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Alignment of your RS char, and prominent NPCs :D


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Nice answers everyone. I been in my bed and vomiting in the toilet the last 14 hours, so havnt been on the computer. Um, very very interesting.


Keep the posts coming :)




BTW my favorite NPC in Runescape is Safalaan Hallow




I would state that he is Chaotic Good. I say this because he is not the "paladin type" character, he is a freedom fighter and he does not have a "code" of such, but rather would do anything for the good of his cause.




My Runescape char is Lawful Good. In quests he doesnt always do things "by the book" but generally he does, thus he is not lawful or chaotic. Also I would say he is "good" because he has low hunter and thieving, meaning he doesn't steal and kill cute animals.




Feel free to add me ingame if you want to chat :D

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1. If I had a choice, either Chaotic or Neutral Evil. However, the quest sort of make us Lawful Neutral




2. Dragonkin (Technically an NPC) - Somewhere between Neutral and Chaotic Evil, because from what we have heard they sure do like to kill anything not related to the Kin in a way they like.




Sorry, I'm not very good at pinning specific paths on people.

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Thanks to Killerwat for the sig!

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