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My pixel/hybrid gallery ^^


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yes, i know they are mostly avatars but i don't like backgrounds (a)






^ My first pixel :thumbsup:












Do NOT use this one, i had tons of messages from people who ask if they can use it, someone ordered it and only he is allowed to use it. :shame:


Yes, it is drawn over, the story behind it: He asked me if i could make an animated version of his firecape, wich i couldn't, so i offered him to make one pixel style and he agreed.












Made for the pk-part of my community, yes they are cartoony :)




Yes, i know, forgot to shade his head -.-






I also made some really bad ones (REALLY small) and i'm not posting them here :mrgreen:

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Umm... I'm going to be honest here, these ain't too good, mate.




First off, yer lines need cleanin. Don't be lazy-erase all the sharp corners off them first.


Second, you need to learn how to dither. There be many ways you can do this-I suggest a guide if you want more details.


Third, your text is terrible. Don't worry~even the masters fail at text, it's a hard concept to master. In pixel signatures, it is generally better if you draw your own text... it looks a lot nicer if you've got a steady hand on yeh.




The last couple aren't even pixels.....


Lens flare=FAILURE.




All in all, you get four kitties out of ten here.


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Actually...To be totally honest I quite like them. But remember when you add effects and such in things like gimp it automatically counts them out of being a pixel. In my POTM entry I accidentally did a gradient, and I had to rub it all away #-o.




I like the cartoon style of them, and the text needs heaps...and heaps...and heaps of work. Actually just draw your own.

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Umm... I'm going to be honest here, these ain't too good, mate.




First off, yer lines need cleanin. Don't be lazy-erase all the sharp corners off them first.


Second, you need to learn how to dither. There be many ways you can do this-I suggest a guide if you want more details.


Third, your text is terrible. Don't worry~even the masters fail at text, it's a hard concept to master. In pixel signatures, it is generally better if you draw your own text... it looks a lot nicer if you've got a steady hand on yeh.




The last couple aren't even pixels.....


Lens flare=FAILURE.




All in all, you get four kitties out of ten here.




Pretty much agreed. All of those seem a bit... rushed. I mean come on, at least take the time to pixel a simple background instead of sloppily digipainting it (or adding a lens flare). Half of those can't even be considered pixels, and the ones that can aren't great. Also, the 4th one looks like a traced/copied RuneScape screenshot... -.-




Lots of work to do I'm afraid.


pixel avvy by me deviantART

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Umm... I'm going to be honest here, these ain't too good, mate.




First off, yer lines need cleanin. Don't be lazy-erase all the sharp corners off them first.


Second, you need to learn how to dither. There be many ways you can do this-I suggest a guide if you want more details.


Third, your text is terrible. Don't worry~even the masters fail at text, it's a hard concept to master. In pixel signatures, it is generally better if you draw your own text... it looks a lot nicer if you've got a steady hand on yeh.




The last couple aren't even pixels.....


Lens flare=FAILURE.




All in all, you get four kitties out of ten here.




I agree, the lines of my first 4 need cleaning, but these were made in pixelnoobie time and you should agree that everyone who tries to make a pixel for the first time does this.


Also, English isn't my first language and i don't know all the 'pro pixel' terms so i don't know what you mean by dither.


Yes, my text is teriible, i am to lazy to pixel my own text and if i do it it looks horrible, + i haven't downloaded a font in ages #-o


The last ones aren't even pixel?


What should i do then, post them without any background at all?


The person who ordered the one with lens flare wanted it to be like that, so no complaining about that k?




Actually...To be totally honest I quite like them. But remember when you add effects and such in things like gimp it automatically counts them out of being a pixel. In my POTM entry I accidentally did a gradient, and I had to rub it all away #-o.




I like the cartoon style of them, and the text needs heaps...and heaps...and heaps of work. Actually just draw your own.




About the text and not being a pixel, read previous.


Well, this is my style and i'm not planning to change it, thanks for at least liking the style ::'




I think you need to dither the shading :P


Read a bit higher ;)





Pretty much agreed. All of those seem a bit... rushed. I mean come on, at least take the time to pixel a simple background instead of sloppily digipainting it (or adding a lens flare). Half of those can't even be considered pixels, and the ones that can aren't great. Also, the 4th one looks like a traced/copied RuneScape screenshot... -.-




Lots of work to do I'm afraid.




Rushed? I put a lot of work in it to make it look completeley anatomic correct and to make the outter lines look perfect.


And what do you mean with a simple background? Some boring colour or empty place?


And yes, the fort one is drawn over from a screenshot because the person asked it to be like that.


This is my style and i am NOT planning to change it -.-




Now, any positive comments from people that are not hardcore pixelers or people that are open for new ideas?

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I'll ignore that they're runescape fanwork (ugh, hah) and just comment on them. In order:




(1) Crappy anatomy, his head is freaking huge. Really boring idea (a guy with a whip in the wilderness, never saw that before!). Shading is basic.




(2) There is nothing even there. There's no real focal point save for the guy, and just nothing is going on. Very boring. Also the shading is much too obvious and text is bleh.




(3) Much better, although shading needs work on several parts -- it seems unfinished.




(4) Looks like a traced character with a poorly animated cape. Yawn.




(5) Can't even hardly see anything there, very basic. Anatomy is really bad again (small head) and it's pretty boring.




(6) seems unfinished, does not try at all to deviate and go away from the boring and drab runescape style.




(7) Aside from having no idea what the "RA RA RA" is all about it's ok, although pretty basic and I still think it looks unfinished. I don't like the cartoony look of them.




(8)It could be much better then your others. The characters shading is ok and the grass is ok.




Then you had to go and [bleep] it up with an ugly [wagon] lens flare and cloud filter, and effectively made it one of the worst of the bunch. Lens flares are almost never a good idea, especially in pixel art. And the cloud filter just looks meh.




(9)The background seems smuged, not pixeled. The grass seems like you also blured it or something.




The characters have almost no shading done on them and look, honestly, pretty silly.




The person who ordered the one with lens flare wanted it to be like that, so no complaining about that k?




That's the part where you tell them to [bleep] off and keep some artistic integrity.

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I'll ignore that they're runescape fanwork (ugh, hah) and just comment on them. In order:




(1) Crappy anatomy, his head is freaking huge. Really boring idea (a guy with a whip in the wilderness, never saw that before!). Shading is basic.




(2) There is nothing even there. There's no real focal point save for the guy, and just nothing is going on. Very boring. Also the shading is much too obvious and text is bleh.




(3) Much better, although shading needs work on several parts -- it seems unfinished.




(4) Looks like a traced character with a poorly animated cape. Yawn.




(5) Can't even hardly see anything there, very basic. Anatomy is really bad again (small head) and it's pretty boring.




(6) seems unfinished, does not try at all to deviate and go away from the boring and drab runescape style.




(7) Aside from having no idea what the "RA RA RA" is all about it's ok, although pretty basic and I still think it looks unfinished. I don't like the cartoony look of them.




(8)It could be much better then your others. The characters shading is ok and the grass is ok.




Then you had to go and [bleep] it up with an ugly [wagon] lens flare and cloud filter, and effectively made it one of the worst of the bunch. Lens flares are almost never a good idea, especially in pixel art. And the cloud filter just looks meh.




(9)The background seems smuged, not pixeled. The grass seems like you also blured it or something.




The characters have almost no shading done on them and look, honestly, pretty silly.





Sure, your first pixel was perfect?


And yes, ALL my backgrounds are made with photoshop filters except the first 2, and the grass on the lens flare one is also photoshopped >.>


Edit: Oh, and RA is a clan, it are 3 seperate pixels


Edit2: now that i read it i really look like a total *bleep*hole, i don't want this to be the case, i just want to show the "evolution" of my pixels and not as if it was my best work or thinking that i am a pro.

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I don't even pixel.


Then why do you assume that someones first pixel should be perfect?


I made all of those for fun, not to show off :wall:




And Psv, thanks :)




Because the point of Constructive Criticism is to help a person get better, not to shower them with praise. I'm still an artist, I don't see what me not pixeling has to do with anything.

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I don't even pixel.


Then why do you assume that someones first pixel should be perfect?


I made all of those for fun, not to show off :wall:




And Psv, thanks :)




Because the point of Constructive Criticism is to help a person get better, not to shower them with praise. I'm still an artist, I don't see what me not pixeling has to do with anything.




Once i completed it, i didn't want to improve it because back then i thought it was at it best.

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That's why you look at the crits, think about it and look at how you could fix what was wrong and then apply it to future works.




I'm not saying fix these, because a lot of them are fairly unfixable at this point due to boring ideas. However take what I've said and apply it to other work.








"X has bad anatomy, head for example"




You would think on your next piece:




"Hmm, does this head look in proportion for the rest of the body? Maybe I could look at a resource image and check"




or another example:




"X is a boring, played out idea"




On your next piece:




"Hmm, has this idea been done a lot before, or is it a bit more unique? What can I do to put a new twist on this old idea if it is, actually, old?"

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That's why you look at the crits, think about it and look at how you could fix what was wrong and then apply it to future works.




I'm not saying fix these, because a lot of them are fairly unfixable at this point due to boring ideas. However take what I've said and apply it to other work.








"X has bad anatomy, head for example"




You would think on your next piece:




"Hmm, does this head look in proportion for the rest of the body? Maybe I could look at a resource image and check"




or another example:




"X is a boring, played out idea"




On your next piece:




"Hmm, has this idea been done a lot before, or is it a bit more unique? What can I do to put a new twist on this old idea if it is, actually, old?"




I've done that whit all my pixels, if a problem occurs in a pixel you don't see it appearing in the next one :)


And yes, i know, boring idea but other ideas were simple not possible because it was to difficult.

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Rushed? I put a lot of work in it to make it look completeley anatomic correct and to make the outter lines look perfect.


That didn't work out too well then.




And what do you mean with a simple background? Some boring colour or empty place?


Well, to be brutally honest, even that would be better than what you have right now.




And yes, the fort one is drawn over from a screenshot because the person asked it to be like that.


This is my style and i am NOT planning to change it -.-


With that attitude you're never going to improve.




Yes, I'm being harsh, but I mean every single word of what I just wrote. I just want you to realize that before you can start working on your pixels, you need to work on you attitude towards people that give you C/C. I think you have potential as a pixel artist, but you need to realize that I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, but I'm trying to help. Honestly.


pixel avvy by me deviantART

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Going along the lines of Jopie, if I wanted to just insult you I could do it in one line of text:




[bleep] you, you're terrible, just quit now.






But either way man, if you don't want to listen to CC I could simply condense all of my thoughts on your work into 1 word if you want. Not going to waste my time writing a bunch for someone who doesn't wanna change.

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Don't be offended by the critisizm. As said, It helps you improve your pixel art. This is just how our Gallery Mates Help eachother get better and better as they make pixels, or any kind of art.

~ HYT Chat Rules (Click Here): Read before entering the chat. ~


| Former Clan Chronicle Editor | Former Clan Improvement Member| Former TET Member |

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He has getting pwned worse than me when I responded badly to Nadril's crit. Ouch.




I realise now that they are all photoshopped filtered backgrounds. This lowers the quality of the sig, and the sig maker.




What forums did these come from?




I should go over there and tell them to get some flipping better artists.




Keep on it though. Next pixel you do, compare the anatomy to something else (preferably real) and do a background.




Heck, I'm still on my second pixel, and that has to be ditched 'cos I used gimps airbrush which gives it like a kazillion different colours.

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I understand, but i just like it this way and if other people like it to i will keep it like this.


Also, i've worked today on a pixel (no photoshop effects)




As you can see i used a different type of shading on the cape and robe to try it out, removed the borders of the guy and i think it looks good.


Also pixeled the text with a special homemade font for my name ::'


Any ideas for the background?


I was thinking of the entrance of the Fist of Guthix Cave.


It is based on this outfit of mine:




Another small pixel i made a week ago, i'll probably use it if i'm going to make a bigger pixel.




Oh, and sorry if i like big heads/small pixels :|

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I agree, the lines of my first 4 need cleaning, but these were made in pixelnoobie time and you should agree that everyone who tries to make a pixel for the first time does this.


Also, English isn't my first language and i don't know all the 'pro pixel' terms so i don't know what you mean by dither.


Yes, my text is teriible, i am to lazy to pixel my own text and if i do it it looks horrible, + i haven't downloaded a font in ages #-o


The last ones aren't even pixel?


What should i do then, post them without any background at all?


The person who ordered the one with lens flare wanted it to be like that, so no complaining about that k?





...Look, I'm not goin to fight with yeh, but... I'm not complaining, these be only my opinions, which you asked for in the first place. The last ones can't be pixels because you added effects to them in photoshop... They're known as "hybrids" instead. Hybrids are just fine too, but make sure the effects you add complement your pixel art.


Dithering is kinda hard to explain, basically yeh pixel a row of colored dots to blend the colors...


Here's the three most common kinds of dithering.




This is called random dithering... basicaly you take one color, and carefully scribble it into the other color.




This is called spot dithering... basically yeh pixel two alternating rows of color 1 on color 2. There are several different patterns you can use, though the one shown is the easiest.




This is called line dithering.. in which yeh draw alternating lines of color 1 on color 2.




The new ones aren't bad, though once again they could benefit from a few lessons on anatomy and shading.. as of now they look very flat.




the second one looks suspiciously like a traced over runescape image........


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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I agree, the lines of my first 4 need cleaning, but these were made in pixelnoobie time and you should agree that everyone who tries to make a pixel for the first time does this.


Also, English isn't my first language and i don't know all the 'pro pixel' terms so i don't know what you mean by dither.


Yes, my text is teriible, i am to lazy to pixel my own text and if i do it it looks horrible, + i haven't downloaded a font in ages #-o


The last ones aren't even pixel?


What should i do then, post them without any background at all?


The person who ordered the one with lens flare wanted it to be like that, so no complaining about that k?





...Look, I'm not goin to fight with yeh, but... I'm not complaining, these be only my opinions, which you asked for in the first place. The last ones can't be pixels because you added effects to them in photoshop... They're known as "hybrids" instead. Hybrids are just fine too, but make sure the effects you add complement your pixel art.


Dithering is kinda hard to explain, basically yeh pixel a row of colored dots to blend the colors...


Here's the three most common kinds of dithering.




This is called random dithering... basicaly you take one color, and carefully scribble it into the other color.




This is called spot dithering... basically yeh pixel two alternating rows of color 1 on color 2. There are several different patterns you can use, though the one shown is the easiest.




This is called line dithering.. in which yeh draw alternating lines of color 1 on color 2.




The new ones aren't bad, though once again they could benefit from a few lessons on anatomy and shading.. as of now they look very flat.




the second one looks suspiciously like a traced over runescape image........




Ah, dithering, like the style of shading i used on the fist of guthix ones skirt?


Everyone has it's own shading style and to be honest dithering doesnt match the cartoony style.


Ans the second one is NOT a traced over rs image, i started with an accumulator because some random pixel thinh that i made looked like it, and the added body, head, arms, ...


So if you think it is traced over while it isn't, does it mean it is good?




Oh, and here are the finished ones:


vuistvanww6.png And bi2ohe.png


Still need to find a background on the second one tho :/

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Pixeling is an art....of patience.








You have to do everything yourself.






No shortcuts.








Sorry if it's not what you want to hear :roll:




I know, just sometimes i feel a little lazy :roll:

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