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fix runecrafting


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if you have to walk over jagexs green e-earth in order to craft runes, than at least you should be able to craft more than 27. ive tried maging with 27 crafted runes and im finished 2 minutes later...only problem is the great increase in the number of currently valuable runes ( laws, nats, etc...)

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new runecrafting update, you can now carry 50+ ess in your inventory, and the abyss for much faster craftiing. And tiaras, don't need tali anymore so you get 28 right there. and, with higher rc levels, you can craft several of the low runes for 1 ess.








basically i don't see what you're complaining about, you can easily craft more than 27 runes at a time. and i don't understand the part about the higher runes, because it doesn't make sense, and doesn't really have anything to do with what you're talking anout.

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That's still a heck of a lot of walking just to get an extra meager handful of runes. If I'm going to walk that far, I'll go to Varrock, World 1 and pay someone to get the same amount of runes, then go back to my training spot.




When they came out with the Tiaras, I was hoping you could use them to make Runes without having to go on a virtual sabbatical to get to the Altar. Like, every 100 runes would drain a Tiara, so you have to recharge it with another TAlisman. And, just to make it less abuseable, the double-, triple- and other multiple rune bonuses wouldn't work when using a Tiara. So, a lvl22 RCer would still only make 28 Airs with a Tiara as opposed to the...um...*counts on fingers* 84 at the Altar, which would be a fair price to pay for the convenience of not having to haul yourself all the way to some far-off Altar. If that's still not enough, then you would also be restricted to only having one charged Tiara of any type in your possession at one time (think Scythes and all holiday items from that point on).




As for Abyssal Space, that's useless to f2p. And don't say "just get members" because that will just degenerate this thread into another f2p vs p2p flamewar. Okay, great, p2p has something "useful" to make RCing easier (even though I don't see how it's more useful with insta-skull and full prayer drain, even with the new abyssal monster drops like pouches). If they want to do a useful update to essence carrying, they should make essence stackable, but with a stack limit of, say, 10 per stack. That way, you could carry up to 280 essences at a time. Of course, so it's not too easy to level, they'd have to lower the per-essence exp rate, but binding 280 essences would make the painstaking trips to the more far-flung Altars like Water and Mind worth it.










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jest runecraft more then one load of runes before you leave and go back to training...




lol hahaha... anyhow i can craft a good 3000-4000 airs in 1 hour or so.So i dont know what you are complaining about..


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