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Back to my goal!


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Well a while back i set myself a goal of killing Green Dragons for 99HP. I gave up on that goal and decided to just get 99HP using PC, which i now have. So last night after getting the Skill Cape i've wanted ever since i started playing i decided that its time for me to start making some money. I decided to get back to my goal and this time try kill 45k Green Dragons, yes 45 000 Green Dragons. This might sound like a crazy task, but there is method behind my madness. Killing 45k Green Dragons will give me the right ammount of bones needed to get 99Prayer and the money from the dragonhides will give me enough money to get me to 99Magic and 99Ranged. Killing 45k Green Dragons will also give me the right ammount of Exp to max out my Melee Stats. So this would mean i am going to end up with 99's in the following: Str, Att, Def, HP, Mage, Prayer, Ranged. Killing 45k Green Dragons should also give me enough Green and Crimson to get me to 80 or more Summoning and i should still have enough money left to get that. Now i have some questions:




1.)With 92Ranged, how much would it cost me more or less to get 99Ranged using GREY Chins?




2.) What would be the best method to get 99Mage from 74? (Please note i only have the Basic Spell Book.)


Is it worth getting 99Mage if i dont do PvP or dont have any of the other Spell Books?




3.) Is it worth getting 99Prayer? Or should i stop at something like 90?


What would be the fastest way to get 90 or 99Prayer? Ecto or gilded Altar?




4.) How much would it cost me to get my summoning level to 88 if i have enough charms? (57 Summoning atm.)




5.) If i have any money left over (which i should have, what should i spend it on?



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

[hide=Slaytanicc's Achievments]|99Cooking achieved 24Dec 2008|99Strength achieved 17Feb 2009|99Hit Points achieved 8April 2009|

|99Defense achieved 29May 2009|99Attack achieved 2August 2009|99Ranged achieved 14August 2009|[/hide]

[hide=Guides by Slaytanicc]Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide (Must Read!!)

Iron Mining + Banking Guide

Green Dragons Guide

Ankou Slaying Guide[/hide]

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3)I don't think it's much use after 90, but people get it just for the achievement, but Gilded alter all the way.




The other questions I'm not so sure about, but I've heard grey chins are pretty bad to train with.

grey chins are cheaper then red chins




and for you mage goal here is a alch profit/loss calc





A slaYer KiD.png


Effigies: 5


draconic visage: 1

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3)I don't think it's much use after 90, but people get it just for the achievement, but Gilded alter all the way.




The other questions I'm not so sure about, but I've heard grey chins are pretty bad to train with.

grey chins are cheaper then red chins




and for you mage goal here is a alch profit/loss calc






i wont be alchicng. Much to slow. im lookin for upwards of 80k exp an hour. i Dont really care about loosing money as long as its not more than 25mil - ish. Im pretty sure enchanting D Bolts is going to cost me 25mil more or less.



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

[hide=Slaytanicc's Achievments]|99Cooking achieved 24Dec 2008|99Strength achieved 17Feb 2009|99Hit Points achieved 8April 2009|

|99Defense achieved 29May 2009|99Attack achieved 2August 2009|99Ranged achieved 14August 2009|[/hide]

[hide=Guides by Slaytanicc]Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide (Must Read!!)

Iron Mining + Banking Guide

Green Dragons Guide

Ankou Slaying Guide[/hide]

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3)I don't think it's much use after 90, but people get it just for the achievement, but Gilded alter all the way.




The other questions I'm not so sure about, but I've heard grey chins are pretty bad to train with.

grey chins are cheaper then red chins




and for you mage goal here is a alch profit/loss calc






i wont be alchicng. Much to slow. im lookin for upwards of 80k exp an hour. i Dont really care about loosing money as long as its not more than 25mil - ish. Im pretty sure enchanting D Bolts is going to cost me 25mil more or less.




mabye use the spell tht strings ammys i heard it is around 125k-150k an hour and


it is semi-afkable

A slaYer KiD.png


Effigies: 5


draconic visage: 1

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