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Bestiaty Suggestion: The Evil God Zamorak

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The Evil God Zamorak








Level: 320




Hits: 287








Habitat: ZamorakÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôs Liar (Zamorak Talisman is needed)








Aggressive: Yes




Retreats: No




Members: Yes




Quest: Yes
















100%: Key
























Notes: You must slay Zamorak in order to finish The Doomed Monk quest. He uses Wave spells and the spell curse.

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quit trying to add gods to something that you can try to kill personally i think JAGeX should give YOU the chance to fight zamorak as a joke and then when you nearly kill him and tae away all hit hp he laughs at you and says "Fool I am a God" then he heals all his hp's back destroys all your items even the ones in bank and take away all your exp points and then laughs at you and kills you




and yes he can do this BECAUSE HES A GOD

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quit trying to add gods to something that you can try to kill personally i think JAGeX should give YOU the chance to fight zamorak as a joke and then when you nearly kill him and tae away all hit hp he laughs at you and says "Fool I am a God" then he heals all his hp's back destroys all your items even the ones in bank and take away all your exp points and then laughs at you and kills you




and yes he can do this BECAUSE HES A GOD








Stop it. I mean it, you can kill gods in this quest. This is nothing but spam, this is nothing that let me inprove. People, if you donÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôt like my ideas of Zamorak please just [bleep] off my threads.

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You know what?








That's the weakest god I've ever seen. Maybe if you upped his hitpoints to a twelve-digit number and made it impossible to defeat him, it might be a little more "godly."








Do you understand why you shouldn't attach stats to gods? It's because when you add stats to a god, it makes that deity a mere NPC creature instead of the GOD that it is. For crying out loud, he's the god of chaos as well. He'd probably randomise your anatomy if you even TRIED to swing an axe at his immortal body.








"You can do that in this quest" isn't a good enough excuse to toy with ANY game's theology. You'll need to find a better argument and back it up with CONSEQUENCES following the death of a god. The assumption stands that whoever kills the god (if ever) takes the god's place, and we can't bloody well have five thousand gods of chaos running around Runescape.

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dude your whole concept about gods are way off mainly the fact that YOU CANT KILL THEM EVEN IN SOME LAME LIL QUEST GIVE IT UP




anouther reason why this is a bad idea is because some people chose to get the book of zamorak and qwould rather kill saradomin




and it was already stated that there will be no introduction of gods into the game on the saradomin question thing

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It would probably work better if your character said like "well, that was way too easy for it to be zamarok..." and then he turns out to be an imposter or something.

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It would probably work better if your character said like "well, that was way too easy for it to be zamarok..." and then he turns out to be an imposter or something.








Ha. I don't know about you but I'd be able to tell between a thing of phenonemal cosmic power and a man in a jumped up red suit filled with helium like the Power Rangers :P

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Bad idea, I don't like it at all, no offense. The Gods give us armor, aid to mages, books, capes, advice, assistance, and you want to kill them? Tsk, tsk, tsk...shame on you. However, the actual Gods should be implemented into the game somehow, but in the form of a VERY RARE random event.








Once per week, three lucky players recieve a visit from one of the Gods, and everyone around them sees it, the screen turns dark, lightening shoots down from the sky, and those lucky players recieve a hat, a bit hat, and a cloak, a bright cloak with the Gods colors on it. This outfit can be seen from all over, it's vibrent and looks amazing.

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Or even an avatar of that god.








There are numerous story-explanations limiting the power of a god's avatar.








Say, guthix said that to preserve the balance, the avatar could be only level 200, or gold weakens it (Between a rock), etc...



Jack of all trades, master of thieving. 259th to 99 thieving. All stats 75+

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quit trying to add gods to something that you can try to kill personally i think JAGeX should give YOU the chance to fight zamorak as a joke and then when you nearly kill him and tae away all hit hp he laughs at you and says "Fool I am a God" then he heals all his hp's back destroys all your items even the ones in bank and take away all your exp points and then laughs at you and kills you




and yes he can do this BECAUSE HES A GOD








You REALLY need to stop posting. It's getting rediculous. You spam a bit much, and your grammar and spelling need alot of work.








I personally don't like the idea, though. Omnipotent and Omniprescent. Basicly invincible.

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zamorak (or was it saradomin) said in a god letter that hes combat was so high that it was impossible to even think of for mortals so thats nbot something you can use. but now youve been creative again, good work!



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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just in the case of anyone caring:








gods could kill other gods








zamorak isn't a real god, hes just really, really powerful.








saradomin is the equivelent of a demi god, but with followers has awsome power.








guthix is the closest thing to a god, since he followed the 2nd god and has his power well on top of the 1st and 2nd gods power well, he sort of has a monopoly on power








zaros is the 2nd god and is a true god.








isamal is the 1st god and she was killed by zaros, as zaros awoke.












there are 5 other gods who are all dead.




they controled the free area.




sadomin and zamorak made members








for more info consult my other posts

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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are u really sure, so what if some one hacked jagex and posted 'Zonorhc is a dork' it would make it so would it.












zaros is an important part of rs and is mentioned repeativly if u read between the lines

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Do you understand why you shouldn't attach stats to gods? It's because when you add stats to a god, it makes that deity a mere NPC creature instead of the GOD that it is. For crying out loud, he's the god of chaos as well. He'd probably randomise your anatomy if you even TRIED to swing an axe at his immortal body.








Oh so true, this is definitely why you do not attach stats to gods they are gods for crying out loud! It'd be ridiculous if people could kill the gods of runescape.

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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are u really sure, so what if some one hacked jagex and posted 'Zonorhc is a dork' it would make it so would it.












zaros is an important part of rs and is mentioned repeativly if u read between the lines








And if I read between the lines, I notice that you're crying out for attention because you think your ideas are worth something. Wake up. They're not.








Sit down. Shut up.

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the issue in hand:




i thinks stats for gods are pointless as they would have their own powers, and we go to far away form the point already












bu il stick with the theme




to respond to what Zonorhc wrote












and u think yours are!




the truth is no one care what anyone else thinks unless they are a polition








some one who needs some one to tell them they are important








some one who cares how others behave








i belive i am the third, which are u?




i dont care what u or anyone else thinks of me, what matters is what i thinks of myself!








if u dont like what i write ignore it or report me, but il always come back to tell the people what i belive

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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