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A guy wearing d med, red mystic top, d legs, zammy kite, red boots n gloves and glowing dragon battle-axe, standing there with a pile of bones next to him.


Thanks To: Everyone for the siggies, especially Kal for the Pixel.

Currently Playing: FIFA 07, NFS: Carbon, Morrowind and Dungeon Siege II.

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Eldar GodSlayer, which avatar will be graced by your immense pixelling skill next.








Yup I'm crawling.








Pick me!









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I would simply like an avatar with a detailed earth in it :D

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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could i get one of me please
















Change myself to wear sara pl8 , kite and legs, glorry ammy and rune boots. Keep helm and gloves








And if possible. make it a dark brown ground and a night sky with stars in background,








Tyvm :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...









if u could do a guy in full dragon with a dragon long standing infront of a dead dragon that would be kool and the writting say Penith4








ok thx u dont have to do it if u dont want to and u r a very nice person offering to do all this bye :~)

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Err..free? I'll take one! :lol:








Pretty simple actually. Me standing there looking a whip on the ground dreadfully, (since jagex has f'ed them up and they sauk now), like im ready to cry because i miss the old whip.











RSN--44warriorz44-|90 str|86 attack|70 def|85 hp|52 pray|102 cmb

--[Proud leader of Final Destination! http://z6.invisionfree.com/RSFinaldestination/index.php?

Requirements for FD!

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Wow, is this still going on? looks like you have gotten in wai over your head :shock: lol








If you're making them and I dont know it, I'll take one of a AIM guy(the yellow one, that always looks like he's running....kinda....) but with some Eeevil looking wepon in his back and blood dripping down off of it...maybe some splatter too :lol:









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hi godslayer kl work :)












ide like to re-request a avvy since u gave up your last shop :)








just basically i wud like an uber noob so really sterotypical noob character as my avvy or me in my pink robes nd black cav etc as stated in my sig comp nd avvy i requested before...












If u need any help on ideas contact me nd ill pass on some stoner logic













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