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-=6 Month's membership gone, another 6 to come=-

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I'd like to start with my Latest F2p stats, this is about 2 days before i activated membership:




[hide=Latest f2p stats]SkillzthatKillz.jpg[/hide]




Next is my earliest member stats (about 2 days):




[hide=Earliest p2p stats]1000total.jpg[/hide]




And now...one of my goals achieved, 38-50 farming...without spending a single gp, or plating a single tree. all from tears and lamps/books:




[hide=50 farming]50farming.jpg[/hide]




That farming lvl got me all stats 50+ and now please rate my acount after 6 months of membership:










I'd like to take a moment here, and say...i officially am better than my old acount (hitman76) other then 89 thieving and 93 fletching :wall: which i will never even try to get on ambrose.




I'd like to thank all my friends that ive had since f2p and ones that ive made in my 6 months of membership. Also i'd like to state that i chose the worst 6 months to start my membership. it was nearing the end of the school year and as you all know...end of school year=exams...exams=studying...studying=1 hour runescape max!




One more thing, my total bank is about 7mil...i came into p2p with exactly 1mil so im quite happy.




Thanks again and please rate me ::'




EDIT: i got 67 slayer w00t


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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Nice stats and charm collection! Keep up the good work, get a 99 too :D




;) tyvm for the compliment, and about the 99's, im slowly working my way to 99 defence. i'd rather have average stats than 2 99's and all stats *Insert that smelly thing that comes out of your*insert synonym for behind**




Good luck on your two 99's btw \:D/




nice stats :thumbsup: especially liking the 66 slayer, so lets turn those numbers upside down and get 99 ;)




Lol i actually chuckled a bit when i read that. thanks for the compliment, i don't really have a goal for slayer atm. i'm just slaying along while training combat stats. I was one of the smarter members that started training combat with slayer right away (as you can see in my 1k total pic).




P.s do you hang out alot in world 116 edge bank? i swear ive seen you more then enough times :lol:




Thank you very much you two, and keep the rates and smiles comming ::'


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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Woot got 67 slayer yesterday \' \'




:x forgot to take pic...






The purple outfit is terible, insanely terible :lol:




Lol i wore that outfit to f2p 2 days ago and you don't know how many naughty boys and girls there are in f2p :shock:




You've done way better than I ever did when i got members. Well done and keep up the goodworkd =D>Also get barrow gloves :)




I'm sure you did mighty fine yourself ;) and about barrow gloves...uhh yea...Desert treasure is like Mount everest...i have to somehow either dig through it or scale the god dang thing...




Thanks everyone for posting, keep the comments comming. and sorry for not posting back for like 2 days...was busy ::'


[Thank you very much Skull_Emblem For the Beutiful Sig And Jopie for doing the Text]

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