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Noob Worlds


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I think There should Be noob worlds




So that way all those lvl 60 and under people can stop complaining about lvl 80's killin them




And Any1 under lvl 60 have to go in the noob worlds

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Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the wildy? I mean, unless your lvl 126, then there should never be a point in time were it's less difficult... Putting a level restriction on something like that would destroy the concept.








I mean, don't get me wrong... lvl 60's are annoying... but i can't attack them. So i don't really mind either way.

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What an ugly idea.




For one you misuse the word noob unless, for some reason, you think lower levels are insignificant and primitave (you don't look that far over 60 either).




Separation of characters is an awful idea as it makes jagex look to be a bunch of neo nazi's.




And you are obviously having trouble finding the ignore button if someone is ticking you off.

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i say make them scammer worlds. If you are reported for all the right reasons, then you are not allowed to log in to any worlds but scammer worlds. In these worlds you can't train skills and you just have a little circle to scam amoungst other scammers.

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See Kat this is a a VERY bad idea, due to the fact that people shouldn't be rewarded for scamming people which is basicly what your suggesting




giving the people who scam the privelegde of a less crowded server is a very very stupid idea.




Think things through kid.

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I thought the topic title was going to indicate a really good idea (somthing similar to what I had thought about)... I just don't think this is really going to work, basicaly because you are basing things around combat level. This is a terrible mistake to make.








I had thought before about having sort of newbie world (think tutorial island on a larger scale)... where you would have to "graduate" to a certain total level and then complete a moderatly difficult random quest to be able to play on all the other servers. This isn't suggested as a punishment, or neo natzi approach to RS (like, oh I can't stand noobs, send them off to noob land)... it's meant more to do with a learning environment that would help the new players become more knowledgeable and so help out the entire community.








I didn't think this was entirely practical considering how RS is structured, so never suggested it.

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See Kat this is a a VERY bad idea, due to the fact that people shouldn't be rewarded for scamming people which is basicly what your suggesting




giving the people who scam the privelegde of a less crowded server is a very very stupid idea.




Think things through kid.












umm, excuse me? try reading my entire post dip piss. (I am really starting to despise you)

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umm not to medal but they tryed that on tibia and ppl just got hacked off cos it would take forever to get off tutorail island, then the concept of noob was redefined and was back at square 1 cos u where a noob cos no one on that world was weaker

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Your post CLEARLY says they will socialize with

a little circle to scam amoungst other scammers.




so this is a reward putting them in a less crowded world.




so read your own post before you respond you belligerent lil punk

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all they can do in my idea is stand in a little circle and scam there. They do not get to train any skills and they can not go anywhere else. In my idea, you take all the scammers out of the normal game and shove them into a little corner. I really do not see how that is a reward.








ps. What in the name of hell does "belligerent" mean?

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I think There should Be noob worlds




So that way all those lvl 60 and under people can stop complaining about lvl 80's killin them




And Any1 under lvl 60 have to go in the noob worlds








First comment: You are a bit levelist(no such word, but have similar meaning to racist).








Second comment: If they do not want to be killed, dun go to wildy, jus like me 8)

Username: s8912687h

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well first of wont they meerly create new sn's? and log on with it?




and any world with less people is generally better with less lag.












Belligerent means excessivly aggressive and hostile








well if you create a new sn, then you just have a level 2 newb with no stats.








even if it has less lag, you dont get to do anything.

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See Kat this is a a VERY bad idea, due to the fact that people shouldn't be rewarded for scamming people which is basicly what your suggesting




giving the people who scam the privelegde of a less crowded server is a very very stupid idea.




Think things through kid.








ya think things through, im mean why punish a person that has just caused the destruction of another ignorant noob? well then again, its because of them that we have so many beggers

Horus was weak, Abbadon was a fool, but I Karkan, chosen of the chaos gods, shall conquer Terra, I shall kill the false emperor. Under my blood stained banner, chaos shall rule the universe

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You Guys have been sayin some of the reasons why i suggest this and you guys dont even realize it!




1. Beggers




2. Noobs wanting there stuff back when they are pked or losing in stake at arena




3. Noobs callin you noobs when youre not the noob (Actually......i dont really care about this 1)




4. Stupid Noob Threats (Exapmle: If nobody sells me a addy longsword im gonna report you all!)




5. Noobs that wont stop following you until you log off or give em whatever the hell they want. (this isnt a problem but its annoying but i just log off when this happens to me)




6. Noob Password Scammers (Example: Look! Jagex Blocks your password! see! ******! You try!

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You Guys have been sayin some of the reasons why i suggest this and you guys dont even realize it!




1. Beggers




2. Noobs wanting there stuff back when they are pked or losing in stake at arena




3. Noobs callin you noobs when youre not the noob (Actually......i dont really care about this 1)




4. Stupid Noob Threats (Exapmle: If nobody sells me a addy longsword im gonna report you all!)




5. Noobs that wont stop following you until you log off or give em whatever the hell they want. (this isnt a problem but its annoying but i just log off when this happens to me)




6. Noob Password Scammers (Example: Look! Jagex Blocks your password! see! ******! You try!








You know what? Just guess about what I'm gonna say....
















I, for instance, have a str pure. He is level 44 combat, yet he has killed a lvl 62. I know a guy who is lvl 3 and trains mining. You keep him on a "noob world"? I have an idea: we make a small, dark cage and put all people who come up with ideas like this in it, and they can stay there and mutter and cackle and think they are "elite" because they are over a low level.

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I dont like the idea. If you have friends higher lvls than you that can get into higher worlds than you could never visit them. You could also not be able to trade with as many people. And last but not least. What about mages? I dont train combat, only mage.

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