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secondary items for phoenix?


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Why does it have to be a high level familiar? Remember, thousands of people submitted in their answers for the poll, all of them from varying summoning level categories. I'm not just saying this because I have a low summoning level either. :evil:

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Why does it have to be a high level familiar? Remember, thousands of people submitted in their answers for the poll, all of them from varying summoning level categories. I'm not just saying this because I have a low summoning level either. :evil:




Look at other creatures such as the dragon, the wolfpertinger, and the unicorn. All of these are mythical, high leveled creatures.




However, I tend to agree with you. This will probably be a "middle of the road" summon since it's being pair with what I can only assume will be a mid-level quest.


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I'm not too worried about it. I feel sure that it won't be feathers, because they're stackable (No other pouch has a stackable secondary ingredient). I suppose it could be ashes, but those are so easily obtained that we will never be in any real danger of running out.




And besides, my crystal ball isn't working that well. I wrongly predicted both of today's NFL playoff games. Who thought the Arizona Cardinals would be any good? :roll:




proboscis(sp?) are stackable and are used in summoning for the spirit mosquito but they are kinda rare. and kind of a pain to get

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