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Well then, I think you all have pked in the wildies before, and you've probably tried running after noobs when the speed is the same. So what if you could run faster? Yes, that's when JaGeX should put in some speed up scrolls. These would make you run slightly faster, say 50% increase in speed. BUT, since that would make it a very valuable item to use in the pking world, it would be VERY hard to get. It can bought from a merchant for 2k-ish. It feeds off of your prayer points, (2 min per prayer point, meaning it consumes at a different rate, and it stackable.) Post your suggestions, or thoughts on this.

Sup noobs.

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BUT, since that would make it a very valuable item to use in the pking world, it would be VERY hard to get. It can bought from a merchant for 2k-ish.




umm, is it just me or is there something wrong there? i think agility should add to speed, or sum equitable item, like boots. That would make more since than a scroll. and if it fed from prayer, why not just make it a prayer? that wouldnt be bad, a speed increasing prayer.

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yes, i have already thought of making it a prayer, but making people 50% faster than others should have a down fall as well, ex. 1 less space, since you have to carry the scroll. There is one thing though. You could make a prayer option for it, but you still need the scroll. The prayer would just activate it, then it uses up the scroll. Once you turn the speedup prayer off, you need another scroll to start it off again. Yes, good suggestion of that prayer, and i think at lvl 50 prayer you should have that prayer enabled.

Sup noobs.

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having players running at different speeds is a bad idea... its already hard enough to kill someone in the wild why make it harder?? dont forget the person your chasing can also speed up too

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how about we make the speedup for members only, and you can't use it in wildies. Sometimes, it takes more than half an hour to get around, from what I've heard...

Sup noobs.

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Yes chasing people that run is an absolute pain but making yourself being able to run faster is not the answer since the runners would use it as well.... Just use bind, snare or entangle they are about the only things that will stop runners I'm afraid...

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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Why don't you try attacking people of a higher level than you, or at least armed and ready for combat ??








You might find that people don't tend to run away so much if you stop attacking those 20+ levels lower than you, or at least those that are armed and actually looking for a fight.

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Yes chasing people that run is an absolute pain but making yourself being able to run faster is not the answer since the runners would use it as well.... Just use bind, snare or entangle they are about the only things that will stop runners I'm afraid...








if you ever tried to cast bind, snare, etc. as a warrior/ranger, you'll find that your success rate will be VERY low, that 99% of them won't even bother to bring them. Also, not all people have a prayer requirement that meets the requirement. most pkers stop at 43 because they don't want to increase their lvls.

Sup noobs.

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Hey I heard this topic like a year ago and guess what?




Jagex gave us this "item" you were talking about. Its called "Snare".








Freezes a player for 10 seconds so you can catch up to them.












Q1) But snare is p2p?




A1) bind is f2p and has similar effect(5 seconds instead of 10)








Q2) I don't have high enough magic level




A2) Well if you can't cast bind then you should train magic......








Q3) It wastes runes :(




A3) Well this is a "rare item" is it'll be costly. If you think about it, a few nature runes to kill someone isn't too costly.








Q4) I said an item to make you go faster




A4) Jagex said they are currently against the idea of an "item" that will make you go fast.








Q5) (in reply to Q4) So if jagex didn't want you to go faster then how come you can "speed hack" or "speed dance"




A5) They fixed that bug/error








I did the FAQ cuz i was bored





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I like the idea...exact same concept as .hack games though








Ah, speed charm.... *Sigh* dam those goblins and their magic tollerance...












Ahem... anywho... Good idea, but i think it would tie in with agiltiy :-s



Yes I am a girl. No, I won't be your girlfriend. :oops:

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I dont see why the game is against faster speed....not many good reasons to fight that....even with the snare and bind it would still be usefull getting somewhere.








Because it's a Java game and there are limits and lagging. JAGeX has to be very careful when they make such alterations.








As far as the idea of escaping in the wildy: Yep, that sounds about right. They are considered lame, but...
























...are acceptable methods of eluding PKers. I don't PK, and I have not been to the wildy in about a year, but when I go, I will be ready to do any of the previously stated. And I got no qualms about it :)









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