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Lego Star Wars


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Anyone else ever play the awesome game known as Lego Star Wars? On the surface it's a "kid's game". But there's more to it then that. Maybe it's just the fact that I grew up with Lego's and I am a moderate Star Wars fan. In any case this game is one of the best I ever played. I got it 3 monthes ago from a friend who bought it but his graphic card wasn't good enough to play it. My computer was 2 years old so I took it and installed it... no luck. Apparently you need "pixel shading" :(




2 weeks ago I bought my new laptop (Dell Inspiron 6000), I made sure to buy the best video card they offered, a 128 MB RADEON X300 . THe day after I got it i installed the game and to my delight it worked :D. Yay!




The game was more then I expected. First off the graphics are awesome, yet simple (I mean there lego guys, how many pixels do you need :P) the game is able to have 30+ guys on the screen all fighting without even getting remotely choppy. The game play is great, it uses so few buttons but you can do so much. The cut scenes are humerous, and immensely enjoyable. Also, whoever you come across in the game you can play as in free mode. This means you can a group as diverse as Darth Maul, Vader, Yoda, and Greivious to save Qween Amadala (sp?).




Also one of the best features in the Co-op you can have. You can play the game by yourself for as long as you want but at any given time a 2nd player can hop in, and just as easily as he came that 2nd player can leave without interrupting game play. The game is so simple its immensely awesome.








Anyway, that was a long ramble. Does anyone else play this game? I was shocked to find a measly 1 walkthough on game faqs and not a single fan site :cry:. I like to talk with others about games, or at least get their opinion on stuff like coolest/best characters, funniest scene, best level, etc. Hence my post here. :wink:

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I played it on ps2, and i found it was a very good game. It wasnt too deep, and has little single player replay value once you unlock and play as everythinng a couple times, but it was still suprisingly fun. There are better star wars games out there...but i still liked playing it alot more than i anticipated.

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[bleep]ing awesome game! I rented it with a friend a while back and fell in love. Sure it had depth issues and not real complex due to limited moves and no character building, but the option of like 50 different available people was awesome. Not to mention the Pick-It-Up-And-Play Mario quality it had. Don't have to sit there for 10 hours just figuring out the game :roll:

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I didn't like it. The combat is bad, there are about 3 moves you can execute, and all you really need to do in order to go through the entire game is keep pressing the attack button. You can't use the force freely either, only in specific places and on certain items, and although you can unlock lots of characters they all belong into one of the character sub categories (force user or gun user) so they basically differ in appearance only.

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I didn't like it. The combat is bad, there are about 3 moves you can execute, and all you really need to do in order to go through the entire game is keep pressing the attack button. You can't use the force freely either, only in specific places and on certain items, and although you can unlock lots of characters they all belong into one of the character sub categories (force user or gun user) so they basically differ in appearance only.








You're caring way to much...everything you mentioned is what I actually enjoyed. You can sit there and just play. Dont' have to think..it's like Mario.

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Its a brilliant game. I keep playing it over again even though I seem to have 40 million studs and all characters, cheat modes and hints and levels.








I was disappointed when I got darth vader, he should of got like a special move. Come on, he is the hardest character to get in the ENTIRE game.








The game has over 50 characters which is awesome and darth sidious is a brilliant character to play.

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Its a brilliant game. I keep playing it over again even though I seem to have 40 million studs and all characters, cheat modes and hints and levels.








I was disappointed when I got darth vader, he should of got like a special move. Come on, he is the hardest character to get in the ENTIRE game.








The game has over 50 characters which is awesome and darth sidious is a brilliant character to play.








Here's a fun extra thing to do if you have 2 people. Pick a level (i usually take Grevious's one) but instead of picking a character you and another person closes their eyes and pushed up and left a bunch then "ok" a few times until you hear the star wars music. Open your eyes, load the level and hit grevious once so he runs away. Now you and the 2nd player duke it out with whoever you have. Once a person dies you take a time out and who ever died switches to character one to the right (or left if you prefer, but keep it the same thoughout the match). Each person has five lives, aka five random characters to try and kill your opponants five random characters :) It sounds silly but its extremly fun getting killed by ObiWan and not knowing if you'll last life will be someone like Darth Vader or someone like CP30. Oh and yes, I have beaten up on the Chancellor as Yoda, and many a pk driod was slaughtered by Mace Windu ;) its all chance, and its endless fun.

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