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Should I open a shop? PLEASE CLOSE


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That's actually what i was thinking, I HATE THESE STUPID SITES WITH THEIR 30KB LIMIT. My normal sigs are a lot better. It's a pain to keep these under 30kb. Speaking of which, do y'all have any tricks you could tell me to keep it under that?








Still gonna try a shop sometime though, because (and I'm not accusing you of this, so don't get all pissed off) for all I know you make sigs and just don't want the competition :D

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That's actually what i was thinking, I HATE THESE STUPID SITES WITH THEIR 30KB LIMIT. My normal sigs are a lot better. It's a pain to keep these under 30kb. Speaking of which, do y'all have any tricks you could tell me to keep it under that?








Still gonna try a shop sometime though, because (and I'm not accusing you of this, so don't get all pissed off) for all I know you make sigs and just don't want the competition :D








Uhm, you shouldn't really be complaining about the limit. I mean your sigs are just PS filter piles so maybe less of those would be less of a problem. They might not be as blurry as a higher file size, but they are still filter piles nonetheless.

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*sigh* I rally hate argueing in posts, but I would like to clarify one thing. I do not use filters. I hate those. I use all my own brushing and coloring. Well, I use one.. The cloud filter for my multicolor effect.








Anywho, moving on, People don't like you using renders here? Why not? I always get the permission from the person (though I guess there's no way to verify that, so maybe that's why :?)








And for my information (because I know nothign about them), how big is an average pixel sig? I personally don't like pixel sigs, but admire the people who can do them well... The hours they put into them... I'm not that creative, can't make stuff out of nothing. I have to have brushes or something.








*sigh* I just got home from my first day of school which is why I'm rambling. Think I'll go make some sigs or something (though apperently not for anyone here)

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Dont put renders in your sigs? Sorry but all this pixel JUNK that is floating around this board is a slap in the face to those of us who are real artists. Sorry if most nooby PS users just download a random render off of DeviantArt and crop and add text...but those of us who do make our own renders, use our own work, edit our own photography, and actually use RENDERS in our sigs shouldn't get flamed on because we dont conform to this pixelated attempt to show creativity.








Sorry but this pixel crap has got to go








As far as size limit goes, in Photoshop use the "Save for Web" feature not the "Save As" selection. In "Save for Web", you can select different detailed versions of the main formats of images [PNG, JPEG, GIF]








USPOLO; a good idea and direction for you to head in can be found at many tutorial sites. Many give good ideas to backgrounds to use for sigs, links to sites that you can download brushes at, you can download many new and interesting fonts [www.1001fonts.com or www.acidfonts.com] and you may even want to crop the size of your sigs to a more, "selective", size such as 300w-by-100h or smaller. Remember, larger is not always better.









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Im insulting the ever growing "revolution" of pixel..."artists"...because frankly its not dificult to draw a face, and shade it. However, there are a few who tend to exceed above the rest and make quite good artistic pieces, but overall the mass amount of ppl who recommend making pixel over abstract or simplistic art are those who dont have feet to stand on in the world of graphic design.









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Dont put renders in your sigs? Sorry but all this pixel JUNK that is floating around this board is a slap in the face to those of us who are real artists. Sorry if most nooby PS users just download a random render off of DeviantArt and crop and add text...but those of us who do make our own renders, use our own work, edit our own photography, and actually use RENDERS in our sigs shouldn't get flamed on because we dont conform to this pixelated attempt to show creativity.








Sorry but this pixel crap has got to go








As far as size limit goes, in Photoshop use the "Save for Web" feature not the "Save As" selection. In "Save for Web", you can select different detailed versions of the main formats of images [PNG, JPEG, GIF]








USPOLO; a good idea and direction for you to head in can be found at many tutorial sites. Many give good ideas to backgrounds to use for sigs, links to sites that you can download brushes at, you can download many new and interesting fonts [www.1001fonts.com or www.acidfonts.com] and you may even want to crop the size of your sigs to a more, "selective", size such as 300w-by-100h or smaller. Remember, larger is not always better.
















To clarify somehting before I say anything else, are you referring to the original defintion of render, the product rendering something in a 3d program or the new,stupid one where you delete the background off of an image. The latter is what alt was referring to.








And no need to crack at pixel art.

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*sigh* just to let you know I get all my render off http://www.gamerenders.com, always getting permission. And I'm gonna close this post before it turns into a larger flame war... :?
















what i got off of their site:








GameRenders does not allow redistribution of renders in their original form without permission from the original owner of the image.








Why would they need permision if they already should have permision?








because they don't. It's Illegal, face it.

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I've only seen like.. 4 pixel signatures I liked.. and thats because they were highly detailed and followed more torward realism as opposed to the RS "cartoony" style. I appreciate pixel in signatures as it is perfect for minimalistic rendering. Though the general work on here is lackluster and mediocre. Ofcourse.. I don't really like signature anyways.. Too damned small.








Renders? People have been changing the meaning of render so much lately that im afraid to use the damned word. Does anybody know what it means? Im still back on it defining something that was generated ("rendered") in a 3d program.








Googled pictures? Yeh.. ALOT of people outside of this forum do that. Infact, if it weren't for the pixel boom, a large group would still do it here. Get over it. If someone wants a celebrity or anime picture in their signature, do you expect them to draw them from scratch in a way that accuractly resembles them? I don't.. signatures are signatures, yall', not that important.








Naddypoo.. thats a pretty crappy definintion of an artist you have there. :(

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Wow Nadril, you must think im just another picture stealing, brush slapping, trendwhoring, PS noob huh? Because based on the "feel" of your post, you obivously think I have nothing to back my statements up with?








Lets start with....








[::Boundless Dreams::]























[::Rise to Eminence::]























[::Luxury is a Sin::]



























Just to let you know "Nadril", most people have a right to their own opinion...sorry if you dont like it. But Pixel artwork is a little bit too main stream and if you would have taken partial time to read the replys throughly you might have caught that I do make my own renders, I do use my own work, and NO I DO NOT STEAL PICTURES.








Real artwork takes a precision to detail, and a creative mind with the ability to express itself. I would quote my previous post but I feel I should rephrase it..."there is an exception to some pixel artists that actually do show creativity, but the majority of them are cookie cutter copycats of those who have shown inspiration and creativity".








Please try not to use stereotypes Nadril, it tends to make you look bad when proven wrong.









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I've only seen like.. 4 pixel signatures I liked.. and thats because they were highly detailed and followed more torward realism as opposed to the RS "cartoony" style. I appreciate pixel in signatures as it is perfect for minimalistic rendering. Though the general work on here is lackluster and mediocre. Ofcourse.. I don't really like signature anyways.. Too damned small.








Renders? People have been changing the meaning of render so much lately that im afraid to use the damned word. Does anybody know what it means? Im still back on it defining something that was generated ("rendered") in a 3d program.








Googled pictures? Yeh.. ALOT of people outside of this forum do that. Infact, if it weren't for the pixel boom, a large group would still do it here. Get over it. If someone wants a celebrity or anime picture in their signature, do you expect them to draw them from scratch in a way that accuractly resembles them? I don't.. signatures are signatures, yall', not that important.








Naddypoo.. thats a pretty crappy definintion of an artist you have there. :(








it's not realy an entire deffinition of an artist, maybe just what i think a small part of what an artist is. The actual term is kind of hard to deffine, lol.








Signatures are signatures yes, but when you can sell them for possibly millions of rs gp, which in return can be sold for real life cash on ebay, you are mostly profiting off of someone else's artwork.








and there are a lot of ways to give a feeling for something that a picture could do. Want a halo sig? perhaps use a halo font, and make it look just... halo-ishy.








I use the term render as something from a 3d program, but when I say "render" i'm just replying to what is a googled image.












EDIT: C4, I had the feeling you were talking about renders in the way it seems everyone here sadly does, stolen images. Guess that terms getting skewered in my mind.








you can promptly disreguard most of my post, although I still do think that pixel art takes more creativity than abstract's, but thats just my opinion.








sorry for the mis-understanding there.

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Im insulting the ever growing "revolution" of pixel..."artists"...because frankly its not dificult to draw a face, and shade it. However, there are a few who tend to exceed above the rest and make quite good artistic pieces, but overall the mass amount of ppl who recommend making pixel over abstract or simplistic art are those who dont have feet to stand on in the world of graphic design.
















I'm sorry Josh but if you find this so easy then you do it yourself. It's much more difficult then you think. I myself am a "jack of all trades." I do not limit myself but I do more pixel art then I do other things.

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It's hard to define? No, it's not. It's actually already done for you: http://dictionary.com








The real problem arises when constituting "beauty" itself. Every person has a different view on what is beautiful, so not all art is held in the same reguard by people with different perspectives.








Signatures? The problem with your argument is (atleast) 80% of the people who use PhotoShop or any other retail program in here has already broken the rule of copyright. Again, if people sell GP for that "money", they'll be breaking yet another rule of copyright. Anyways, I use anime people in my signatures.. or used to, atleast. My pretty girls, ofcourse, were from DevArt. XP

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