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A thought about Multi Combat...


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Well Mages have to do the very hard Desert Treasure quest to get a staff that you can atk more than one person in.




Which by far Mages own everything right now... :roll:








So why not add multi for Ranegrs and Meelers?








A ranger quest for a new bows with a DOUBLE SPEC!Not 1 crappy spec, which shoots a flurry of say like 4 Arrows? And can hit up to 4 people. Better the arrows the better the dmg of course :wink: No idea what the quest would be but yea...








And Meleers would also do a quest to iunno get some Kind of 1 Handed Bone looking hammer? And it would also have a double spec which if you use it, you bash the ground and hit everyone around you within a certain ratio. No idea what the quest would be though...








(btw, when you have no specs it just atks like a normal weapon until you use specs so youd need to use them WELL. Sure Mages get like infinite multi atks, but they're like 2k ea?)








Just a thought, they might actually do something like this if someone posted a better thing like this on Runescape boards. Just a thought, what do you think? :wink:

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I agree meleers should...but rangers already have multi-combat Rune Axe Specials. I agree they should make something less strong, but that attacks 100% multi. Who knows...maybe they will...maybe they won't. I am a meleer through and through, and I could honestly care less anyways. :?



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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aww maybe something like "Storm of Arrows", where the ranger just shoots up like as many arrows as theyre players in his area, and it hits them, each arrow takes like 10% special, and hit up to 10 people

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well you are right...but if a ranger shot a flurry. Think of this.








400 x 10= 4k to hit 10 people




As example.








About melee...you're right, :? Their weapons are free...can't really think of any fair way to even out that :?

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r2h - 50k, since its a low range good weapon - to calculate costs...




714 mith arrows at 70 ea - 49980




Lep1423 said ancient magics(am) is 2k ea = 25 casts








r2h - around 6-26 damage depending on str




mith arrows - around 8-14 damage depending on bow and range level




am - 20-30 damage








damage after hitting 25 times




r2h - 150-650




mith arrows - 200-350




am - 500-750








Just because weapons have a one time payment doesn't make it 0 cost over time. Also, if you look at the stats, the bow and magics would hit much faster than the r2h making the damage 7-10 times powerful - if you used a whip in comparison then it would be a 5 mil weapon... 2.5 mil casts of am and when you throw in entangle, insane power that damages multiple targets...or 12.5k of the 400 gp arrows which equals more insane damage and both of those are range so combined with entangle and teleblock, instadeath...








~Melee needs help~

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About melee...you're right, :? Their weapons are free...can't really think of any fair way to even out that :?








how about charges?mabye the weapon have 5 charge of special attack




once its gone u need to pay $ to recharge








Yeah, like crystal bows, make it so that you have to rapair them after a certain number of uses.








The cost of the repair should be like 1k each to even it out with mages.

RsN: Arcade

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rangers get the throwing axe spec (like 10 multi shots per bar) meleers get drag halbred spec and mages get multi spells. although they need a bit of work, dont say that all classes cant hit multi targets

R.I.P. Shiva

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rangers get the throwing axe spec (like 10 multi shots per bar) meleers get drag halbred spec and mages get multi spells. although they need a bit of work, dont say that all classes cant hit multi targets








the meele have the smallest range,maybe the dragon hal can be change to a complete sweep around u :)

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I don't understand why people want all the classes to be different and unique, yet simutaniously want each class to do exactly the same thing. Mages can hit more than one person with a spell, thats a mage advantage. If everyone had it, it wouldn't be special, would it?

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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raichaise makes a valid point that the different abilities make the different combat styles more unique.
making classes unique doesnt have to mean that 1 class gets a huge advantage by being able to hit multiple targets indefinately. it may work better if meleers and rangers got an advantage on the lvl of multiple targets

R.I.P. Shiva

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