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The Speed Gamers' EarthBound Marathon


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These guys are just awesome. They are doing everything they can to persuade Nintendo of America to bring Earthbound to the United States on the Virtual Console, and possibly Mother 3 as well. How are they going to do this you ask? They doing a live 55 hour stream of a playthrough on the original Mother for the NES and EarthBound for the SNES. This is all an organized attempt so this won't be a total failure. I don't know how to embed the stream here on the forums so I'm going give the URL for the stream.







If you want to support them you can call Nintendo of America at 1-800-255-3700 (The Speed Gamers beg you to ask nicely) or you can E-Mail Nintendo of America at http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/webform.jsp. Join the Earthbound siege and hope that this dream will come true! Oh and try to tell your friends about this so they can spread the word over TIF.


[hide=About the Speed Gamers]TheSpeedGamers do gaming marathons to raise money for various charities. In total they have raised OVER $9,000 dollars. Starting on August 28th they will attempt to bring Earthbound to the United States![/hide]


[hide=Other URLs]http://www.thespeedgamers.blogspot.com/




[hide=About Earthbound.]EarthBound is a role-playing video game (RPG) designed by Shigesato Itoi for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The title was developed by Ape, Inc. and HAL Laboratory as a sequel to the Japan-only title, Mother. EarthBound was published by Nintendo and released in Japan on August 27, 1994, and months later in North America on June 1, 1995. Despite being successful in Japan, the American version was released to a poor commercial response. Years later, the game is now lauded by gamers for its humorous depictions of American culture and parody of the RPG genre, and has since become a cult classic.[/hide]


[hide=About Mother 3.]Mother 3 is the third long-awaited (and according to Shigesato Itoi, final) game in the EarthBound series. Beforehand, the game was in development for Nintendo 64 and the main character was Flint, but the project was cancelled due to the release date being near the end of the system's life span (and possibly with issues with the 3D engine and other production problems) The project picked up again for the Game Boy Advance (which was announced on a commercial for Mother 1 + 2). The game was finally released on April 20, 2006, and retained the traditional EarthBound artstyle and the general story and characters that were introduced in the cancelled N64 version. Unlike the first two games, the story focuses on a boy named Lucas and his family on Nowhere Island. Their home is invaded and the peace is disrupted by the mysterious "Pig Mask Army" who dramatically changes Nowhere Island by introducing technology and infrastructure and performing bizarre experiments on the flora and fauna in their takeover. The game chronicles the trials and tribulations of Lucas and his family and friends as they fight against the Pig Mask Army threat.




Currently, the game is only available in Japan, although many EarthBound fans are hoping for a U.S. release. There were rumors from the United Kingdom's Official Nintendo Magazine of a possible European release, although nothing is confirmed yet.[/hide]






Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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I don't see what the point is. Just download the damn rom and play it on your PC. Hell, get a controller for it and it'll be the same (and better) than playing on a virtual console.






Oh well, I'm sure they'll have fun.

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I don't see what the point is. Just download the damn rom and play it on your PC. Hell, get a controller for it and it'll be the same (and better) than playing on a virtual console.






Oh well, I'm sure they'll have fun.


True, a rom could be used, but its more of the principle of the thing. Some people, you know, actually want to own a legit version of a game, that they can play in their own language.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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When I opened this thread, I had no idea what to expect. Let's just say I'm verrry disappointed in the outcome.




And now by changing the title you have my post moot.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Ok I updated the information. Hopefully I put enough information there for anyone to understand. -.-


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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When I opened this thread, I had no idea what to expect. Let's just say I'm verrry disappointed in the outcome.




You sir, lose.




The game is very rare and expensive, so that is why some people choose to play via emulation.




A fan translation underway of MOTHER3, the currently Japanese only sequel to Earthbound, (Earthbound 2) is currently in progress at: http://mother3.fobby.net/





And no 'fence but I doubt anyone will be interested.




Oh, and if you don't care about this masterpiece of Gaming Art, then it is your loss! Go ahead and keep on playing the mindless stupidities of games such as Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War, and Grand Theft Auto, it's all the same thing and it's been done countless times before! Congratulations, your pea-brain and short-attention span still yearns for more violent and stupid games! "If it doesn't have Master Chief, isn't a rhythm game or makes you think then the game must suck and doesn't interest me at all!"




I'm sorry Skatepank if I seem to be flamming at you, but this is actually in general. This is not to be taken as personal, this is towards the newest generation of gamers.






On Topic:




The Speedgamers are currently playing Earthbound and just pasted through Saturn Valley! Z@@M!@ DING!@@@


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I posted a discussion on EarthBound/Mother here:








Oh and Crazy you are just awesome.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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And no 'fence but I doubt anyone will be interested.




Oh, and if you don't care about this masterpiece of Gaming Art, then it is your loss! Go ahead and keep on playing the mindless stupidities of games such as Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War, and Grand Theft Auto, it's all the same thing and it's been done countless times before! Congratulations, your pea-brain and short-attention span still yearns for more violent and stupid games! "If it doesn't have Master Chief, isn't a rhythm game or makes you think then the game must suck and doesn't interest me at all!"




I'm sorry Skatepank if I seem to be flamming at you, but this is actually in general. This is not to be taken as personal, this is towards the newest generation of gamers.






On Topic:




The Speedgamers are currently playing Earthbound and just pasted through Saturn Valley! Z@@M!@ DING!@@@




God forbid people play games of this generation, you know because the games you listed are clearly the worst ever made :roll: /sarcasm




While I will agree that the newest generation has been brainwashed, why must you attack popular games that are actually very good. Please leave the newest gen out of this before I am forced to hunt you down and smack you with a frying pan.




On topic:I'm gonna have to get the fan translation when its done, but first I have to get a working emulator :wall: .



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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God forbid people play games of this generation, you know because the games you listed are clearly the worst ever made :roll: /sarcasm




While I will agree that the newest generation has been brainwashed, why must you attack popular games that are actually very good. Please leave the newest gen out of this before I am forced to hunt you down and smack you with a frying pan.




On topic:I'm gonna have to get the fan translation when its done, but first I have to get a working emulator :wall: .




Very good? They are just popular because of immense advertising and the 'zomg u can keel ppl wit gunz in dis game!@@@' with friends kind of thing. Without mutiplayer, those games would be nothing, as bad as they are with mutiplayer. They are horrible games, I own them myself and am considering selling them to help build cash for me to import MOTHER3.




I've heard by many 'pro'-gamers online, those games single player games are horrible. But the mutiplayer 'makes up for it.' A game that is truly good would not need a single feature to redeem it, the entire game needs to be enjoyable.




Play a classic- plug in your SNES or fire an emulator then you'll never go back to 'Hay' 'Low,' unless you are shallow in graphics like most gamers are today.


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The Speed Gamers just got Paula back and now they are headed for Summers!


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Oh and the people that were talking crap about Sosolid2k's killing high lvl monsters in HD, they didn't hate RuneScape cuz PKing was taken away, they hated it cuz of the "bad" graphics. Now every time someone says bad graphics, an NES and a copy of Super Mario Bros. gets scrapped.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Very good? They are just popular because of immense advertising and the 'zomg u can keel ppl wit gunz in dis game!@@@' with friends kind of thing. Without mutiplayer, those games would be nothing, as bad as they are with mutiplayer. They are horrible games, I own them myself and am considering selling them to help build cash for me to import MOTHER3.




I've heard by many 'pro'-gamers online, those games single player games are horrible. But the mutiplayer 'makes up for it.' A game that is truly good would not need a single feature to redeem it, the entire game needs to be enjoyable.




Play a classic- plug in your SNES or fire an emulator then you'll never go back to 'Hay' 'Low,' unless you are shallow in graphics like most gamers are today.




With the exception of Halo all of those are very good and well made games. And, at that, all have well crafted single player portions as well.






And anyways a multiplayer-centric game isn't a bad thing.






Play a classic- plug in your SNES or fire an emulator then you'll never go back to 'Hay' 'Low,' unless you are shallow in graphics like most gamers are today.




I have a few problems with this statement.




1) A lot has changed over the years in gaming, and I'm not talking about graphical power gets higher. My point is that with the exception of a few classics that have aged well a lot of older games are not that great by today's standards. Recently I've been bored and have taken up playing older emulators. I have 800 SNES roms, 1000 NES roms and something like 30 N64 roms. Out of those I could maybe name 10-15 from the collection of SNES games that are still playable and enjoyable today, and probably even less for the NES roms. Even the N64 has games that, while popular back in the day, have committed so many "game design sins" that they're just horrible.




Now I am not talking about the good, high quality games on those systems. Please keep note of this. However too often people like you seem to have this ignorant idea that only old games are worth playing when gaming, game design principles and so much more has improved and evolved over the ages.




Some games are timeless classics, but most aren't worth for much more other than a quick revisit for nostalgia's sake.




2) Graphics. This is one of the things that I hear a lot that I hate. Why? Because these "old school" gamers seem to think that anything visual in a game is not a big deal, and that they have no real effect on the game. I'm sorry but if everyone thought like that we would still be playing text adventure games. Video games are inherintly visual in nature, it's one of the differences between them and other mediums.




Now the thing that I need to make clear is that how high tech a game is doesn't matter (to an extent). I find some old games such as the old street fighters, or Zelda III or even a couple of N64 games to be much better looking than some of the games put out today. Artistic merit is what matters in a game, and the true test isn't how good it looked when it came out but how good it looks no matter what the date is. As hardware becomes more and more powerful we've seen a jump in much more artistic, stylish games instead of raw powerhouses.




Of course that isn't to say that more power is a bad thing. Crysis did a wonderful job of mixing a wonderful graphics engine with some damn great artwork, and of course as the power of computers and gaming technologies improves so does what we can do with it. 10 years ago we wouldn't be able to have large scale fights in an FPS or an MMORPG and we wouldn't be able to do a lot of what is possible now.




TL;DR what I'm trying to say is that I find it ignorant to call anyone who cares about a games artistic and visual merit "shallow". While I may try and play a game that looks like [wagon] too many times it just looks downright horrible. There is no excuse not to have a good looking game when you can look at games even like Super Mario Bros 1 and realize that visually it is still a good looking game.








Sorry that was longer than it meant to be. Anyways, back to a bit more of on the topic I don't think this is really going to get anywhere unless it manages to catch nintendos attention.

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Play a classic- plug in your SNES or fire an emulator then you'll never go back to 'Hay' 'Low,' unless you are shallow in graphics like most gamers are today.


I actually own a snes, nes, and n64 so with, a few exceptions, I'll just go buy the games instead of emulating them.







If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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Let's be on topic please..... -.-


Sorry about that little display, I will stay on topic from now on... unless provoked,



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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Yeah they are about to get the Eagle Eye and Poo is will go with the Star Master to learn Psi Starstorm.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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They defeated the Electro Specter and got to the 7th Your Sanctuary place!


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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Man I really want Mother 3 in English... -.-




EDIT: Oh and have you ever seen that one Saturday Night Live episode hosted by Jim Carrey?




This ought a tell where the avatar originated.


Click the "Signed in as..." go to Manage ignored users, copy paste Toki_Hakurei.

I'm pretty sure having boobs is the most broken super power anyone can ever have. 0_0
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