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Time to train skill skills.


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K. my stats r on bottom. pretty updated i guess.








now i need some money for various reasons:








i like nice fast xp and this reqs lobbs because pures cant protect themselves from their opponents blows. so i will need decent food and that is salmon.








another thing is i need arrows for training.








another thing is runes for training.








now i have been getting money from drops (simple bone drops) i have 90k after spending it on some skills. i have 1 everything else. Its time to train some skills for money. what skill, how do i start?

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Mining rune ess




Smithing steel bars (less profit than before)




Collecting Limpwurt roots




Collecting bbones




Collecting talismans




Collecting wildy spawns (chaos runes, arrows, planks)












Not much options for f2p :\



95/99 Summoning

95/99 Slayer


[hide=This is what you look like when you play RS too long]2vvq0z4.jpg[/hide]

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If you want arrows, kill minotaurs, you can gain more iron arrows than you lost.








If you want to gain money quickly, I suggest you kill men at Edgevillage and bank the bones. Each can sell for 80gp and men spawn pretty fast. The way I see it, you can gain combat xp while making money.








Otherwise, you can mine clays and turn them into soft clay, sells for around 150gp each.


The Haraguroi Club: Where Yandere Thrive for Chopping

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If you want arrows, kill minotaurs, you can gain more iron arrows than you lost.








If you want to gain money quickly, I suggest you kill men at Edgevillage and bank the bones. Each can sell for 80gp and men spawn pretty fast. The way I see it, you can gain combat xp while making money.








Otherwise, you can mine clays and turn them into soft clay, sells for around 150gp each.








1) bones r 60gp now








2) i have trained on men and minos and yes u make money but its little and xp isnt good either.

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Buy rune ess


Run air runes for 9x or 10x


Sell back to ge


I believe its around 12k per 1k air runes.


And thats about 4 trips of 28 rune ess each :)




That's not four trips. That's four trips once you've got a high enough level for the air rune multipliers. It's only 28 air runes for 28 essence to start off with.



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Buy rune ess


Run air runes for 9x or 10x


Sell back to ge


I believe its around 12k per 1k air runes.


And thats about 4 trips of 28 rune ess each :)




That's not four trips. That's four trips once you've got a high enough level for the air rune multipliers. It's only 28 air runes for 28 essence to start off with.




I belive he said "run" runes. Which means to run essence for other people. :roll:



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May I suggest Avianses?


I do them on my pure sometimes in the morning, get 44-52 prayer (forgotten your stats already lol), and also 60 strength to get past the boulder.




It really is very good money for pures, and a nice little bonus is the range exp, i went from 65 to 80 just at Avi's and made a considerable amount of money doing so.




###### Ahh, [cabbage]!... Didn't know you were F2P, I do appologise, ignore everything I just said >_< ######

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May I suggest Avianses?


I do them on my pure sometimes in the morning, get 44-52 prayer (forgotten your stats already lol), and also 60 strength to get past the boulder.




It really is very good money for pures, and a nice little bonus is the range exp, i went from 65 to 80 just at Avi's and made a considerable amount of money doing so.




###### Ahh, [cabbage]!... Didn't know you were F2P, I do appologise, ignore everything I just said >_< ######




Your sig says you are 65 range :?






The soft clay method is also very good, I suggest you do that, there is a guide on it on this forum.


Corporeal Drops:2xHoly elixers

Bandos Drops: Bcp(soloed) 5x hilts 8x tassets

Armadyl Drops:Armadyl Hilt(trio)

Zamorak Drops: 2xZamorakian spear 3x Steam battlestaff

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May I suggest Avianses?


I do them on my pure sometimes in the morning, get 44-52 prayer (forgotten your stats already lol), and also 60 strength to get past the boulder.




It really is very good money for pures, and a nice little bonus is the range exp, i went from 65 to 80 just at Avi's and made a considerable amount of money doing so.




###### Ahh, [cabbage]!... Didn't know you were F2P, I do appologise, ignore everything I just said >_< ######




Your sig says you are 65 range :?






The soft clay method is also very good, I suggest you do that, there is a guide on it on this forum.




k, im kind of noob so this is the question. what is the soft clay method. from my understanding u buy clay on GE get a bucket of water and use water on clay to make it soft then sell it at GE? and how much should i sell clay for and how much profit am i making per soft clay?

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May I suggest getting up the skills needed for the Lumbridge Achievement Ring? in my opinion, I think that it is one of the most valuable item a f2p'er should have on it.




Some of its benfits are-


Cabbage port- makes fishing lobsters in karamja, mining gold in the crafting guild, mining iron in the crafting guild, killing cows near the crafting guild, chooping yews south of melzar's maze, and many, many other things easier


+1 prayer bonus


10% chance of amking and extra elemental rune while runecrafting


30 free low alchs per day- good for getting rid of useless monster drops that aren't worth wasting a nature rune for or that just won't sell in the g.e.


150% energy recharge per day






Other then that, I suggest mining gold in the crafting guild as it is a solid 80k+ per hour at about level 70 mining, some of the best in f2p. Other decent methods of making money f2p are fishing and cutting yews, but both of which dont get the best profit until 70+ in the skill it pertains to.


Always remember that the best way of making money in f2p is making anchovy pizzas, if you can get the raw materials its 200k per hour plus 39 xp per pizza made. This method is the best, but it does require money to start using this, aroung 400k or so.





You are one with the matrix.


Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Petry Amwose if you ask me.

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