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Younger players-were not all bad

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Dude, I said it in the last post and I'll say it again:








Most younger people are stupid.




Most of the stupid players are younger.








Whether it be due to my bad wording or your lack of ability to understand I don't know, but that's what i mean.








The two in and of themselves don't contradict each other. If I failed to clearly show that, then that's my fault.




dude, ive said it in my last post and ill say it again.




most younger people are very nice.




most of the stupid people ARE younger (and your one of them, now go to your friends in world 1 varrock and go selling the "rare" charcoal for only 1 million gps too)




no they dont contradict eachother. but you agreed with duke, and he says that most of the younger people are nice people. and you say that isnt true, yet you agree with duke freedom (ive explained it 3 times now, hope you understand it now). THAT is where you contradict yourself.




now please, get off this thread, there is no room for idiots here.








and about the flame war thingy i said earlier, i am still allowed to say the truth, arent i?




now get the hell off this thread. your saying younger players are annoying spoilt little brats??. well guess what, your one of them




and most younger players are very nice people








See above two posts. And I admit that I misread that. But you gotta see that the two things don't contradict each other IN AND OF THEMSELVES. They only did in the context of that post containing the quote.








Most younger people are stupid.




Most of the stupid players are younger.








I never said younger players were "spoilt little brats". I said that a lot of them were irritating imbeciles.








And my last post to you was EXTREMELY mild. I didn't even say that you were a moron in that one...which I'm quite sure of now. I didn't lay that blame out anywhere; I just said what I thought. You were too stupid to see that. I laid the foundation for finishing the flame war, you didn't want it. Now you've got one.








Anyway, sorry for taking over the thread with three straight posts, but considering I've got straight 12 hour days until this time next week, I won't be on any. I just wanted to tie up any loose threads.








I'll be back to defend my extremely unpopular position then. Not that I didn't expect that. The vast majority of rs players are 16 and under. And most of those probably fit into my 13 and under category. But that's what I think, so that's what I'm sticking to.
















You moron he clearly said "The two in and of themselves don't contradict each other." and you come on in a contradictive manner and agree with him.
















Man: "the sky is blue"




You: "Your stupid its blue"








And this isn't a flame war, this is you coming online and being a lil fool by insulting people who are more intelligent than you, like , 13 year olds, me, and lord muijs.








However you forget to make a feeble attack at everyone else.








And saying that he doesnt have the ability to understand isn't mild.








unless you seem to think so in which case you clearly dont understand anything, but like you said, its not offensive anyways.








If you have a posotion that says people under 13 are idiots, then its fair for me to say people under 20 are idiots?








Yet I dont I specify those people as I am doing right now. Nugget, you...are an idiot.








Not because your under 20, but because you demonstrate a complete lack of mental ability.












And to back up you point on someone under 13 that has freinds and is polite...








If you think people who make freinds are stupid then in your eyes your one of the most intelligent people ever, cause I doubt you have very many freinds.








Okay, let me clear a few things up. I said that I misread the post. I said that I do, in fact, not agree with Duke.








Smarter? Lack of mental abilities?








And yet you fail to make any type of argument. You just keep repeating yourself. You failed to respond to anything that I said. Any insult made towards you you just decided to sidestep.








Me - "I think most 13 year olds are stupid."




You - "You're an idiot!"




Me - "Your fianc̮̩̉̉e probably comes from a house of ill repute."




You - You're an idiot!"




Me - "Wow, you should go ahead and quit rs."




You - "You're an idiot!"








I didn't say that Muijs didn't have the mental capacity to understand what I was saying. I said that there was a possiblity I worded it poorly or that he just didn't understand what I was saying. That was not an attack on his intelligence; I was just throwing out a possibility for the misunderstanding. In that sense (the sense that I meant it to be taken as), it was very mild.








And, who else do you suggest that I make "feeble attacks" on? I think you, Lord Muijs, and thirteen year olds cover almost everyone on this thread. Most of the people I really disagree with at least.








And you proved me right, moron. You responded to this post. You made a huge deal about quitting, and now you are slowly trying to make people forget about that. You just love hanging around with people half your age. Does it make you feel stronger or smarter? Does it provide a shelter from the cold, harsh, mean ole' world, Skippy?








And, dude, keep in mind that you're arguing with a 16 year old. You're 23. You should be completely dominating this conversation. And yet you just keep rambling on incoherently. Even with my mistakes and misreading quotes, at least I can effectively argue my point. Despite messing up with that quote, at least my speech is poignant and understandable.








Your only real knock on me has been that I misread what Duke said. I already said that that was my mistake. How much longer can you keep using that and think it will keep being effective?








And, Mr. Mental Abilities, how does it feel to be losing an argument to a 16 year old? Despite the fact that he messed up on quoting someone?








Agree with me or not, you can't truly think that you are making your case better than I am.








This time, respond to the last two posts that I made. Actually respond to the insults. Don't just bypass them and start up your ramblings.

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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LOL, why are you guys argueing about something that will never change? You can blame them if you want...but it's useless if noone's going to do anything about it. Think about it, you're 16 right nugget? Well, 3 years ago you were 13 years old, and you could HAVE possibly been one of those annoying brats that make 'your mom' insults. Don't you people realize this? You can't MAKE 13 year olds any better, because, well, there 13 year olds :roll: :wall: ! What do you expect from them, for them to drive a car, own a house, and have polite manners? Look, it's human nature that we "mature" as we eventually grow up. Just like we grow taller in time, we'll become more mature in time, and understand things better. You can't make yourself 6 feet taller in one day, can you? It's just ridiculous seeing you guys arguing about something like this. You can't play god and make people the way you want them to be. You can blame 13 year olds for their immature manners, but you might as well blame yourself too when you were 13 :roll:.








P.S. To crim nimora, thanks for the pm! :)








I agree with you in part. After having to be around 13 year olds at school and on rs, I do suspect that I was probably equally annoying as the ones that I have to deal with now. I'm not saying what I expect them to be. I'm talking about what I think that most of them are: stupid. That's not to say that that won't change. This is the kind of stupidity that can be grown out of, not one from lack of intelligence.








Anyway, once Crim and Muijs get tired of arguing, I'll probably stop with this thread. It has become blatantly apparent that this is one of those things where one's viewpoint isn't going to change no matter what is said. Not much use arguing it either way.

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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Dude, I said it in the last post and I'll say it again:








Most younger people are stupid.




Most of the stupid players are younger.








Whether it be due to my bad wording or your lack of ability to understand I don't know, but that's what i mean.








The two in and of themselves don't contradict each other. If I failed to clearly show that, then that's my fault.




dude, ive said it in my last post and ill say it again.




most younger people are very nice.




most of the stupid people ARE younger (and your one of them, now go to your friends in world 1 varrock and go selling the "rare" charcoal for only 1 million gps too)




no they dont contradict eachother. but you agreed with duke, and he says that most of the younger people are nice people. and you say that isnt true, yet you agree with duke freedom (ive explained it 3 times now, hope you understand it now). THAT is where you contradict yourself.




now please, get off this thread, there is no room for idiots here.








and about the flame war thingy i said earlier, i am still allowed to say the truth, arent i?




now get the hell off this thread. your saying younger players are annoying spoilt little brats??. well guess what, your one of them




and most younger players are very nice people








See above two posts. And I admit that I misread that. But you gotta see that the two things don't contradict each other IN AND OF THEMSELVES. They only did in the context of that post containing the quote.








Most younger people are stupid.




Most of the stupid players are younger.








I never said younger players were "spoilt little brats". I said that a lot of them were irritating imbeciles.








And my last post to you was EXTREMELY mild. I didn't even say that you were a moron in that one...which I'm quite sure of now. I didn't lay that blame out anywhere; I just said what I thought. You were too stupid to see that. I laid the foundation for finishing the flame war, you didn't want it. Now you've got one.








Anyway, sorry for taking over the thread with three straight posts, but considering I've got straight 12 hour days until this time next week, I won't be on any. I just wanted to tie up any loose threads.








I'll be back to defend my extremely unpopular position then. Not that I didn't expect that. The vast majority of rs players are 16 and under. And most of those probably fit into my 13 and under category. But that's what I think, so that's what I'm sticking to.
















You moron he clearly said "The two in and of themselves don't contradict each other." and you come on in a contradictive manner and agree with him.
















Man: "the sky is blue"




You: "Your stupid its blue"








And this isn't a flame war, this is you coming online and being a lil fool by insulting people who are more intelligent than you, like , 13 year olds, me, and lord muijs.








However you forget to make a feeble attack at everyone else.








And saying that he doesnt have the ability to understand isn't mild.








unless you seem to think so in which case you clearly dont understand anything, but like you said, its not offensive anyways.








If you have a posotion that says people under 13 are idiots, then its fair for me to say people under 20 are idiots?








Yet I dont I specify those people as I am doing right now. Nugget, you...are an idiot.








Not because your under 20, but because you demonstrate a complete lack of mental ability.












And to back up you point on someone under 13 that has freinds and is polite...








If you think people who make freinds are stupid then in your eyes your one of the most intelligent people ever, cause I doubt you have very many freinds.








Okay, let me clear a few things up. I said that I misread the post. I said that I do, in fact, not agree with Duke.








Smarter? Lack of mental abilities?








And yet you fail to make any type of argument. You just keep repeating yourself. You failed to respond to anything that I said. Any insult made towards you you just decided to sidestep.








Me - "I think most 13 year olds are stupid."




You - "You're an idiot!"




Me - "Your fianc̮̩̉̉e probably comes from a house of ill repute."




You - You're an idiot!"




Me - "Wow, you should go ahead and quit rs."




You - "You're an idiot!"
















And, who else do you suggest that I make "feeble attacks" on? I think you, Lord Muijs, and thirteen year olds cover almost everyone on this thread. Most of the people I really disagree with at least.








And you proved me right, moron. You responded to this post. You made a huge deal about quitting, and now you are slowly trying to make people forget about that. You just love hanging around with people half your age. Does it make you feel stronger or smarter? Does it provide a shelter from the cold, harsh, mean ole' world, Skippy?








And, dude, keep in mind that you're arguing with a 16 year old. You're 23. You should be completely dominating this conversation. And yet you just keep rambling on incoherently. Even with my mistakes and misreading quotes, at least I can effectively argue my point. Despite messing up with that quote, at least my speech is poignant and understandable.








Your only real knock on me has been that I misread what Duke said. I already said that that was my mistake. How much longer can you keep using that and think it will keep being effective?








And, Mr. Mental Abilities, how does it feel to be losing an argument to a 16 year old? Despite the fact that he messed up on quoting someone?








Agree with me or not, you can't truly think that you are making your case better than I am.








This time, respond to the last two posts that I made. Actually respond to the insults. Don't just bypass them and start up your ramblings.












You claim I didnt respond to each of your comments.








"The sole fact that you have the audacity to make such arrogant posts as this is amazing, you clearly. I'm so certain that your own of those pethetic little clowns who talk so very big, yet never put up to a real fight.












You think I live in the Projects. How dare you I was raised in Hapeville Georgia, thats a step down from the projects, my parents met in drug rehab and it didnt help, I was one of the few white people in my community, but I was still respected. I've lived in a car and eaten nothing but dry Ramen Noodles, I spent the most of my time growing with a man named Jimmy Cane, and Josef Kukharets I was with them because my mom was out whoring for crack money and my dad was somewhere in Texas.








I no longer live in these conditions I own 3 1/2 acres of land in North Carolina and rent a Trailer and another house to some freinds.








And the fact that you find something wrong with trying to get a point of being polite to people across is your sole reason of attacking my name is also incredible.








I've never met someone so blindly arrogant and belligerant as you to maintain the level of a 9 year old girl going through her first period.








And theres little place for a loud mouth punk in construction.








I've done metal fabrication since I was 11 and can almost complete the bellhole test.








And to insult people whom you have never spoken to or never seen is amazing, you remind me of one of those imbeciles who talk about peoples moms online...and how old are they usually....under 13...hmm








I really dont care how people like you manage to survive in reality, but good luck your sure as hell gonna need it if you were to talk to someone like me offline.








And my reason for my coninued use of the forums is because I enjoy them. However idiots like you may change that.








And to relate how tired you are to your ignorance is amazing, its 1:00 and I woke up at 1am worked building a bowluntil lunch, gave out 3 lessons...and still managed to pwn you.








I guess the news is right, people with a smaller menta capacity do need more sleep.








I rarely say this but I would LOVE to meat you offline, and see if you can put up.








I advice you dont post again, you'll just prove every point I've just made if you do.








belligerant clown"








Thats from page 3 and covers pretty much everything.Seeing how you behaved and meerly jumped to blindly insult me for your "misunderstanding" its getting rather old.








And I think I'm going to change my opinion (just for now).








You say all people under 13 are complete idiots, I now agree but also add that all people under 18 are morons.








Theres noway you can attempt to strike down my view without changing yours.








And explain this to me, you say your working 60 hours next week and usually work 40 in construction. Yet you have a lvl 90 something sn (forget right now) and over 1300 overall points, you try to call me a liar, yet thats quite a schedule you have. Unless of course your not very experienced in your trade.








Your whole arguement isn't going anywhere, the last post you made was based that I didn't respond to any of your childish attacks, yet I'm clearly polite enough to acknowledge even your sad little comments.












Either way lets finish this little "arguement" shall we, it clearly isn't going anywhere. I do hope you your mature enough to let it drop.








Lets move on to a real conversation, shall we?

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I think most 13 year olds are stupid.




you know what really ticks me off, you really think that your better than someone whos 13 years old, just because he/she is 13 years old. with that little sentence you have insulted around 500 to 750 million people around the globe, without meeting even 1 of them. is that fair? no its not. and lets face it, of course most scammers/idiots/racists are under 13 years old. most people who play runescape are under 13 years old. but that doesnt mean a 13 year old is almost always an idiot. i have a LOT of 12/13 years old on my friend list, very nice people. and, there are also a lot of idiots who are older than 13 and complete morons (you, for example) and dude, your last post was simply dumb. the only thing your doing is insulting crim_nimora with dumb statements that arent even true.




at least I can effectively argue my point




well, if you define "argueing" with "throwing as much untrue insults at as much people as possible" well then you are the best in the world at argueing.




however if you define it as "trying to convince the other of your opinion" well, then im sorry my friend, but you fail horribly. and with this:




And, dude, keep in mind that you're arguing with a 16 year old. You're 23. You should be completely dominating this conversation.
well, he is, your just pointlessly insulting him. and, thats not argueing, or having a conversation. thats just being stupid.




now please get off this thread and go spamming and getting up your post count at the graveyard forum, they dont mind morons there. as long as you can say: "I P00n3d y00!!!!" then youll be soooo popular. now shoo

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Okay, these posts are getting entirely too long to keep quoting, so I won't.








To Muijs: Uh, I am insulting quite a few 13 year olds. But...I have indeed met a single 13 year old. I have met quite a few more than that in fact. Why would I be writing that most are stupid if I hadn't? I don't claim to be better than them. I simply said that most of them are annoying. This is quite possibly something that will be grown out of, but it doesn't change what they are.








To Crim: Why are you insulted that I insinuated that you lived in the projects? Yet you say that you lived somewhere worse? So why are you angry?








And you claimed that you were tying to make the world a better place. I took issue with that, not that you were trying to get people to be polite.








What does my doing construction have to do with...anything? Do you think that that somehow makes me a worse person? That's incredible in and of itself.








I have "a smaller menta capacity"? You'd love to "meat" me online? And somehow I'm the stupid one...








I need sleep because construction takes a certain amount of endurance. I have a level 92 because during school I only get to work two days (by law I can't work much more). During the summer I work 40 hours, not during school. That would be difficult and illegal.








Oh, and I can strike down your view without changing mine. Let me demonstrate.








At a certain point, you cross the threshold of immaturity. At that point, you can maturely interact with other, older people. In my opinion, that is when you pass the age of 13.








You aren't responding to my comments because you are polite. It's because I called you out on them. And you say they are sad. They are no worse than any of your lunacies.








I'm ready to let this be my last post or next to last. We can agree to disagree and that we dislike each other. If you post something to that effect, I will reciprocate it.

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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Hey, I'm not the one to say who's stupid or not but I must say from past encounters on the game 'some' of the younger players don't make smart decisions, think before they speak, etc. Then there are those ones who act and talk mature. I kinda agree with Nugget89, I understand that he's probably met some of the most ignorant kids around, not his fault.

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even though some of this may be repititive -








It seems that most of the people here are arguing that 13 year olds should be given a chance and not completely stereotyped as idiots, scammers, immature, etc.; however, you'd have to be pretty naive to deny that the age group of 13 and under is mostly stupid. You may say "well i know plenty of 13 year olds that are more intelligent and mature than my 18 year old friends", but that'd be sticking to one end of the spectrum, the 13 year olds that have been possibly influenced by "smarter" and most definitely older people. I've played rs for over 3 years now, (not the lvl 100 choobs that've played for 2 monthes, but thats a different story) and it's pretty obvious that those idiots always following you around and begging are under the age of 13. Maybe it's the way they spell, or the way they act, or the way that they do tell you sometimes they're young. "OMG but now you're being mean to the younger people!" umm...so? It's not like this thread was posted to recieve all positive feedback. There were most definitely going to be people like me or nugget that post rude, yet true facts. Maybe i am, in fact, stereotyping the idiots of runescape to younger people; but i sincerely hope that these begging nuisances aren't over 15! That would be pretty disturbing, eh? Sure, it's not very fair to say to a person that you've found out is younger and call them a noob or scammer, but there are hundreds of thousands of them out there. It seems anyone else posting against nugget or me or anyone else is either extremely bored, or just plain stupid in sticking up for a side that, despite the overwhelming majority, is very wrong. If you're so nice, go hug trees or something.

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i do not see why you trying to disagree with all of us older people like Nugget, In real life, you know were u said u wanted to see if he could put up and he is probably 20 years younger than you, and right here and now what does it matter who or where u grew up with, we are talking about right now and the 13 year olds, who most of the time are annoying and act immature, and dont tell me i dont know any 13 year olds, i have one for my brother, but still even he can be annoying with his choice of words and immature reactions, granted he is still my brother, and he probably has more mental capacity than you yourself do, i still think the large amount of younger people just need a little more time to grow up, leave the Young men and Young women to insult each others life styles and maturity levels please, so that we can go on not having to worry about being criticized for our every word, and lets just leave it to say the Nugget is right so lets just leave all this were it is after this and the past will be the past

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Maturity doesn't come in a day, it's progressive. Every day that passes, people get a little more mature.








In fact, age doesn't even have to do that much with maturity. I've spoken to 11 y old in this game who acted much more mature then some 21 y old I met. Sure, the 11 y old could oftenly be very impatient, which ofcourse had a lot to do with his age (most young people tend to be very impatient).








But the point is, he was nice, honest and very polite (despite his impatience ;)), whereas the 21 y old was arrogant, rude and egoistic. Perhaps this actually has more to do with character traits then maturity, but in any case: it has little to do with age. ;)








Well true, some people are more mature than others at a given age. But you gotta admit that the younger people are, the less mature they are. Just that for some, it comes faster than for others. More to the point, the younger someone is, the less he/she realises the implications of his/her words.

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Yeah dude, I agree with Nugget. Crim, you're 23 and you still play, and you also said you were going to quit, and you didn't.




Let's get to a simpler matter on this




Everyone says the younger players are stupid




I'm 15, yet my Grammar, spelling, and that sort of thing is better than most of the people on here. So let's get one thing straight.




If you're older and you're gon'na say you're smarter or more mature just because you're older, at least make it seem you're older with your writing. If I didn't look at some of your ages it would seem like all of you barely passed middle school.





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I dont play runescape anymore, I enjoy the forums however and continue to use them.








And Nugget I said I was done with the little pissant arguement.




I also said








I do hope you your mature enough to let it drop.








Lets move on to a real conversation, shall we




And you simply go on to insult me.








And yes I was polite enough to respond, I normally wouldn't waste time if some random person that I have never met approached me and started screaming at me.








And thats pretty much exactly what you did.








And you claimed that you were tying to make the world a better place. I took issue with that, not that you were trying to get people to be polite








Thats not a complete statement, you didn't define whats your problem with a better place.








You said you dont have a problem with people trying to get children to be more polite, Yet then you say you have an issue with a better world?








Wouldn't polite children be better than the countless snots who walk around?












As for my spelling and grammer mistakes, lighten up, its really no big deal. If I saw corret spelling and grammer was a major issue here then I would have used it.




















Now if we can all agree that many people in general regardless of age, are complete morons we can try to move onto a solution.








Fear, these imbeciles are hardly a problem in reality. And thats because of fear, if we had a way to implement that level of fear into the game we wouldn't have a problem.

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I dont play runescape anymore, I enjoy the forums however and continue to use them.








And Nugget I said I was done with the little pissant arguement.




I also said








I do hope you your mature enough to let it drop.








Lets move on to a real conversation, shall we




And you simply go on to insult me.








And yes I was polite enough to respond, I normally wouldn't waste time if some random person that I have never met approached me and started screaming at me.








And thats pretty much exactly what you did.








And you claimed that you were tying to make the world a better place. I took issue with that, not that you were trying to get people to be polite








Thats not a complete statement, you didn't define whats your problem with a better place.








You said you dont have a problem with people trying to get children to be more polite, Yet then you say you have an issue with a better world?








Wouldn't polite children be better than the countless snots who walk around?












As for my spelling and grammer mistakes, lighten up, its really no big deal. If I saw corret spelling and grammer was a major issue here then I would have used it.




















Now if we can all agree that many people in general regardless of age, are complete morons we can try to move onto a solution.








Fear, these imbeciles are hardly a problem in reality. And thats because of fear, if we had a way to implement that level of fear into the game we wouldn't have a problem.








Lol, your post saying that we should drop the argument was about as bad as Muijs' "You're the biggest moron on the planet. Let's not make this a flame war." You insulted me through the rest of the post. I couldn't just let that stand.








I have no problem with a better world. I took issue with the fact that you thought what you were doing was actually making it such. Arguing with people a fraction of your age about manners is hardly making it better.








Polite kids would definately be a plus, I just don't think that what you're doing here is really helping.








And I guess that people in general are morons. I guess that I'd just still argue that the percentage of 13 and younger who are idiots is greater.








Anyway, this seems to be dying out. We agree to disagree on this. Barring an insulting post by Muijs or you, I'm content to let it die. Hope you all are too.

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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even though some of this may be repititive -








It seems that most of the people here are arguing that 13 year olds should be given a chance and not completely stereotyped as idiots, scammers, immature, etc.; however, you'd have to be pretty naive to deny that the age group of 13 and under is mostly stupid. You may say "well i know plenty of 13 year olds that are more intelligent and mature than my 18 year old friends", but that'd be sticking to one end of the spectrum, the 13 year olds that have been possibly influenced by "smarter" and most definitely older people. I've played rs for over 3 years now, (not the lvl 100 choobs that've played for 2 monthes, but thats a different story) and it's pretty obvious that those idiots always following you around and begging are under the age of 13. Maybe it's the way they spell, or the way they act, or the way that they do tell you sometimes they're young. "OMG but now you're being mean to the younger people!" umm...so? It's not like this thread was posted to recieve all positive feedback. There were most definitely going to be people like me or nugget that post rude, yet true facts. Maybe i am, in fact, stereotyping the idiots of runescape to younger people; but i sincerely hope that these begging nuisances aren't over 15! That would be pretty disturbing, eh? Sure, it's not very fair to say to a person that you've found out is younger and call them a noob or scammer, but there are hundreds of thousands of them out there. It seems anyone else posting against nugget or me or anyone else is either extremely bored, or just plain stupid in sticking up for a side that, despite the overwhelming majority, is very wrong. If you're so nice, go hug trees or something.








Again, you claim that the majority of 13 year old players or under are immature, so you might as well blame yourself. Like Duke said, age has very little to do with maturity, so we can all blame the 13 year olds before that set the examples for the younger kids to act like the morons they do now. So that means it's us older people's fault, is it? And still, you complain that the 13 year olds are immature? I think you guys are the ones who are immature, complaining about how 13 year olds act like idiots. There are 2 simple facts, whether age has alot to do with maturity, or it's because the people around them influence them to act the way they do. Whether either conclusion you people end up with, you might as well kill everyone 13 years or younger, and start a clean world, while setting a good example of exactly HOW you want them to behave. You people who claim you are older and more mature, shape the enviroment for the young, so why do they act like they do? It's because it's all our fault. YOUR fault. Just like if a baby was born with a defection because her mom drank beer during pregnancy, you can't blame the baby because it looks or acts the way it does, because you're the ones who set the example, and shape the enviroment. Look how despicable we are, how we let war, crime, murder, and everything else in such a catagory scum up our world we were given. I wouldn't be surprised if one day we killed ourselves.

Sup noobs.

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well kai you've made a few posts about total human genocide lately any particular reason?








Nah, it's our fate that awates us in our distant future. It's been going on since the first living thing was created in this universe, if that's what you want to call it. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, you'd be dead by then. :)

Sup noobs.

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Dont be so sure, 2012 is supposed to be the apocalypse. Its the 2nd time this many people have thought of a specific time since around Jesus. But hey maybe not.
















I've even seen some of those clowns with repent signs again, and they look like the same ones from the red scare.












But if the apocalypse doesn't come, I may see fit to help it along all I can.

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Well true, some people are more mature than others at a given age. But you gotta admit that the younger people are, the less mature they are. Just that for some, it comes faster than for others. More to the point, the younger someone is, the less he/she realises the implications of his/her words.








Ofcourse they tend to be more immature in general. Like I already said in the same post, most younger people are very impatient for example. I think some people here (not necessarily you) are also making the mistake that immaturity has little to do with someone being nice, honest and/or (trying to be) polite or not though.








As for this quote:








most scammers are under 13 years old








I doubt most scammers are younger people. Especially the more intelligent scams (for example the team scam) are probably done (at least the first time) by older people instead of younger people.. Heck, the first 4 big manipulaters were all ~18 y olds.








I think you guys are the ones who are immature, complaining about how 13 year olds act like idiots.








To be honest I think I partly agree with that. I believe the ones here that are stereotyping 13 y olds don't realise that stereotyping is a form of immaturity too. ;)

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Dont be so sure, 2012 is supposed to be the apocalypse. Its the 2nd time this many people have thought of a specific time since around Jesus. But hey maybe not.
















I've even seen some of those clowns with repent signs again, and they look like the same ones from the red scare.












But if the apocalypse doesn't come, I may see fit to help it along all I can.








Crim and others, get back on topic. We can get plenty of that sort of talk if we look for it, but these forums are about an ONLINE GAME.








On topic:








I wish JAGeX would re-poll the age groups. They did it a while back and there are *a lot* of players 16 and under, I think most. In that case, I think some of us should be careful that we're not generalizing near half of the playing community. And I still don't see why a player's age matters so much. If you're selling an item and the player offers the price you want, what's the problem? So what if he spells "thank you" "thnz ys?" And, if he says worse than that, report/ignore. Done!









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In general, most annoying players behave immaturely.




Most (but not all) immature people are young.




Ergo, most annoying players are young.








Yes, there are mature kids, and immature teens/adults. But statistically, the younger someone is, the less mature he is. This is a proven fact.








People who generalize about all of the younger players being immature ought to take a good look at themselves.








This is not a particularly difficult concept to understand, certainly not one that deserves five pages of flaming and ranting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

kai, the simple truth is that age does in fact, influence maturity. The only reason to argue with that would be that.......you're stupid. This is why adults work at things called "companies" while children play games. It is why kids go to school and why they are chaperoned pretty much everywhere they go. It is no one person's fault that kids in grade school have been so poorly raised. Perhaps it would be best to start over by conducting a massive genocide of everyone 13 and under that fails a particular test or something, but last time i checked, that's against the law...seriously.








Now it's your turn to make another completely worthless arguement




Have fun :D

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kai, the simple truth is that age does in fact, influence maturity. The only reason to argue with that would be that.......you're stupid. This is why adults work at things called "companies" while children play games. It is why kids go to school and why they are chaperoned pretty much everywhere they go. It is no one person's fault that kids in grade school have been so poorly raised. Perhaps it would be best to start over by conducting a massive genocide of everyone 13 and under that fails a particular test or something, but last time i checked, that's against the law...seriously.








Now it's your turn to make another completely worthless arguement




Have fun :D








Wow, and now you're still complaining about how 13 year olds are generally idiots, while YOU'RE being an idiot complaining about this matter. :roll: It's a fact that age has alot to do with maturity, but it's also a fact that their parents, friends, and enviroment are what made them like this. See what happens when you take a bunch of 5 year olds and raise them in an army until they're 13. Obviously, they would be much more obedient and not so idiotic like most 13 year olds, in the exception of you since you were born an idiot :wink: . Now, about the statement I made about having all 13 year olds and under getting killed is a solution to your moronic whining. You don't like 13 year olds, then DEAL WITH IT. Don't just sit there making up useless reasons why their stupid, with the fact that you're an idiot by whining as well. Why won't you go up to every 13 year old and tell them that being an idiot is bad. I'd like to see you try that. It'd be much more productive than sitting down and whining about it for the rest of your life. Seriously, get a life yourself.

Sup noobs.

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It's a generalisation, but a fair one.








There ARE rare cases of people 15 years and under who are mature enough to not make idiots of themselves, but the majority of that demographic is composed of spoilt, immature children.








And THAT is the steryotype that people go by, which is why this thread was made.. :roll:








I'm 17, and i find it completely unfair that 13 yr olds are called "immature", "racist", etc..











Yes I am a girl. No, I won't be your girlfriend. :oops:

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Well, that was a decent arguement besides your complete contradiction about age influencing maturity. My post wasn't much of an attack on annoying 13 year olds, but more of the stating of the facts in a sarcastic tone. Is there anyone on this forum that can claim to ever have met a 5 yr old that was raised in the army that also plays runescape? No. Now you're just throwing the first blatant insult that you can think of after you quickly misinterpret my post.








me? get a life?




true....just look at that obnoxious post count

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Well, that was a decent arguement besides your complete contradiction about age influencing maturity. My post wasn't much of an attack on annoying 13 year olds, but more of the stating of the facts in a sarcastic tone. Is there anyone on this forum that can claim to ever have met a 5 yr old that was raised in the army that also plays runescape? No. Now you're just throwing the first blatant insult that you can think of after you quickly misinterpret my post.











Now, the only reason i made an example of a 5 yr old being raised in a army until 13 yrs of age was to support my idea of how the enviroment and people affect a child's maturity rate, or attitude. Me? Misinterpret? Well, I never threw an insult at you the first time i replied to one of your posts, but gave my thoughts to it. As for you?








The only reason to argue with that would be that.......you're stupid.








...:roll: Sounds like an ignorant "13 year-old" to me.








Also, only the first 3-4 sentences applied to you. After that, I was only writing my thoughts about this topic.








me? get a life?




true....just look at that obnoxious post count








Right :? , and you might as well say that to anyone who's got 1 or more post counts than I have. Maybe if you thought a little, then you would've realized that I've been here for a while, and have been posting a couple each day. That basically takes up 1 hour. Wow, I guess i'm a no-life, and same goes for the other couple hundred of people who use this forum everyday. Really, is that head of yours used as a decoration?

Sup noobs.

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15 Year olds have terrible grammar, horrible punctuation, and put forth no effort to use spell check or take the time to press the letters 'y' and 'o' when spelling the word 'your'..not to mention 'ur' doesn't cover 'you're'...or well most 15 year olds that I encounter seem to act this way..same with people of younger and older age..it isn't very common for me to see people put a period at the end of a sentence anymore.




















I'm 15. :wink:

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