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- Turnpikes - Road to Max Cape -

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So I've been busy the last week, mostly Farming from 86-90 which I finally achieved. I also managed to get the Witchdoctor Mask, and instead of getting the top piece I got another legging..so I am waiting until Wednesday to hopefully retry that. I also managed to get 85 and 86 Dungeoneering, and have made quite a bit of money already on Frosts. I have 118k/200k tokens toward the Rapier now, (if you didn't know I got the maul first) I also have some goals lined up, all of which are DG oriented.


90 Mining - Should have tomorrow or the next day.

90 Hunter - Doing Draconics once I get my witchdoctor (mostly for when I DG with friends.)

90 Construction - Seems like that is one skill that EoE could use some help with, and I really want the six levels. Around 25-26M doing Oak DDoors.






Again, I'd like to personally thank EoE for being an awesome clan. It's really made up of some of the better people I've met in this game, and unlike most clans it's not immature and they are there to help people learn.




Until next time. :)


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Well obviously I missed a few screen shots, but half the time I was DGing it was after working overnight shifts...much thanks to EoE again for being wicked awesome. I think we're like a family. ;X I managed to get a Rapier AND a Longsword. Not sure what the Longsword will come in handy for yet, but surely it will.


Anyhow, I was up for like..45 hours and slept a bit last night although I'm sure I'll need more sleep today. Decided to get 90 Mining finished today so I can finally mine Promethium without potions..


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Well obviously I missed a few screen shots, but half the time I was DGing it was after working overnight shifts...much thanks to EoE again for being wicked awesome. I think we're like a family. ;X I managed to get a Rapier AND a Longsword. Not sure what the Longsword will come in handy for yet, but surely it will.


Anyhow, I was up for like..45 hours and slept a bit last night although I'm sure I'll need more sleep today. Decided to get 90 Mining finished today so I can finally mine Promethium without potions..

mfw>3 chaotics at 92 dung

those rings help alot >.<



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wicked levels brohan from another mohan.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Hai guys..I have not been playing as much as I have been lately..mostly because I started a long strand of 10P-6A shifts at work, and it is literally draining me due to lack of sleep/not being able to sleep. On the plus side I guess they are starting to look at me for a promotion in the future now because they realize I do my job 3x better/harder than the other management members. So, basically living "The American Dream". /sarcasm I ordered GIRLFRIEND's Christmas Gift and did some shopping for my family too so money is tight like normal, but surely it will be worth the look on their faces.




Well I have been doing 30k daily assists on my Construction, and if you took .5 seconds to read the title/sub title you would know my new goal is 99 Construction via Mahogany Tables. I'm sort of low on money now, so I started doing Slayer and killing Frost Dragons again. I'm trying to keep on the Slayer path because I REALLY WANT to get 80 Rooncrafting via Effigy drops, and seeing as how Frosts have an enormously low drop rate...yeah. If I get any extra time I may do a game of Stealing Creation or two here and there to save some money, but if you are anyone that knows me you know I just go gung-[garden tool]-yo-jimbo to get my goal(s).


I figured I'd set a few mini-goals, and see how far I can make it on those.


96/99 Construction

80 Rooncrafting

99 Dungeoneering

91 Mining

91 Farming

94/95/97/99 Fishing


Well that is about all I have for now, nothing big picture wise to show yet. Hoping Slayer pays off. All I have so far is a ton of bones/ashes/hides/keys/roon.


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Well, finished that task with no more luck. Did a Gargoyle task and had no luck. Got another Ice task, got a SOL on 3rd kill, and then this beauty toward the end..


Also did a few Penguins since I was finally close to the level, and got 78 Rooncrafting/78+ all skills. (: 7ish effigies until 79 now, and then I'll grind 80 to the bone..





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There are only a few issues with that.

1. I do not like to train RC other than effigies.

2. Same as above cor Agility except maybe with the horn.

3. Once I effigy 80 RC I plan on doing the monkey quest and getting 90 Thief.


Not worried about them until I max Construction, Fishing, DG, WC, and Farming at least...


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