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PvP Worlds: Should it be Members Only


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1. I sure like PVP For F2P! I'm F2P so, Jippiiie


2. People who are saying that pvp should be more exclusive for members. They are right. But members has more exclusive things for sure. They can fight all over the runescape World.! All over. I mean, That's a Lot


While we F2Pers only has a small F2P World.


Not that I'm complaining about how small F2P world is. I just want you members to know that they have a great Luck. You payed for it so you deserve it.




3.Members who are fighting in F2P worlds. they have a huge Privilege at non members. cause they are able to wear members stuff. So that's not totally fair.


But hey,


PVP Rocks!!!!






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angel2w.gifThank you Hawkxs For the awesome siggy!

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How many RuneScapers does it take to change a lightbulb?




1 to change the lightbulb.


10,000 to whine about changing it back.




In a game of over a million players, that is inevitable. There are bound to be different views and perspectives. You can't please everybody all the time. No matter how hard you try, you will always get mixed reactions. A good example is the wildy update. Some loved it, some didn't care and some downright hated it.




And about the PvP worlds, a big no. Making them P2P only isn't a good incentive to become a member. It's just another incentive to rant about. Most F2Pers don't become members because they cant afford it or because their parents don't allow it. Making PvP worlds P2P won't change that. And since the wilderness was free for all I think everybody has a right to the PvP worlds.





3.Members who are fighting in F2P worlds. they have a huge Privilege at non members. cause they are able to wear members stuff. So that's not totally fair.




Actually members stuff doesn't work on F2P servers. I saw a guy with a D long on an F2P server fighting a cockroach. All he could do was kick at it, and the granite armor wasn't helping :lol:

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