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I like most of the randoms, personally. Then again, I tend to get them while skilling instead of while in combat. It seems like, if you are burying your bones, you tend to get your randoms when you are burying, instead of while in combat. You get the bone random, and then the counter or whatever, resets. I also have all the outfits but the shade robes from random encounters. I'm silly, I like them.




Hmm, what about a message in the text box that you can click yes or no to a random if you are in combat? The box to click can be somewhat like the bank pin to make it harder for a macro to pick out the correct response. That way people who are attempting to use a macro, or those who are AFK training still get hit with the random as they are supposed to, but those who are actively at their screen would be able to cancel the random before it activated if they were in combat. The 10-15 seconds is in case they are in the middle of trying to eat or something to that effect.

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Yeah I think they really need to get a move on with the removal of some randoms... Molly... Pinball... I mean if they didn't happen so often I guess they wouldn't be that bad, but NO ONE likes them. They happen WAY TO OFTEN for that. I remember reading rants at one point in time, from people who had never gotten randoms like Mime and Maze and stuff, and wanted them so bad they needed to make a rant about it to vent frustration about not getting the randoms. Now we've done a 180, and we really need these randoms toned down or removed completely. I think this update should be much more important than any quests or new content in general. It's something that would make the play of almost all players better in general.

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I used to like the ones like the Mime and the Sargeant and the Frog bewcause you got a costume, but after I got the costumes...well they just annoy me :evil:

Kez dispenser!!


(The Noobiest Noob Of All)

(My combats actually lvl. 69...so yeah)


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I used to like the ones like the Mime and the Sargeant and the Frog bewcause you got a costume, but after I got the costumes...well they just annoy me :evil:




Yeah, the first five times or so were fun - but after like the 2000th time, it gets mind-numbingly dull. Randoms are probably #1 on my list of Runescape annoyances.

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