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Prank Call/Death Threat - What is this about? Advice Please


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I presume you live in the Uk, because right now theres a massive prank going around, which is EXACTLY how you described it. A big guy rings up going 'whats going on mate? your numbers on my girls phone?', he later goes on to to say 'im going to murder you, i know where you live'.








Its a prerecorded prank, thats all. Its pretty funny to be honest.




And could land the person who standard it in a [cabbage] load of trouble ;)

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it was most likely a prank call except the guys gone over the line.








me and my friends have called many ppl pranking them but u never go over the line by making it serious but rather put on an indian accent or something and do something funny e.g. tell them you dont like the food u just ordered from them or something.








if he calls again then maby u should talk 2 the cops or something but most likely it was a prank call but the guys an idiot and gone over the line.

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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Well thats funny, considering I leave the house everyday, so I think that would be considered countless times, not 5 or less times.








Funny how the majority of immature people (especially children) make jokes at the expense of other people. I believe that is what you attempted. This can be considered a form of bullying. Even if you found it funny yourself, there was no need to post it, why not laugh about it privately? That way you don't offend anyone and you don't spam my topic with irrelevant material.








Did you actually consider that this sort of thing hasn't happened to everyone? This is the first time it has happened to me. That's why I asked for ADVICE to deal with the issue - I wanted help from people who have already experienced this problem. You laughing about it is not advice.








Innability to act? Just because I look to make informed decisions by getting advice and finding out about the issue, doesn't meant I won't act. Jumping to conclusions and making hasty decisions is not wise.
















I understand that it's good to make informed decisions before you act; but that's not what I said. Posting your fears on an internet forum filled with the same type of kids who played the prank on you is not a good idea. Obviously I was not suggesting you call 911 immediately, but if you were in fact serious about believing your life was being threatened, you should contact the proper authorities, be it anyone other than a chatroom such as this. Obviously you have social issues, (I hate to attack you personally, but you started it) because you say things like this: "or maybe even someone I know who thought it would be funny (it wasn't - if this is the case and I find out who it was, they won't be my friend much longer). " My advice (since you're asking) is that you lighten up, and learn to take a joke. Or learn what and when to post certain things, because these types of post will bring you nothing but a jeering audience.

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Its a prank, no doubt about it, are you English, because thats where it started. My friend had exactly the same thing happening, WORD FOR WORD. Do NOT worry, i can ASSURE you this is a prank call, i know the person that made it.








It is a horrible thing to have done, but you know (most) kids of that age.








N.B. The reason for certain things being 'Cap-locked' is because i am bringing your attention to them. I know what im talking about, and im only trying to reassure you.

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In response to Kepihus:








- Many kids, not all kids, I know the people on this forum who are trustworthy and actually talk sense. I listen to these people, other comments I disregard. Although this is the line I normally take, by posting on this forum where there ARE many kids, I have found out that this a prank going around amongst KIDS. Are you suggesting that this did not help me?








- Social issues? I give out my number to most of my friends, as most people do. It only takes one person to pass it on to another person, etc, before my number ends up in the hands of someone who would find it funny to prank me.








- Lighten up and take a joke? Now I have found out that this is just a prank, I'm not worried about it. Still doesn't mean I have to laugh at it. I didn't think it was funny then, I don't think it is funny now.








- A jeering audience? I fail to see why my comments would bring a jeering audience, I have simply posted my thoughts. Most of the posts on this thread have been helpful and supportive. So where did the jeering audience go? So what if there was a jeering audience? My aim on this forum isn't to become Mr.Popular.












Thanks to everyone for the advice and support. I appreciate those of you who have made constructive comments rather than just joking and criticising.









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Calm down, *69 it (if you're in Britain or they don't offer that service, consult your phone company. If they don't give the number, you can have the police get it out of them)








Death threats are not funny things, at all.

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In response to Kepihus:








- Many kids, not all kids, I know the people on this forum who are trustworthy and actually talk sense. I listen to these people, other comments I disregard. Although this is the line I normally take, by posting on this forum where there ARE many kids, I have found out that this a prank going around amongst KIDS. Are you suggesting that this did not help me?








- Social issues? I give out my number to most of my friends, as most people do. It only takes one person to pass it on to another person, etc, before my number ends up in the hands of someone who would find it funny to prank me.








- Lighten up and take a joke? Now I have found out that this is just a prank, I'm not worried about it. Still doesn't mean I have to laugh at it. I didn't think it was funny then, I don't think it is funny now.








- A jeering audience? I fail to see why my comments would bring a jeering audience, I have simply posted my thoughts. Most of the posts on this thread have been helpful and supportive. So where did the jeering audience go? So what if there was a jeering audience? My aim on this forum isn't to become Mr.Popular.















I don't remember making a post where I just laughed at you for getting pranked on. I was mocking you for posting it here, when you were seemingly so serious about it. This is OffTopic Runescape Chat, you needed Social Help Desk. Forgive me if I found irony in your post.

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I know how u feel Andrew. I remember, I used to get a call like every 2 days, a collect call. I never used to accept the charges, but I got sick of getting the calls, so I accepted once. It was somebody asking me for my name, phone number, and where I live. That's all he kept asking me. I told him "You called me, you should know my number".... It freaked the crap out of me. I went to my cousin's house and we changed our phone number. (I was about 15 then) Probably what scared me most about it, was that while in middle skool, i threw a pencil into a car. The car followed the bus to the bus stop and it was 3 black big guys *slaps head*. They never knew it was me, but i skipped skool the next day. Then friends kept teasing me, saying they came to the bus stop and they told them it was me, so I thought the ppl who called was them. But in your case it's different.








Don't listen to the kids making fun of you, wait till they get a call that'll make em piss their pants, we'll see another topic on here.


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"Your numbers on my girls phone mate, Whats going on?! .."




Its a prank, Never had it done to me but my mates tell me about it, Anyway if you know youve done nothing wrong then its mostly 99% A prank :lol:








~Virtualdevil 8)

:: Virtualdevil :: - 99 Att - 99 Str - 99 Def - 99 HP - 99 Mage - 125 Cmb

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Man I think that you should contact the police. Even if they were joking "which I hope they were" they would still go to jail. If someone makes a death threat to you, and it sounds serious, they can go to jail, even if they didn't mean it. I think that you should stop this person before he scares somebody else.

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