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found new why to get ramdon events


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1) How many times have you tested it?


2) You could be bothered?


3) ??????


4) Profit?




Couldn't resist.




doing it wrong




Also just do something, then go sit in your bank and scroll around and move crap for like 10-15 mins and close your bank, then try to teleport or bury a bone (sometimes without doing anything even) you'll get a random.




Though why you would want to sit around and get randoms is beyond me....

brb, Chris Hansen, gotta hide some stuff

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Interesting find, but not something too many people would enjoy. Too many randoms have useless rewards, and some are just annoying and/or frustrating (eg, Molly's evil twin). If I did want to get more useful randoms, I'd go Hunting.




oh i forgot molly


...that beep wont stop running away i swear 2 straight minutes just walking away from the claw

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Ir probaly will work, I'm pretty sure random events are supposed to appear after doing an action out of the ordinary, like fishing for 20 mins then burying a bone etc...

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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I sincerely doubt this concept, they're called "Random Events" for a reason, i also believe that the best way to get random events is to do a skill such as Woodcutting or Fishing. This would increase your chance due to the many autoers in the game, they make the random events happen to prevent the autoers and give them some trouble :)


There is no such thing as random in a computer program (sure you can generate a random number, but they repeat themselves very quickly if you look out for them), everything is there for a reason and has to have a pattern.




The theory behind this is if the player stays in the same location and seems to be doing nothing or the same thing over and over then you need to test them. In this case the test happens as soon as they do something different (burying bones, teleing or moving out of the area).


The timer is properly started when you enter an area (which explains why if you camp at a location then tele out or move out of the location you normally get a random).




The theory is sound, the usage is questionable and the big issue is "can this be classed as bug abuse?".


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