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WHY? Can't everyone just be generally nicer in Runescape. Don't call someone a noob just because they won't sell you thier addy kite or use a differnet mining rock. There must be at least thousands of addy kites for sale and thousands of other mining rocks you could use.








You usually get a good feeling when you can help someone out, and if you'd don't believe it obviously you've never gone out of your way to help someone. Give it a try sometime.








Should be compulsory to make a few bronze fulls and take to lumbridge and give to some new-starters for free to get them started once a month or something. (Just an idea...any other ideas people?)








What does everyone else think? Runescape won't last long if everyone is so greedy and rude!








RSN: Brookies

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i used to do that, make some iron sets, and hand em to the new players, but once they started saying that that armour s*cks and that they want my rune armour, i just told em to follow me and took him to the stone circle south of varrock (cya in lumby) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:





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Yes it's annoying when people are mean but giving them more is not the solution....they will just say it sucks or give me more. I understand your frustration with greedy and rude people though. :wink:

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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True people are just plain rude and it is completly uncalled for. This game is a reflection of the world today (just with dragons, knights, and giant spiders) so I ALMOST makes me sad to see how far down hill humanity has gone. But then I realise that one day societies going to crumble due to the corruption that people like this are pumping into every aspect of life. And when this happens these people wont make it since they cant copperate with anyone. And this almost akes me happy to see that eventually the world will be cleaned.








(now grantd I'm not going to be happy about the billions of people who will die when they cant stop calling each other names, Im talking about the time after that when people are nicer to each other)

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Several reasons...








1) There are many, many players under the age of 15. Their maturity is obvious.




2) You can be anonymous. Hence people don't have to play by standard civilized rules.




3) This game is essentially, solo player based. People think only of themselves.




4) This game encourages PKing. You are "expected" to hurt other players.








One "fix" is, sadly, switch to another game. :cry:








For example, how does EQ compare in the above areas?




1) EQ costs $15 or so per month. That prevents many of the worst players from playing.




2) Has the same problem.




3) EQ is, mostly, team based. Players that act like jerks won't find many teams to be on.




4) There are dedicated non PK worlds.








Another "fix" might be to make level restricted areas.




Perhaps make areas where only levels 40 or 60 and above could go.




Players of all levels can still be jerks but this might be a step in the right direction.








Another "fix" might be to require a team to kill a certain monster.




Some quests require another player to complete.




Just extend that concept and have the game recognize your fighting "partners".




Note: this would not be the same as the multi-combat areas.








There will always be jerks in this game and that's why Jagex gave us the Privacy button :D

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Several reasons...








1) There are many, many players under the age of 15. Their maturity is obvious.











i am 14, i do not like to be called immature, or being assumed that i am an idiot, or a jerk. not all jounger people are mean, or beggars. some are, but a lot of them are very nice people. please think before you go assuming that everyone "under the age of 15" is a jerk. thats called age discimination








Another "fix" might be to require a team to kill a certain monster.




Some quests require another player to complete.




Just extend that concept and have the game recognize your fighting "partners".




Note: this would not be the same as the multi-combat areas.











ever heard of the Kalphite Queen? or the King Black Dragon?

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please think before you go assuming that everyone "under the age of 15" is a jerk. thats called racism








I agree with you, but I must point out that people under 15 are not a "race," nor are they a minority. The phrase you were looking for was "age discrmination."








Still, I do hate all people younger than 15 :) Call me an age discriminationist if you will. J/K









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i am 14, i do not like to be called immature, or being assumed that i am an idiot, or a jerk. not all jounger people are mean, or beggars. some are, but a lot of them are very nice people. please think before you go assuming that everyone "under the age of 15" is a jerk. thats called racism








Nope, it's called descrimination. And no one is saying anything about you personally, or implying that all fourteen year olds are immature and can't spell. But Runescape is pretty hard to play sometimes because the community is so young. Kids in general are immature and can be cruel without even knowing it, and the internet let's 'em act that way with zero consequences. I remember flooding message boards and going into the old Yahoo and Napster chat rooms and being an idiot when I was twelve and thirteen. They'll figure it out when they get a little older, just give em time.

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And no one is saying anything about you personally, or implying that all fourteen year olds are immature and can't spell.




well, wallyweams clearly said that all people under 15 years old are immature brats. since i am 14 (and unless i am very much mistaking that means under the age of 15) i take that as an insult.








Kids in general are immature and can be cruel without even knowing it, and the internet let's 'em act that way with zero consequences.




no, its not kids in general, you are talking about a minority of kids who ruin it for the majority.

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To the person who said players under 15 are imature, i'm 14 and you don't see me calling people noobs if they won't sell armour or let me use a certain tree, ore rock etc. Oh and I don't say "OmgZ! Itz ZeZimma!!!!"








Thank you ;)

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Well you guys are exceptions to the rule, like a few people on tip.it. But there's no hiding the fact that some people 14 and under are just immature.




If parents took note of film's age restrictions, they wouldn't be able to watch adam sandler. Thus, the mess would have never occured.

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yes i know it is called age discrimination, im sorry i am not a grammar miracle in my secondary language at 1 am, ok? this is the internet. grammar is DEAD








Ok, a few things. I posted this yesterday...








"Still, I do hate all people younger than 15 :) Call me an age discriminationist if you will. J/K"








I really, really hope y'all know what "J/K" means by now. If not, um, I was just kidding. That's in response to the "I'm not immature just because I'm younger than 15" comments.








Also, I do help out with spelling and grammar, but I really never mean any harm. Lord Mujis, I'm a college teacher (really), and I'm often disturbed by the English skills of some students these days, and these are people whose first language is English. So, I hope you didn't take offense at my post. I also wanted to make that clarification because racism is a serious charge, probably more serious than age discrimination, so I didn't want the thread to drift there :)








And yes, I wish people were more courteous on Runescape. The other day a new member (lvl 40 or so) asked me to help with the Observatory Quest and getting his symbol blessed. Now, I admit that when he said "Can you take me there, plz?," I said I was busy. However, I did tell him he could ask me any questions. So, as I fished for the next hour or so, he PMed me and I helped him finish the quest and get the symbol blessed. And, thankfully, he then said "ty" and didn't even ask for a free dragon weapon.








So, courtesy does happen :)









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yes i know it is called age discrimination, im sorry i am not a grammar miracle in my secondary language at 1 am, ok? this is the internet. grammar is DEAD








Ok, a few things. I posted this yesterday...








"Still, I do hate all people younger than 15 :) Call me an age discriminationist if you will. J/K"








I really, really hope y'all know what "J/K" means by now. If not, um, I was just kidding. That's in response to the "I'm not immature just because I'm younger than 15" comments.








Also, I do help out with spelling and grammar, but I really never mean any harm. Lord Mujis, I'm a college teacher (really), and I'm often disturbed by the English skills of some students these days, and these are people whose first language is English. So, I hope you didn't take offense at my post. I also wanted to make that clarification because racism is a serious charge, probably more serious than age discrimination, so I didn't want the thread to drift there :)








And yes, I wish people were more courteous on Runescape. The other day a new member (lvl 40 or so) asked me to help with the Observatory Quest and getting his symbol blessed. Now, I admit that when he said "Can you take me there, plz?," I said I was busy. However, I did tell him he could ask me any questions. So, as I fished for the next hour or so, he PMed me and I helped him finish the quest and get the symbol blessed. And, thankfully, he then said "ty" and didn't even ask for a free dragon weapon.








So, courtesy does happen :)












nah, i didnt take any offense at your post, i just wanted to point out that the racism part was a mistake, and i really do know the difference between racism and age discrimination, still, its both discrimination.








i do not like someone blaming all rudeness and begging on "people under the age of 15" because that is just plain not true. there are some people, both under and over the age of 15, that are rude, but with both, the majority are very nice people.








it also surprises me that people seem to think that all younger people are beggars/scammers/rude




for your information, as i already said, i am 14, and i have NEVER begged.




NEVER, i HATE it when people follow you (phr33 r00n pl0x?) which is why i dont do it, and a lot of younger people dont do it. some of you people are basing the majority on the minority. and thats unfair.








PS: yes lpinkus, i do know what jk means

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i do not like someone blaming all rudeness and begging on "people under the age of 15" because that is just plain not true. there are some people, both under and over the age of 15, that are rude, but with both, the majority are very nice people.











Once again, no one is blaming ALL rudeness and begging on younger players. Pointing out that not all young'ns act like idiots online is ridiculous. That goes without saying. The point is that there are more younger people acting immature online than older people, and if this game had an older userbase it would be less frustrating to play at times.








Different agegroups have different tendancies and behaviors and this is just an example of a negative one that is outgrown, in part at least, by everyone. Immaturity. It's all part of being a person.

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