaW. It's funny as hell to snipe with, I use it up then switch to my gun. :thumbsup:


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Right right yep fair enough ok yep right.




Anyway just wondering, 3r, tell me if Kar98k is better unscoped than Ariska yea?




You can still get easily get a 2.0 K/D ratio if you play in objective games like War/Domination/HQ in Hardcore or Core with fireworks. I'll try out the bazooka. May be fun.




And my [bleep] brother is on Hulu watching his shows and using up all the bandwidth that I can't play online multiplayer without it being choppy. Especially when I'm trying to be a stealthy ninja with Nambu...




Lol bazooka is fun, you dont need fireworks though.


And lol. Why do you use Nambu? I find the Tokarev the best.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'm using the Nambu because I'm trying to raise the kill count on my most unused weapons.




And ALL the non-magnum pistols are the same except for appearance and reload times. Since Nambu has the fastest reload time when empty and second fastest reload mid-clip, it's actually a very good sidearm choice. And it looks awesome...




I'll try out the unscoped Kar98k, I'll probably fall in love with it, but the Kar is another gun I only have like 20 kills with (when I snipe I use M1 Garand, Springfield if I prestiged lately, and used to use PTRS). I'll get back to you on the Kar.

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What's the fastest midclip reload on handguns? I usually only do shots to lure people into betties, or to kill people when they arent looking or moving :D

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I've only just noticed this today (because It only became a problem for me), but the M1 garand loads slower mid-clip than it does when completely empty, died twice today because of this, where I had fired a few shots, thought I was safe, reloaded mid clip and got killed before being able to shoot back (and potentially save myself).

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I've only just noticed this today (because It only became a problem for me), but the M1 garand loads slower mid-clip than it does when completely empty, died twice today because of this, where I had fired a few shots, thought I was safe, reloaded mid clip and got killed before being able to shoot back (and potentially save myself).




It reloads really fast when empty, but you should be lucky you are even allowed to reload it mid-clip. In previous Call of Duty games you couldn't reload mid-clip and had to wait until it was completely empty.




What's the fastest midclip reload on handguns? I usually only do shots to lure people into betties, or to kill people when they arent looking or moving :D




It's either the Colt or TT38... I'm leaning towards Colt.




Edit: Correction: The Nambu is the second fastest handgun to reload mid-clip and the fastest handgun to reload when empty

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Tokarev = curvalicious.




I'd be willing to buy a copy of Wii COD5, use my sister's Wii who lives on the other side of town, and own you with Nambu to teach you a lesson on good handguns.




And now that my brother is off Hulu, I'm going to test the unscoped Kar.

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Not liking the unscoped Kar with Camo in Hardcore. Often times they go into second chance and someone either takes my kill or they kill me with their handgun. Arisaka I think has a bit more power (even though the stats say the same) and has a little more recoil so it kills people with Second Chance perk a little lower on their body than Kar.




And the people who think they're pro in HC with STG-44 are pissing me off a bit.




I'm going to go try it in Core with Stopping Power.

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Unscoped Kar with SP in Core is pretty good. Drops them in one shot since most of these guys use Martyrdom.




Fire rate is a bit slower than Arisaka but a decent BA rifle. I'm going to keep using it for the challenges.

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Got some pretty epic shots today.


I was in one of the houses, the one across from the red army burnt-out-house. And I got 2 betty kills, so I got sticky-grenaded.


The guy who threw it was up there and waiting at the stairs. I went in and he almost blew my head off with a BA rifle. So i went around and tried to shoot through the small hole, same thing happened. So I went to the window and threw a smoke grenade into the window.


I went back to the stairs and he wasnt looking, so I sighted my K98k and as he turned around, bam, headshot. Was pretty leet.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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^ Epic indeed.




I finally got the aperture sight for the Carbine. Took long enough, I was getting more kills with the flamethrower than the carbine. It's iron sights suck compared to the other rifles.




Once I get the box ammo for the Carbine I'm going to buy a modded controller and see what the carbine can do with 30 shots mag/15 shot aperture.




I'm kidding about the modded controller.

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Oh yeah I got a headshot on the same guy when I aimed for his back too, hah.




Why are you going to waste your time buying a modded controller to be a massive noob? :|


Mods are like the viagra for e-penises ( ;) )




And tbh the Carbine is so awesome, it doesnt need iron sights to aim.


Unless you're trying to snipe with it, then wtf?






lol bolt action rifles in NTDM gives me a rush, I'm going to scope ariska now.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I didnt see any.


So I quoted lol.




Hey I just had the MOST EPIC KILL ever with any gun, that being Ariska. 6 seconds left, some guy shoots at me, I duck behind a wall. He doesnt come for a minute so I step out, see him, and quickly shoot out of scarediness.. headshot lolwtf?




2nd best kill was a headshot I was lining up with my scoped Mosin, and I shot just as someone else walked into it, double headshot. pretty ftw.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Arisaka is the best BA rifle for those kinds of situations I've seen. You can pop one off and hide real quick and get the kill.




I just had the most fun zombies game ever. I had a good team (all had mics that's a plus), that wanted to glitch, but I didn't let them (revived them) so after a barrage of insults, they gave up and we were just dicking around for awhile and still keeping up. I made it to round 15 without being downed so I got the "Sole Survivor" trophy. I had a Trenchgun and Ray Gun, everyone had betties we were laying them each round.




Point is everyone functioned smoothly and synchronized, we made it to like round 17 then the host lagged out... BIG anti-climax...




T'was fun though. ::'

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Zombies is like the only thing in CoD5 that requires the least bit of teamwork. I love the idea of zombies. I am going to go to my friends lol, and I'm gonna play zombies on his comp.



I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I'm sort of glad I have a PS3. No one really talks bad on it (except its terrible peer to peer server [cabbage] which even I complain about) and it's a very passive console. And I strongly believe Activision won't drop Sony... And even if they do, I won't be missing much. COD series is all they put out that I'm interested in, and I'll have WaW and MW2.




Edit: I swiped the 3,000th post, I assume RayOxide will get the 3,000th reply.

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Offtopic: I dont like the idea of the Xbox, this is a generalisation, but alot/most people who have an Xbox generally think its the best thing and all the games own. Which is why I rather the PS3. I dont want to be generalised nor do I want to turn into a person like that.






LOL bolt action = massive fail in NTDM but ZOMG it makes you feel so awesome when you get a kill..

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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