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Can i get the broom back from Maggie?


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I was clearing out my bank today when i came upon a broom (the one you got from the quest of H'lloween 08). I decided to destroy it but then i looked on the warning sign and instead of getting it back from Diango i can get it back from Maggie. I was wondering if i destroy can i get it back even though im f2p (a friend said she had moved to a place in p2p). If i can get it back is she still by the crafting guild? If not where?




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I don't think you can get it back if it says Maggie gives it, because she is near the legends guild now. Btw was it the only item you could get from the halloween event, because if it wasn't it probably counts as a quest reward as you can still get it now if you do the quest and Diango won't give it back.



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You can get it back from Maggie. In p2p worlds Maggie is at the Legends guild *(a bit west from it) and in f2p worlds you get to her realm by talking to Wendy south from Falador. (Maggie's realm is the only f2p exclusive area in Runescape as changing to a p2p world will teleport you out.)

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