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Yet another Waterfiends topic...


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Sorry about this guys - hopefully you can clarify some things for me that all the guides didn't pick up on much.




This is my current setup for the 160 or so waterfiends i just got given as a slayer task.








The rune gaunts are the best gloves i have...


...And the ring of life will change to a warrior ring once i do 20 or so kills just to fathom it out


The slayer gem is a bit ocd really.




Just a few questions...


Is a dragonfire sheild needed to rune past the dragons?


How benefiical would a familiar be to me? (bear in mind i'm only 55 summoning :oops: )


How many prayer pots should i take? (forgot to put in pic!)




Any other comments would be appreciated....






Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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6-8 prayer pots, also change obby cape for zammy/sara/guthix cape for the mage def.




Apart from that your setup is fine, perhaps take a bull ant if you think you might want extra food/pots. And make sure you bring Super Attack and Strength to speed it up.

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You said that you're going to take a warrior ring after 20 or so kills. This is pointless because you using a crush attack and you don't need slash defence. A berzerker ring or a seers ring would be better.



Whips: 3 Dragon Boots: 15


My 99's: Attack & Cooking


Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Goldenjkered

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On the contrary, I usually always carry a antifire shield with me until I get to spot that I want (Just in case). I found that the anchor you get as a reward from Great Berain Robbery is a great weapon against these. And cheaper than Barrows items, because you don't have to fix it. I bring around 3 or 4 prayer pots and about 10-15 food, need the rest of spaces because they do drop quite a bit of stuff. Also bunyip works really well in here, Hp healing helps alot. Also the special they do makes you able to eat raw fish because waterfiends tend to drop raw lobbies or sharks occasionally.



Drops/Clue Finds:

Shield left half: 1,Dragon plateskirt: 1, Warrior's Helm: 1, Obsidian Cape: 1, Robin Hood Hat: 1, Dragon Platelegs: 1, Dragon Boots: 4, Amulet of Ranging: 1

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Take a void spinner it is like a mini bunyip. Heals half that will help.




Prayer is is almost a must there so take like 6-8 prayer pots. Since you will be prayering take a lumbrige explorer ring for prayer if you have it. Also if you have a ancient mace for prayer spec to heal prayer great way to use spec bar since zammy spear spec is kinda bad.




hope I helped

Yeah I can't spell get over it!


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