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ok, I trust u all not to rip this... i put alot of hard work into it... i personally think it's one of my better pixels, but just to improve it I'd really apprciate sum good c/c, ratings, comments etc...
















thanks :wink:

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I really like the greater demons and the sky :D. I am no specialist for pixels so I won't comment on technical things. A short list of what could be changed or I do not really like about the scene (c/c):








- Moon: the craters should be more like an ellipse near to the edge of the moon




- Ground: For the wildy the floor is too flat and clean in the foreground. I don't think you should add more items, just a few shades, bumps, wholes to make it look more like a natural ground.




- Kite: A kite-shield is not flat, but the white bar in the middle makes it look ruther flat.




- Fighter: The cape and the way he holds his shield looks like he is moving fast. Contrary to this, his eyes looka round like he is standing there, wondering about the greaters coming nearer.




- Horizon: Behind the mountains the world seems to be cut off, espescially near the left border. Maybe adding a few more distant (smaller) mountains could fix this.




- Ammy: The amulet is very small and makes the fighter look ruther fat. As well the head seems to be a bit small.




- Wall: They look ruther like paper walls then made of stone. Make them more thick. The wall is missing a shadow (compared with the figther and the greater)








All the same I like the colors and the shading as well as the idea. I give it a 8 / 10.









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ok, fixed up a few things like:




-the horizon








-glowing eyes




-stop the mans eyes moving, as he is in a fast moving stance




-made the walls thicker




-if u look extreamly carefully, i shaded the ammy a bit more...




-craters r a tad darker




so ya...




more c/c would really help alot..









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only thing i would fix is how fat the guy is. and its mostly because of his stance, but i dunno if it would be comffy fighting in a stance like that :shock:

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The guy is fat and the sara kite look kind of out of shape (maybe too large? :? ) But I love the greaters and the sky!








Nice work after all 8/10



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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I agree with Nadril, the stance might make some parts of his body more open to an attack... :lol: :shock:












Close his legs up, because it kind of looks like he's sliding right now.








Uh, no. The shield is pointed in the direction of the GD, and he looks like he's in a defensive stance.


Only 27.. RIP Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Janice Joplin.

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I agree with Nadril, the stance might make some parts of his body more open to an attack... :lol: :shock:












Close his legs up, because it kind of looks like he's sliding right now.








Uh, no. The shield is pointed in the direction of the GD, and he looks like he's in a defensive stance.








Exactly! ^fav poster now, don't blow it...

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by looking at your title im guessing you need more crits? erm ok..








I think that if the moon is developing the main light source then that wall would have a longer shadow, its really small compared to the ones from the gd's and that character.








Add some contrast in the sky, just because its night dun mean that its just pitch black, make it slightly lighter towards the moon and darker away.








Thats the same for the ground too, making it slightly darker further away allows you to add some bumps and texture so it doesn't look flat.








The legs on the guy look a bit odd, like his knees have slipped down to his shins or something.. maybe make his knees in the middle of his legs.








The left gd does look kinda like a spectator so make his arms more in front like the one in the back, and maybe raise his head or move it more to the left so the shade doesn't look like a jaw.








The right demon doesn't look like he has a right wing.








Some advice to make the sig look fuller, behind the wall, right of the back demon maybe add a wrecked building? I dun know if theres one near the actual Greater demon spot on runescape but it should add more depth to the picture, instead of havin to make a closer mountain like Systemless suggested tho I know you tried to fixed it.








Hope that helped cus that all I can really say about it.








all the best Nuzza ~ Ter

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