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Special Player Bones


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I actually like this idea. I mean the idea that chicken bones give equal exp to actual human bones is sorta wierd. Maybe you would have to burry them in a cemetary for the extra exp to take place. With this a new market would be created for pkers, which i find amusing for sum reason. The extra exp would have to be worth tho, other wise people wouldnt bother. "Selling Human Bones" :lol:

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I actually like this idea. I mean the idea that chicken bones give equal exp to actual human bones is sorta wierd. Maybe you would have to burry them in a cemetary for the extra exp to take place. With this a new market would be created for pkers, which i find amusing for sum reason. The extra exp would have to be worth tho, other wise people wouldnt bother. "Selling Human Bones" :lol:




Hahaha :lol: I completely afree with ShadowSam19, that'd be more interesting to see human bones rather than bones. :twisted:

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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that idea is funny, im not against it but its seems a little odd. When i pk i dont normaly pick up anything under 5k value exept for my arrows that i shot or food from some poor unsuspecting mage that walked by me, maybe if the bones were worth 10k it would start a market otherwise u would just get pairs of noobs killing eachother then splitting the profits.








It would be a good thing for pray and alot more comforting to see "selling human bones".








:twisted: :evil: :twisted:




el patto

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Or they could drop bones that said their username and you could have proof you killed that person or you saw them die and got their bones.








That's been suggested, and even though I'm not a PKer I'm sure PKers would love it for their silly little bragging rights :)









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well if it had the plazyers name next to it then since its so hard to raise the exp you get could be equal to the player you kills total lvl this way it wouldnt be outrageously hard to get it high enough to get the three decent prayers

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I just thought of a problem with this. If player bones credited more prayer xp than they do now, especially in a higher level/higher xp fashion, players would kill each other on purpose for easy prayer xp. This seems like a good reason JAGeX would not do it.









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It's not really 'quick' exp. Think of the time it takes for you to run from lumby back to the wilderness. You could have killed a lot more things which would have given you the same amount of exp in that space of time. Just seems like a lot of hassle, going from lumby, back and forth to the wildy; just for some prayer exp.

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Firstly, prayer is not the hardest level to raise. Herblore is.








Secondly, having the player's name's with the bones wouldn't work. I don't know if any of you have any programming knowledge, but it would take a team of really really 'leet programmers to do that. I won't go into the whole reason on the challenges of it, but trust me, it would be complicated.








I do, however, like the idea of having human bones. I also like the fact that they would give more xp then dragon bones. Overall, I vote yay for this idea.

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It's not really 'quick' exp. Think of the time it takes for you to run from lumby back to the wilderness. You could have killed a lot more things which would have given you the same amount of exp in that space of time. Just seems like a lot of hassle, going from lumby, back and forth to the wildy; just for some prayer exp.








Kill, teleport to edge, kill, teleport to edge, kill, teleport to edge, kill, teleport to edge and get new glory ammy out of bank, kill, teleport to edge, .. etc.








I think that's about the same speed killing a green dragon.

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ok umm now lets say they do plan on killing theirother sn for this not only would they have to get the sn they want to die at a decent mage lvl they would also haveto deal with getting the runes you dont keep the whole stack when you die

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how about when you kill someone instead of getting bones you get 'Human Bones' they are no different to regular bones except they are untradeable, so they piled up in your bank. This way it could be like some sort of status symbol for pkers. Like the way a warrior might mark himself for every man he has killed.

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i love the idea... i could see pkers having large piles of human bones in their bank, as a status symbol...also, i could see places like castle wars being frickin crowded... but yeah people would also kill each other jsut for bones...

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Or they could drop bones that said their username and you could have proof you killed that person or you saw them die and got their bones.








That's been suggested, and even though I'm not a PKer I'm sure PKers would love it for their silly little bragging rights :)
















agreed. I remeber when i pked on Diablo 2 and collected ears that was fun.








I don't think it would be hard to add, but your right it should offer a good amount of exp maybe and exp amout thats between baby blue dragon and the one before it :? sorry I'm still f2p.

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i'd like this: the combat lvl in prayer XP points:P




max a bone can b is 120, but that's very hard to kill, least is 3xp, but easy to kill... still keeps the fun, but makes a human more then a chicken:P(xept when u just started a few mins ago:P)

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no it should be a set amount of experience whith whoever the player you kill is and it really should be higher than baby blue dragon (isnt that around 40 or 50 exp?) it should be a solid 200 cause its not easy to kill people and this would get players off to a nice start if they want to get into PKing early in the game

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no it should be a set amount of experience whith whoever the player you kill is and it really should be higher than baby blue dragon (isnt that around 40 or 50 exp?) it should be a solid 200 cause its not easy to kill people and this would get players off to a nice start if they want to get into PKing early in the game








big problem would be... noobs would make a deal, kill each other a few times, split the bones u get! dey go as a lvl 20 and a lvl 3, the 20 keeps killing the 3 and then dey both have lots of prayer...




u wanna seen a lvl 10 with protect from melee?:P that's what would happen:P

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once again at the subject of walking to lumbridge to wilderness most people who strike these deals dont have that patience unless they just took the lil pill to help them sit still but other than that it wouldnt be a severe problem

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how about when you kill someone instead of getting bones you get 'Human Bones' they are no different to regular bones except they are untradeable, so they piled up in your bank. This way it could be like some sort of status symbol for pkers. Like the way a warrior might mark himself for every man he has killed.








yup, I like that idea

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