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I searched this and have never found anything like this before, so as crazy as it sounds, I'm gonna say it. I think they should have marriage in RuneScape. Now, stay with me on this one before you hit "Return to Index"








Ok so you would choose who you want to marry, and then go to a specified church (There would be a few, like one in Varrock, one in Fally, Etc. and all other big cities) and you and your partner would basically just have a little marriage ceremony. I think they could add a special area in the friends list that tells who you are married to and that person's name would be in like bright red (or something besides green) that would stand out from the other friends (in green). I suppose this would also be a very nice addition to POH's (If they ever come) and maybe you could even have a shared bank account or something. I haven't thought this through too much, and there really would be no point besides it being really fun. Anyway, anyone have an opinion on this?








Oh P.S. Something I just thought of though that could create a controversy is would they allow homosexual marriage seeing as many people have their own opinions on the matter. Now, I really don't want to start a debate on what's "right or wrong" because this really isn't the place for it, but my guess is if they did implement this, they wouldn't allow homosexual marriage seeing as in medieval times, homosexuality probably didn't really exist yet. Anywho, I want to hear people's opinions on this idea. It could be huge!

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Oh P.S. Something I just thought of though that could create a controversy is would they allow homosexual marriage seeing as many people have their own opinions on the matter. Now, I really don't want to start a debate on what's "right or wrong" because this really isn't the place for it, but my guess is if they did implement this, they wouldn't allow homosexual marriage seeing as in medieval times, homosexuality probably didn't really exist yet. Anywho, I want to hear people's opinions on this idea. It could be huge!








Read your history, Homosexuality amoung men has been preveilent since the begining of written history. Now back on topic:








Idea has been done in FFXI and is been implemented by players in the past back on rsc and on other games such as everquest. It is stuff like this that ruiens people's lives. Not only that what type of marriage ceromoney would be used. If you used anything in rl people may get offended that their reglion or pratice was left out. For theses reasons I don't agree for that a formal way to marry should ever be implemented in any game that is internationally played.

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Hmm... well, I can see potential problems with it; but when thought of it, I wasn't thinking about it being to formal. I was thinking you would just have a certificate (A marriage certificate; no, not in any way related to certs in RSC) that would say who you are married too.








Ah, another idea: Just for kicks, maybe the men could get Tux's and the women wedding dresses when they get married (Like they would get to keep them). As I said, there would really be no point besides it being for fun, and it would also make a lovely addition to POH's.

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This would just lead to further problems. If it was added with POH people would make their character female, get married to someone and then clear out all the stuff in mate's house.








Exactly, so it would be realistic. :D












No, they wouldn't be able to take their partners stuff. Obviously, this is something that would take a while to get right, but I think it would be fun once Jagex did.

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If you meet a person online and fall in love with them (Hopefully their not a guy playing on a girl char or vice versa) then this is a good idea. However I tend to disagree with this because I'm against dating online. That's just me though.



Yes I am a girl. No, I won't be your girlfriend. :oops:

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So? RuneScape already excludes certain religions. Think about it... who are the only religious figures in RuneScape? Monks... and where are those monks located? Churches... I don't know about you, but I've never seen a Mosque in RS. Plus, All religions and cultures have some sort of marriage. I can't think of any that don't have a formal process for marriage of two people.

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So? RuneScape already excludes certain religions. Think about it... who are the only religious figures in RuneScape? Monks... and where are those monks located? Churches... I don't know about you, but I've never seen a Mosque in RS. Plus, All religions and cultures have some sort of marriage. I can't think of any that don't have a formal process for marriage of two people.








Yes the monks are in churches, but a mosque is a church if you think about it. Furthermore, the relgion system in RS isn't based really on anything substanital. And Yes there is a formal process for marriage, but people wouldn't get offended about the marriage itself they would get offended by the way the marriage is carried out.

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While this is interesting, I think that marriage would further blur the line between a fun game and online reality. This is a game played by 11 year olds, (I, at 19, am probably one of the oldest), and there is just no reason to add that element of 'realism'.








But I don't play that much, so I wouldn't know how seriously some people take RS and other games.

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:shock: :?








yea.... well this i think is a bad idea, one because like a 8 year old could go up to his mom and say "mom look i just got married! now she wants me to go to bed with her!" :? :roll:








umm, i dont think people would want that :?

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One more thing: A mosque isn't a church. A church is Christian, A Mosque is Islamic.








They are pratically the same thing- they are a place of worship, the only difference is who is worshiped in them. Thats why no one got offended and complained when the monks place was added.








And yes bluring the lines between reality and game would take some tol on some people.

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One more thing: A mosque isn't a church. A church is Christian, A Mosque is Islamic.








They are pratically the same thing








How can you be so fickle?




















When I wrote that post, I didn't think people would take it so seriously. I just thought it would be fun to be married to someone. Not for money or for realism, just for fun. RS is a game afterall... Isn't it?

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I think it might be a fun idea. People could schedule weddings and put if it was private or public. And maybe there could be different ways of carrying it out. But on the other hand, there may be some conflicts with religion going on there, so Jagex might not want to get into that. But it's sort of implied, at least I think of it this way, that Saradominists are Christian. They, after all, do have a star that is much similar to a cross as their symbol. Or you could think of it as the star that led people to the birth of Jesus, but you know, I don't want to get into public debate about it. That's just what I think. Perhaps there could be Saradomin weddings (where all is good, lovey dovey, traditional wedding), Zamorak for the warriors (Be strong, fight to the end, all that kinda stuff), Guthix (bring peace and let two become one, equality). So instead of basing them on real religions, we could base them on RS religions (even though I think two of them are based on actual religion, it might make people feel less offended about it). Um, yeah, so I hope that wasn't a bunch of nonsense that I just typed up, lol.

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