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Items you keep on death. And REVS


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So i'm going to do a wildy clue right? I do the safe thing and bring 2 friends so that I don't die and lose my clue. I bring a dds(to cut web) lightness boots sextant watch chart spade and my lev 3 clue of course with a energy pot and explorer ring 3 and 10 lobs


I go to the place and i get it mixed up so i go to the right place and end up losing 6 lobs from a rev. I found the right place and i got my next clue and since I was low on prayer and low on hp i decided to go to the altar to restore my pray.


As i'm going out my friend says "wait, i see something" And then i look on my map and i was hoping for a cape seller but instead it was a rev. I run into the room and I see his attack coming to me and it hits 21 and i had 22 hp. So I barely lucked out. So we stay there for a while then I tell him let's w-hop. As i'm telling him the world to go to, a lev 105 ork somehow goes through the door that was closed and tbs me.


So i'm confused first of all- Revs can go through walls?


2nd of all I run like crazy out of there to the obelisk, then i remember i got tbed so as im trying to run farther to log out i get iced. So there were 2 revs on me, a 105 and another one that was 69. Then i get lagged out but before that happens i click protect item(hoping that i'd keep the clue)


When i log back on I see that the items i kept were- dds, watch, energy pot, and explorer ring 3.


All of those items are bad except for the dds. So i don't understand, why can't we choose the items that we want to keep on death?





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Revs can open doors, just like you. They help keep the wildy semi-dangerous, although hiding behind a tree and hopping usually takes care of them. Items are decided by alch price, as pre-GE jagex had no way of tracking player price. That might be updated somewhere along the line, but it would be hard to figure out for untradables\quest items.


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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Revs can open doors, just like you. They help keep the wildy semi-dangerous, although hiding behind a tree and hopping usually takes care of them. Items are decided by alch price, as pre-GE jagex had no way of tracking player price. That might be updated somewhere along the line, but it would be hard to figure out for untradables\quest items.


But im saying YOU should be able to choose. Like u can click that thing where it shows what u keep and an option to click 4 items to keep.


Also I didn't know that really. And idk why they're doing that to the wildy since rlly not many ppl go..





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Revs can open doors, just like you. They help keep the wildy semi-dangerous, although hiding behind a tree and hopping usually takes care of them. Items are decided by alch price, as pre-GE jagex had no way of tracking player price. That might be updated somewhere along the line, but it would be hard to figure out for untradables\quest items.


But im saying YOU should be able to choose. Like u can click that thing where it shows what u keep and an option to click 4 items to keep.


Also I didn't know that really. And idk why they're doing that to the wildy since rlly not many ppl go..




To help defend clues and training spots in the wildy, replacing the dangers of the old time pkers. Picking what you save might not work that well. Every time you changed or acquired a single item you would have to re pick it.


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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Another "Oh no, I died and lost something I wasn't expecting to lose!" thread. Here's a solution: don't die. Or simply bring things you don't want to lose! Even EASIER: look at the items kept on death screen! If you're bringing cheap stuff besides the clue scroll as I do, drop it all except the scroll when close to death.




Come on, Jagex warns you more than enough about any danger in this game nowadays, how could you possibly mess up? Were you just not paying attention? If so, your fault. If you were, still your fault for not doing anything about it. It's the wilderness, expect death as an option at all times. And foor goodness' sakes, it's just a clue scroll! You can get them rather easily!




Sure, maybe you're just ranting, but you're also making a stupid suggestion. We don't need to chose items kept on death, just deal with it!




[/thread] (I always wanted to say that)







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Why you cant choose what items you lose on death is simple THE GAME IS ALREADY EASY!!!


Why lose the tiny thin pathetic slither of risk that is left?, honestly the way you noobs act you would like to log in get 99 all stats and never die no matter what.

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... honestly the way you noobs act you would like to log in get 99 all stats and never die no matter what.


Now, you just know that the rant is absolutely stupid when 123Yourgone starts making perfect sense... Needless to say, I'm going to agree with him here. Next time, read up on Revenants and figure out their strengths. Or be smart and have your friends bring Sprit Wolves with "Howl", eh?




To answer your question, about why we can't choose what we keep on death: Imagine a place where if you died, you didn't lose your Partyhat or full set of Dragon. What the hell's the point in "dangerous" parts of the game if you can decide what you will or will not keep? Haven't you heard of a little risk?

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Thats why I just bring a DDS, my clue, a chart, a sextant and a watch, and drop the Sextant/Watch/Chart if I'm about to die, I've never lost a clue in the wilderness so far.











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... honestly the way you noobs act you would like to log in get 99 all stats and never die no matter what.


Now, you just know that the rant is absolutely stupid when 123Yourgone starts making perfect sense... Needless to say, I'm going to agree with him here. Next time, read up on Revenants and figure out their strengths. Or be smart and have your friends bring Sprit Wolves with "Howl", eh?




To answer your question, about why we can't choose what we keep on death: Imagine a place where if you died, you didn't lose your Partyhat or full set of Dragon. What the hell's the point in "dangerous" parts of the game if you can decide what you will or will not keep? Haven't you heard of a little risk?


You missed me didnt you :D

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Thats why I just bring a DDS, my clue, a chart, a sextant and a watch, and drop the Sextant/Watch/Chart if I'm about to die, I've never lost a clue in the wilderness so far.




DDS? Psh. They used to be good against PKers but try scaring a revenant away with it.



You're being watched.

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Thats why I just bring a DDS, my clue, a chart, a sextant and a watch, and drop the Sextant/Watch/Chart if I'm about to die, I've never lost a clue in the wilderness so far.




DDS? Psh. They used to be good against PKers but try scaring a revenant away with it.




its for the mage not the revs.

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Thats why I just bring a DDS, my clue, a chart, a sextant and a watch, and drop the Sextant/Watch/Chart if I'm about to die, I've never lost a clue in the wilderness so far.




DDS? Psh. They used to be good against PKers but try scaring a revenant away with it.




its for the mage not the revs.




Why not get a better weapon for that, though? It's not like it's easy to lose, or if you lose it, hard to reclaim.



You're being watched.

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Thats why I just bring a DDS, my clue, a chart, a sextant and a watch, and drop the Sextant/Watch/Chart if I'm about to die, I've never lost a clue in the wilderness so far.




DDS? Psh. They used to be good against PKers but try scaring a revenant away with it.




its for the mage not the revs.




Why not get a better weapon for that, though? It's not like it's easy to lose, or if you lose it, hard to reclaim.


4 specs = bye bye zammy mage. No worries about losing more expensive items like a whip.


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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