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Give me a rough estimate..

Da Pirates

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http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6883107734






How powerful is this PC? Can it support Crysis without much lag? Is it even able to support WoW? This was the cheapest computer that I could find that wasn't an Acer and that looked somewhat powerful..




How powerful is it really?




EDIT: Where is the monitor?


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GPU/VPU Type~NVIDIA GeForce 7100


Graphics Interface~Integrated video




Onboard graphics means no Crysis, sorry. Should handle WoW though, but with onboard you really can't expect very much at all


And Crysis will lag a bit on all but the very top end computers, the developers were more worried about eye candy than the actual game sadly. My friend plays it with little lag running a Core2Quad and 9800GX2 x2(the graphics card costs more than that whole computer and it handles crysis fairly well, just as a perspective)




I would recommend if you have the technical knowledge, to build your own pc. More bang for your buck.




Edit: Monitor not included as far as I see

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I would recommend if you have the technical knowledge, to build your own pc. More bang for your buck.





I almost killed myself the last time I tried that...




Is there such a thing as a prebuilt computer that can run Crysis on decent settings for under $500?


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Not that I have ever seen, the processor and graphics card to run Crysis would run you around $500. I'll look around and post back but don't hold your breath.




Edit: I'm not finding anything after a quick search, under $500 is mainly a basic computing PC

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Zzzz.... Why don't you take one of your two-three other threads and talk about hardware again? You seem to create a thread about hardware and Crysis once every month, which never amounts to anything.

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I should get a job and buy somthing like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6883233002






I bet that thing could eat crysis for breakfast.




Wow, that really seems like a ripoff to me, very expensive for the specs.

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Zzzz.... Why don't you take one of your two-three other threads and talk about hardware again? You seem to create a thread about hardware and Crysis once every month, which never amounts to anything.




Because if I bump them, people will be like "Zomg why'd you bump this thread?! It's a month old!"


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Zzzz.... Why don't you take one of your two-three other threads and talk about hardware again? You seem to create a thread about hardware and Crysis once every month, which never amounts to anything.




Because if I bump them, people will be like "Zomg why'd you bump this thread?! It's a month old!"




Well ok, you found your pc. The parts that exists in it will last for a looong time, gives really good performance. Ok? There isn't coming something revolutionary anytime soon which will up your fps to 190fps in 1920x1200 on ultra high with aa/af in Crysis... Ok. No need to make another post in december. Only new hardware by then is Nehalem and 4850x2.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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